June 04, 2023, 12:29 PM
RPROGASMega 450 Questions
My son Rob drove my roadster yesterday and encountered several issues, this morning he sent me the list. The box was in "Bracket" mode.
1.The line lock not holding the brakes when in the water box (the brake pressure gauge registering 800 pounds). It held for me the last time I drove the car. Fuse was good.
2. The gas pedal falls to the floor when the line lock button is pressed making the burn out nearly impossible. As soon as the button is released the throttle goes to full wide open.
Need help fixing these two problems.
June 04, 2023, 01:17 PM
SP 124XThe problem is most likely one in the same. It sounds to me like your line lock is wired through the mega 450 sfo output and you're also trying to use a starting line enhancer or throttle stop that may be jumped to the sfo output also.
Without actually seeing that wiring it's hard to say. I'd recommend not running through actual line lock output from the SFO and just run the line lock output from the switch to the line lock and leave the 12v line lock signal connected to LLPB to start the recording.
If you are not trying to run a starting line enhancer in bracket mode try SFO mode 3.
June 04, 2023, 01:34 PM
SP 124XAfter thinking a little you may currently be in SFO mode 3 in which case you'd want mode 1 for SLE or mode 5 for no SLE.
Like I said it's tough without seeing how it's wired.
June 04, 2023, 06:52 PM
RPROGASIt was SFO #3, changed it to #5 I'll test it tomorrow.
Thanks Denis
June 07, 2023, 07:46 AM
SP 124Xquote:
Originally posted by RPROGAS:
It was SFO #3, changed it to #5 I'll test it tomorrow.
Thanks Denis
Did the SFO mode solve your problems?
June 07, 2023, 08:07 AM
RPROGASGood Morning Denis:
Got side-tracked with other commitments but will test using #5 and see if it fixes the issue. I'm pretty certain that you hit the nail on the head.
Thanks again and have a great day!
June 07, 2023, 01:38 PM
rustyi think mine is on 1 and i have a seperate button to drop the pedal..if that button is not used it will fall when tb is pressed
June 10, 2023, 10:02 AM
RPROGASChanged the SFO from #3 to #5 and that corrected the issue Rob had last weekend. I may end up trying #1 so the SLE works.
Thanks guys!