Eman the bad thing is when they don't work you are done which you know. See next season
Allen Chamberlin
January 20, 2019, 07:04 PM
Nova Go
Allen, what rpm launch and trans brake I assume? How hard does it hit the tire? Thanks
January 21, 2019, 09:12 AM
Allen Chamberlin
5400 transbrake and it hits the tires hard. Loose extension and tight compression
Allen Chamberlin
January 21, 2019, 11:52 PM
Nova Go
Allen, PM sent
March 01, 2020, 11:13 AM
Keith Richards 768Q
Sorry to dig this old post up but not many threads on MT PBR 32-14's out there. I have been running GY 2078's pretty much exclusively since 2003 with great repeating 60's over the years but have been wanting to try big radials for the lack of tubes and rim screws. Car is a '70 Challenger square tube car with ladder/coil over and Strange struts in the front that goes 9.0's 1.28 60' at 2700# with me in it. I ordered the MT PBR 32-14 recently and probably sending them back as they are date coded 39/17 and 40/17 so over 2 years old.... this was from one of the big retailers so was quite surprised. Our these tires a thing of the past in the 32-14? Thinking I might try a set of the bias 3074's now. Or is being over 2 years old non issue with the PBR's? Looking for any input? Thanks.
March 01, 2020, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by Keith Richards 768Q: Thinking I might try a set of the bias 3074's now. .
I recently went back to using MT 3074S July 2019 after I had bead locks installed. Same exact size as 3074 but are stiff wall. I ordered from Chris Barker (Barker Trailer Sales 606.776.5526) .
These came directly from MT and one was dated 6/ 2019 and the other 5/ 2018. The one yr old one was dirty / dusty from sitting in a warehouse. I called Chris explained what I received and he had MT send a new matching replacement tire (it was marked 6/2019 and exact same roll out) and picked up the older tire. Besides great service Chris Barker also has competitive pricing.
I had Hoosier 18245 stiff wall (32x14) for 7 yrs. I went back to MT because they list them as having better air retention than previous. I did soap them with Walmart brand 3X dish soap and they do not leak.
My car is 2820#, 6.0 / 9.5 , but am using a higher trans gear now to slow ET and keep MPH.
I do the same 3-4 second BO with the MT as I did with the Hoosiers. 101 runs on them now. I like them, going to see if 200+ runs possible and will replace with same again. Compared to the Hoosier, the MT leaves less tire residue on the rear quarters, and is very consistent 60’s in my car. I ended up using 1 lb less air in the MT compared to the Hoosiers.
No radials for me. I don't see them in the $$$,$$$ Winner / RU circles.
March 01, 2020, 12:34 PM
Mike Rietow
Originally posted by Keith Richards 768Q: Sorry to dig this old post up but not many threads on MT PBR 32-14's out there. I have been running GY 2078's pretty much exclusively since 2003 with great repeating 60's over the years but have been wanting to try big radials for the lack of tubes and rim screws. Car is a '70 Challenger square tube car with ladder/coil over and Strange struts in the front that goes 9.0's 1.28 60' at 2700# with me in it. I ordered the MT PBR 32-14 recently and probably sending them back as they are date coded 39/17 and 40/17 so over 2 years old.... this was from one of the big retailers so was quite surprised. Our these tires a thing of the past in the 32-14? Thinking I might try a set of the bias 3074's now. Or is being over 2 years old non issue with the PBR's? Looking for any input? Thanks.
A guy I know just went to radials, full chassis light car with a sbc. He says the radials are way better. He went from 5.60's to 5.50's.
He's a serious long time Super Pro bracket racer, to give you an idea of what he means by "way better".
I'd follow through with your plan if the car works good. I'd want a do over delivery, of fresh tires though.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Mike Rietow,
March 01, 2020, 02:07 PM
Mike Rietow
I forgot this text was sent to show me how good the radial is, I think he said he was chipp'n away at shock adjustments during the race a little, said it wants to wheely now. He did say they're fast and crazy consistent though. This car was going 1.2360ft on a bias tire.
