Bracket Talk
Delay Box Racing...
March 21, 2024, 10:51 AM
fuzzy diceDelay Box Racing...
I am going to begin top bulb racing this weekend for the first time ever in my life..been bottom bulbing for 25 years..I have an S-10 running 6.30's in the 1/8...
I will most likely be the slower vehicle almost all the time..I know to put both dials in if I am the faster car but what do I put in the box when I am the slower car so crosstalk works properly?...
Oh yeah, I have a K&R Pro cube delay box for what it's worth...thanks..
March 21, 2024, 10:55 AM
Bob Paytoneither 0.00 or your dial 6.30
March 21, 2024, 11:26 AM
markemarkLike suggested prior, using 0.00 for OppDial-In is good.
I dial close to same as you and prefer to set the OppDial-In to 6.00. This way I only need to adjust the last two digits if running someone slower. And if they dial in the 7’s moving the first number to the left on the decimal is only one entry.
Be advised, when returning to the pits after running someone slower, adjusting the OppDial-In to the prior setting of less than your dial is wise. Many racers have been caught with incorrect numbers in the OPPDial-In from the prior run.
March 21, 2024, 02:09 PM
TomRIf I'm the slower car (which I normally am, are, am whatever) I put my dial on both side of the cube.
72 Nova "Hooptie"
March 21, 2024, 02:41 PM
Nim RodI usually just 0 the other side out when getting chased. I also don't normally put the opponents dial-in in my box until after my burnout. I've had people lie/change it in the staging lanes so I just read the board when we come around for the run as I know it will be correct. It's the last thing I double check before I stage.
Not Hot Rod, not Super Rod, not Quick Rod, but the one and only NimRod
March 21, 2024, 03:39 PM
GoobI put my dial in and leave the other 0000.
Then I make it REAL easy by putting the big circled "N" on with my dial, no crosstalk for me.
I highly recommend doing that.
I cross over so rarely, it just throws me off mentally, so I don't participate.
I don't like it (crosstalk) anyway.
"Despite the high cost of living, it remains popular."
Dave Cook
March 21, 2024, 04:35 PM
Big SteveWhen I am the slower car I always put my dial on both sides but that's just me
March 21, 2024, 06:51 PM
Lenny5160I would suggest always leaving 00.00 in the opponent side of the box unless you have a slower opponent.
I’ve seen it happen a few times where a racer would be in the right lane and then enter their opponent’s dial on the left side of the box. If you always keep the right side at 00.00, it is clear where the opponent dial should go. I mean, beyond that side of the box being labeled for the opponent’s dial.
Tony Leonard
March 21, 2024, 09:19 PM
fuzzy diceOK...thanks folks...this is a big help..looks like all zero's or my dial on the opponents side is the ticket..
March 22, 2024, 08:00 PM
183NSuppose it kind of depends on the box…
With my mega 450 I press clear for opponent dial so that’s zeros. When I drive my wife’s car which has a K&R box, it’s usually quicker to just match the dials with the up/down switches.
As long as opponent dial is the same or lower than your dial(in the box), the delay isn’t doing anything.
March 23, 2024, 08:42 PM
AlkyIROCI always put 000 for my opponent and just go off my own light. Never correct for a slow reaction time. You just want enough delay that you can't red light.
March 23, 2024, 09:36 PM
TonyB6255If you are ever the faster car and cross over, make sure you zero out the opponent before you get out of the car. You don't want to forget that for your next run if you are the slower car.
It will seem like an eternity staring at the green light waiting for your car to leave.
March 26, 2024, 09:24 AM
fuzzy diceI made my maiden voyage last weekend at is very different than ran dragsters both times in elims..put my dial on both sides of the box...worked fine..I missed the tree with a 70 and 54 light but it is a start after 23 years of bottom bulb racing..gotta practice leaving off the top bulb for sure...that delay got my attention as well..apparently a little guy with a ballpeen hammer was hiding behind me and whacked me in the head when the truck
March 26, 2024, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by fuzzy dice:
I made my maiden voyage last weekend at is very different than ran dragsters both times in elims..put my dial on both sides of the box...worked fine..I missed the tree with a 70 and 54 light but it is a start after 23 years of bottom bulb racing..gotta practice leaving off the top bulb for sure...that delay got my attention as well..apparently a little guy with a ballpeen hammer was hiding behind me and whacked me in the head when the truck
Tree comes quick, especially if you stage last.
