Bracket Talk
Will it clear? BLP Dominator 2" cowl 69 Nova sbc

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April 15, 2021, 09:55 AM
Mike Rietow
Will it clear? BLP Dominator 2" cowl 69 Nova sbc
Oughta look like a grocery getter flat hood no chin spoiler & rally wheels

April 15, 2021, 05:32 PM
Assuming stock mounting on the engine.. With a supervic intake two inch spacer and dominator, mine clears. I think your intake is taller than mine. If I place a board across the fenders, carb sits 1.5 inches below. With the hood on, I have 3 inches from the top of the carb to the hood.

Bill Simpkins
74 Nova
SBC 406
3240 pounds
Speierracing heads

60 1.27 (10/16)
1/8 6.03@111 (10/16)
Best 9.87@131 on the rev limitor 1 Feb 2013




FTI Converter

April 15, 2021, 09:15 PM
Mike Rietow
Originally posted by banjo:
Assuming stock mounting on the engine.. With a supervic intake two inch spacer and dominator, mine clears. I think your intake is taller than mine. If I place a board across the fenders, carb sits 1.5 inches below. With the hood on, I have 3 inches from the top of the carb to the hood.

I think If I drill hole for the front air horn it'll work. Smile

You did just give me a really good idea. I have tall engine mounts off a BBC on this.

Lay a yard stick on your needle seat set screw, like this, lets see what it looks like.

April 15, 2021, 09:45 PM
Mike Rietow
I have several options including a 4150 SV2 intake and BLP Bx4 carb.

I saw this Nova on a live feed, I think the 2" cowl look great on Nova's for bracket racing.

Really like this car

April 16, 2021, 02:15 AM
Wrong liar, you saw this nova on a you tube video I made and posted by me here back in November, about the best engineered car at the largest door car race in history, the white Firebird making just shy of 1000HP with a 4150 carb under the stock flat hood, in the other lane. NahNahTounge Further proof you too read all my posts. Laughing very hard
April 16, 2021, 07:18 AM
Here are some pics. The front need/seat sits just barely above the inner fender line. Let me know if you need any other perspectives.

Bill Simpkins
74 Nova
SBC 406
3240 pounds
Speierracing heads

60 1.27 (10/16)
1/8 6.03@111 (10/16)
Best 9.87@131 on the rev limitor 1 Feb 2013




FTI Converter

April 16, 2021, 08:01 AM
Mike Rietow
Those photo's are gonna help me out a ton Sir, thank you taking the time.

I don't have the hood in my possession, but I know exactly what I gotta do.
April 16, 2021, 08:25 AM
Mike Rietow

Further proof I read your posts? We already discussed the race, you only posted the video 10,000 times. I asked then and I'll ask you now again, why did your driver dive at the stripe 1 above and behind?

This is an easy race for the Nova with a good light, your driver handed to him on a silver platter.

I really like the looks of this Nova, thanks for posting the video 10,000 times, or I might haven't seen it.
April 16, 2021, 08:51 AM
First I’ve posted this video only one time before this thread and that’s the thread you obviously read often. NahNahTounge Second only you our self proclaimed bracket god that ain’t done shyt outside of his duck pond and quit racing 4 years ago because he couldn’t keep his pos in his lane resulting in a DQ, could find issue with a very skillful driver putting a 13thousands package on his competitor, purposely getting behind Laughing very hard

This message has been edited. Last edited by: 1320racer, April 16, 2021 09:10 AM
April 16, 2021, 09:20 AM
Mike Rietow

I can picture you two dorks discussing the strategy for this race, standing next to your abomination Firebird.

Goes something like this... We're gonna setup 001 and spot drop 1 above LoL.

Spot dropping dial'd honest and your posting that video 10,000 times. That's pretty funny!
April 16, 2021, 09:46 AM
Mike Rietow
Hey look Everyone,

Ed wants everyone to see how the station wagon loaded up, tied down his car and shut the door on his trailer after originally being declared loser in this race and was reinstated miraculously 45 minutes later, by a made up out of thin air story.

Ed also wants everyone to know, I never went back and never will.

Ed also wants everyone to know, if he were I, he would have bent over and held his azz cheeks open without a peep, for nobody track officials to steal $1000 dollars from him.

Ok Ed, we got it, you're like a broken record.

April 16, 2021, 11:15 AM
No, I just want you to man up and attempt to backup all your bull shyt claims ON THE TRACK. I going easy on you offering to run me at Piedmont in November, I’ll just embarrass you, rather than having to run my son who will humiliate you. Laughing very hard
April 16, 2021, 11:27 AM
Mike Rietow
Originally posted by 1320racer:
No, I just want you to man up and attempt to backup all your bull shyt claims ON THE TRACK. I going easy on you offering to run me at Piedmont in November, I’ll just embarrass you, rather than having to run my son who will humiliate you.

Ed, you're not even the best in your neighborhood, what would motivate me to drive to Piedmont, when I can race with the best in the world rite here in Florida?

You're a silly little hater aren't you? Smile

If you're gonna spot drop, spot drop dead on. I'm the king at it, I even do when I put the cross in backwards.

If you have enough drag racing knowledge to tell me what my light was without the cross in backwards, I'll think about it.

April 16, 2021, 11:38 AM
Mike Rietow

April 16, 2021, 11:47 AM
Same OLD time slips, same old claims you can’t back up.

Meanwhile I didn’t know your mother was a school teacher. Did she always have Hirsutism?
April 16, 2021, 12:09 PM
Mike Rietow
Originally posted by 1320racer:
Same OLD time slips, same old claims you can’t back up.

Meanwhile I didn’t know your mother was a school teacher. Did she always have Hirsutism?

This is observable reality, you're the one stuck in the delusion of fantasy land dragway with no compelling reason I should drive to Piedmont, when I can race the best in the world rite here in Florida.

What should compel me to wanna drive thousands of miles to race a silly little internet hater? Smile .

It's not a matter of backing it up, when it already happened year after year. You're the one who needs to back up your words, you're not even the best in your neighborhood.
April 16, 2021, 01:25 PM
They’re racing in your neighborhood right now, have been for a few days and where are home no different than any other race day for big $ in your neighborhood, banging away on your keyboard telling us how good you and your pos are. Laughing very hard NahNahTounge
April 16, 2021, 01:35 PM
Mike Rietow
Silly little internet hater Ed, you've heard about cancel culture I'm sure.

I got cancelled from Bradenton for exposing them for stealing money from racers.

It's a shame I gotta drive to Orlando or Gainesville to race.

The question still remains silly little internet hater Ed, why would anyone drive a thousand miles to race you, when you're not even the best in your neighborhood?

April 16, 2021, 01:44 PM
Mikey is skeered! Laughing very hard NahNahTounge
April 16, 2021, 02:00 PM
Mike Rietow

It's called cancel culture Ed, Lefty's play cancel culture to maintain their safe space.

You've already told us you'd bend over and hold your arse cheeks open for nobody track officials stealing money from you, without a peep.

We got it, anything else Silly little hater Ed?