This message has been edited. Last edited by: Mike Rietow,
March 01, 2020, 05:11 PM
I was thinking about trying this tire but hearing to many cons on them....MT had one set at the million last year a they where also date coded 17’....
March 02, 2020, 10:59 AM
I don’t know why you are so worried about date code on tires. Ones on my car were made October 2015 and I went 5.23 last fall with them. They sat on my old car for two years in my shed. Hoosier they are though.
March 02, 2020, 11:14 AM
Mike Rietow
Originally posted by green1: I don’t know why you are so worried about date code on tires. Ones on my car were made October 2015 and I went 5.23 last fall with them. They sat on my old car for two years in my shed. Hoosier they are though.
If you pull an old set of tires out of your shed you've run the same part# for years, and they don't work, you might say hmmmm, I guess they don't work if they sit around, I better buy a new set.
On the other hand if you buy a set of radials and they don't work, you might say hmmmm, these things don't work, I wonder if it has anything to do with them being two years old" . But you're not gonna say I better buy a new set.
There's a variable with the radial, when there's not a variable with the tires you've run for years, you pull out of the shed.
March 02, 2020, 01:51 PM
Not why I said that, I said it because ever time tires get talked about on here they are always concerned about date they were made. I just buy tires and install, never checked the date on them and never had an issue.
March 12, 2020, 06:21 PM
I do believe tires have a useful shelf life. If i buy new tires i don't expect them to be 3 years old. Heck in 3 years they could of changed tire compounds to something better. Another question i have with these tires is how are the rollouts on them? I don't know how many sets of mickeys I've bought(bias) that the rollouts were off by a significant amount.
March 13, 2020, 10:45 PM
Bought the set of 29.5/10.5 PBR’s in August of 2017. Last weekend I lost in the semi’s, flickered the stage bulb and redlit. It was a pretty long day, first of two time shots was at 11am-ish. It was around 11pm when I lost in semi’s. All day long 60’ moved less than .01. 3700 pound big block chevelle, 60’ 1.48/ low 6.60’s at 104. Not even gonna tell you what the date code on these PBR’s are, nobody would believe it. PBR’s flat out work!
April 06, 2020, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by RacerVX54: has to be a low to mid 5 car running these somewhere
Brian, we will be but on Hoosier radials at some point this season.
April 06, 2020, 01:29 PM
Mike Rietow
Stick a go pro camera under the car. If the shaft disappears in the main body of the damper after the tire grabs traction, you're gonna have work to do in order to transition over into running a radial tire competitively at the top levels of competition, of any given class.
(Gravity) As far as slower than 6.00 heavy cars go, a heavy slow car on a small tire challenges the tire more than a light or heavy big tire car, fast or slow. Point being it's not logical to look at it in this fashion, we know the small radial tires work on heavy cars slower than 6.00, why wouldn't the bigger sizes work fast or slow. They will.
You can't wind up a radial dead hook. If the shaft is disappearing in the main body of the damper dead hook, you'll have work to do.
April 10, 2020, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by 1320racer:
Originally posted by RacerVX54: has to be a low to mid 5 car running these somewhere
Brian, we will be but on Hoosier radials at some point this season.
Nice looking forward to your experience. Keep us posted
"Just Shut Up and Race"
Brian Martin Martin Racing 5.50 126
May 28, 2020, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by RacerVX54: has to be a low to mid 5 car running these somewhere
Brian, following up...not mid 5s yet but first weekend out launching off the trans brake on Hoosier's 32/13.5 radial was very good.
May 28, 2020, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by 1320racer:
Originally posted by RacerVX54: has to be a low to mid 5 car running these somewhere
Brian, following up...not mid 5s yet but first weekend out launching off the trans brake on Hoosier's 32/13.5 radial was very good.