Bracket Talk
Temp sensor in trans line
February 20, 2018, 04:08 PM
ollies69Temp sensor in trans line
Trying to install a temp sensor in the -6 trans line. What fitting do you use. The auto meter block that they sell is a monstrosity.
February 20, 2018, 05:38 PM
A39CoronetJoe's Racing makes a real nice manifold. I put one on my car last winter trying to avoid drilling into my cast aluminum pan.
February 20, 2018, 06:53 PM
David GerardHere is what I used.
Lots to choose from!
February 20, 2018, 10:12 PM
AlkyIROCPut the sensor in the pan.
February 20, 2018, 10:48 PM
EmanWhy in the line?
February 21, 2018, 12:10 AM
ollies69Because in the pan is after it has been thru the cooler.Putting it in the line tells me how hard I am on the convertor. I have on in the pan
February 21, 2018, 09:36 AM
1320racerevery professionally plumbed and wired car I have seen including both of mine have the sensor in the pan.
You obviously have a trans issue based on your several threads, posts, comments.
February 21, 2018, 09:55 AM
RymoReally great piece of technical knowledge there!! If every reply from you is, "all I know is I call the most reputable builders and do what they tell me" then why are you on this forum? Keep your moobs off the keyboard and maybe try and learn something. Or go order a $105,000 dragster so you can make the buyback line prettier.
Ryan Fasano
2014 Byron Overall Track Champion
Byron's actual elevation is 730' because that matters more than winning anything ever....
February 21, 2018, 09:59 AM
1320racer^^^says the CLUELESS nobody with JUNK!
February 21, 2018, 10:05 AM
Rymo^^^^^ says the man-bra wearing, out of business driving, non-winning, most valuable buyback driver of the century clueless puppet who hasn't done shyt nor won shyt with his 25000 passes.
Ryan Fasano
2014 Byron Overall Track Champion
Byron's actual elevation is 730' because that matters more than winning anything ever....
February 21, 2018, 10:24 AM
Mike BeckSeveral fitting companies make a -6 male to -6 female fitting with a 1/8" NPT h0le. They aren't that big. If you have a trans cooler with AN fittings it is simple.
February 21, 2018, 10:24 AM
1320racermust be true, I read it on an internet forum, from a clueless jealous nobody with JUNK.
February 21, 2018, 10:56 AM
Roger McGinnisIn the pan
February 21, 2018, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by 1320racer:
must be true, I read it on an internet forum, from a clueless jealous nobody with JUNK.
1Ed, are you making new friends again?
February 21, 2018, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by Roger McGinnis:
In the pan
Roger McGinnis...knows

February 21, 2018, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by ollies69:
Because in the pan is after it has been thru the cooler.Putting it in the line tells me how hard I am on the convertor. I have on in the pan
I have mine in the pan because I wanted to know the transmission temperature going into converter. I can understand why you want it on the outlet and would like to know the results.
What ever it does not matter where so and so sticks it. In fact it is easy enough to move it from one to the other to see he difference. Go for it. Your car you do what you want."Dunning-Kruger Effect"
-a type of Cognitive bias where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they do not have enough knowledge to know they don't have enough knowledge.
Before you argue with someone ask yourself, "Is this person mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective?" If not there is no point to argue.
4X NE2 CHAMPION. 2020 TDRA NE2 Champion
February 21, 2018, 11:57 AM
ollies691320 Racer. No I dont have a trans issue! I did find last season the trans temp was creeping higher than it should. Since I have straightened that out. And no I dont have a dragster its a 3200 door car that runs in the 8s that I bracket race with.And I did not find this idea of a sensor in a cooler line on a forum.
February 21, 2018, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by Curly1:
What ever it does not matter where so and so sticks it.
This thread is a lot more open-minded than the Caitlyn Jenner thread in General Discussion.
Tony Leonard
February 21, 2018, 12:16 PM
Bob NicholsSounds like you are thinking like an engineer. Good for you. You have the right approach to finding your solution. The other thing you can do if space is a problem with the fitting solution that was previously offered is to use a -6AN T fitting and you can thread one of the exposed legs with a 1/8 NPT tap and thread the sensor directly into it.
February 21, 2018, 12:33 PM
Originally posted by ollies69:
its a 3200 door car that runs in the 8s that I bracket race with.
As is mine and as I do and my temp sensor is in the pan where it belongs.