It's a struggle....I raced top and bottom at the same time for a couple of years, it can get hectic trying to remember which lamp to hit.

Practice tree is your friend for a while.
"Despite the high cost of living, it remains popular."
Dave Cook
March 27, 2024, 11:26 AM
ski_dwn_itWhy not just get in the habit of always putting in the correct opponents dial?
Makes you pay attention and think about what the race should look like as it develops .
March 28, 2024, 09:15 AM
fuzzy dicequote:
Originally posted by ski_dwn_it:
Why not just get in the habit of always putting in the correct opponents dial?
Makes you pay attention and think about what the race should look like as it develops .
Hey ski...I haven't talked to you since my vette will look into putting my opponents dial in all the time...I need a bit of practice to be sure for this top bulb deal...
March 28, 2024, 09:24 AM
vetmanGet a practice tree and wear it out-it helps
The difference between ignorance and stupidity. Ignorance is lack of knowledge. Stupidity is the inability to learn. Don't be stupid
March 28, 2024, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by Goob:
Originally posted by fuzzy dice:
I made my maiden voyage last weekend at is very different than ran dragsters both times in elims..put my dial on both sides of the box...worked fine..I missed the tree with a 70 and 54 light but it is a start after 23 years of bottom bulb racing..gotta practice leaving off the top bulb for sure...that delay got my attention as well..apparently a little guy with a ballpeen hammer was hiding behind me and whacked me in the head when the truck
Tree comes quick, especially if you stage last.
It's a struggle....I raced top and bottom at the same time for a couple of years, it can get hectic trying to remember which lamp to hit.

Practice tree is your friend for a while.
A couple times a year I race 6.0 index and Footbrake at the same race. The first few times I hit the .400 tree it took me a minute to realize I was going from the stage light to the bottom bulb. LOL No wonder I sucked for a little bit. Stage light to top amber is much better. I have been a foot feeder so long it just feels wrong.
Did manage to make the finals in both at the same race though. Seabass and Rusty were there for that race. It rained as soon as they called us for the finals and we ended up splitting. Pretty good pay day.
2017 and 2018 Osage Casinos Tulsa Raceway Park No-Box Champion
2018 Div4 Goodguys Hammer award winner
March 28, 2024, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by fuzzy dice:
I made my maiden voyage last weekend at is very different than ran dragsters both times in elims..put my dial on both sides of the box...worked fine..I missed the tree with a 70 and 54 light but it is a start after 23 years of bottom bulb racing..gotta practice leaving off the top bulb for sure...that delay got my attention as well..apparently a little guy with a ballpeen hammer was hiding behind me and whacked me in the head when the truck
Competing in a class that mixes dragsters with door cars from the start is a tough deal and will be an expensive learning experience imho. If they are allowed to double it’ll be 2x as painful.
After your 1st rd loss, did you enter the buyback round?
March 29, 2024, 07:52 AM
Originally posted by fuzzy dice:
Originally posted by ski_dwn_it:
Why not just get in the habit of always putting in the correct opponents dial?
Makes you pay attention and think about what the race should look like as it develops .
Hey ski...I haven't talked to you since my vette will look into putting my opponents dial in all the time...I need a bit of practice to be sure for this top bulb deal...
I'm still wrenching and refining mine. This winter was a major overhaul of just about everything.
I go from bottom to top nearly every race. Don't make it harder than it needs to be. Your letting go on the first indication of light. When I started the top was far easier after years of bottom. And it made me concentrate more on the bottom. Usually have to choose which class every year for bracket finals because I make it in both. Race both as much as you can and just have fun.