Bracket Talk
"Good Morning Drr" 11,000 strong and growing,stop in a say hello.
May 23, 2023, 01:46 PM
J178RED"Good Morning Drr" 11,000 strong and growing,stop in a say hello.
Originally posted by ferndaleflyer:
It was a Camaro Nick----Yep, a CAMARO!
Fern I would have passed too ! After selling my Vega wagon to start on my Camaro it took many years before I started liking the car , plus I spent way to much cash to make it work for me.
Hope you all have a great day!
May 23, 2023, 04:00 PM
ferndaleflyerIt was a nice car at a nice price Nick. I am just used to my old Oldsmobile junk and I seldom see another one with an Olds engine. So I'll get the engine out and wait till my new one shows up. Remember it was done several years back and I agreed to let the builder sell it and build me another. Never imagined it would take so long. So I'll be home for memorial day for the first time in years, many years. Everyone stay safe
May 25, 2023, 06:29 AM
B KINGJust a simple Good Morning!
1980 Camaro
Taking the Best Working Small Tire Shyt Box & making it Greater Than Before!
3000 lbs.
Pump Gas 436
May 30, 2023, 01:11 PM
ferndaleflyerBeen gone a few days but back home now. Rumor has it that my motor is done, we will see. Hope everyone had a good holiday and honored those who payed the ultimate price to keep us free. We live in scary times.
June 03, 2023, 08:46 PM
BTR69Good evening everyone. Hope you're all doing well. Figure I'd drop by and say hello. It's been a while since I've trolled the racing forums. Been pretty busy keeping up with the family needs and working my butt off, trying to fund the race car needs. Been hoping to get out to watch a race or two, but seems every time I'm able to make time for it, they get rained out. May try to get out to Kinston tomorrow for the CCRA event. I heard they had a great car count for todays race. Think I may open the trailer Monday when I get home and at least sit in the fast car.
Y'all have a great week/weekend and those who are racing, turn on some win lights..
William Kilduff
1970 Barracuda
1968 Camaro X2
1968 Caprice
1964 F100
June 04, 2023, 07:43 AM
ferndaleflyerI went up to VA Wend and after my friend and engine builder thrashed for 9 1/2 hours got my engine done and in the truck. I got home at 2 am. As I sit here now it is in the garage in front of the car ready to go in. I have other priorities as I discovered the frame broken in half on my mower and the grass is already high.
My builders son is at Kinston for the weekend. Tabatha and her friend put on a good program .
You OK Floyd?
June 04, 2023, 12:00 PM
Floyd StaggsFern,
Woody and I are doing great.
Going to watch NASCRAP and NHRA today.

June 05, 2023, 08:09 AM
B KINGHello everyone!
ChuckT, hope you are doing OK?
I've spent entirely too much time in MI. leaving June 14th. Looks like I'm heading across the northern states on the trip back home. Hope to be home for the 4th of July.
2BKING- RIP Dad, you're in a better place now!

1980 Camaro
Taking the Best Working Small Tire Shyt Box & making it Greater Than Before!
3000 lbs.
Pump Gas 436
June 05, 2023, 09:28 AM
ferndaleflyerYou were in the right place son, trust me.
I work on the car a little each day but life keeps raising it ugly head. Got to fix the broken frame on my lawn mower, weld I mean, and its pretty close to the gas tank. But help is impossible to get so I just keep on going. Chuck shows up once in a while as do a lot of others. I am thankful for this site as it is my little opening to the rest of the world. And I don't stress--period.
You all have a good day and stay safe.
Forgot--Ol Torqin got her done at MIR over the weekend. Bet he likes Royce Millers track. Good job buddy.
June 05, 2023, 10:53 AM
J178REDGood morning all, fern I’m happy you got your motor take your time. I’m glad to see some people chiming in here. If I had more to say I’d be here more often. It was hot yesterday 101 today cooling off to 99, what a relief. Got no reason to do until September, between the heat and the monsoons racing over. I could drive a couple hundred miles like 351 one way but that’s not my idea of fun. Guess when you grow old get lazy, unless you’re Fern.
you all have a great week!
June 05, 2023, 12:40 PM
M120Hello all,
Sorry for your loss BKing.
Not much happening here. I did replace the grille & lights on my 95 C2500 after a Buck jumped in front of me a while ago. Hit him mid air jumping over a guardrail.Got used factory from salvage yard and wet sanded and polished. Came out pretty good and can see the difference driving. Heard that I will need to keep up on the polishing but time will tell. The lighting improvement is worth it though and looks like at least a 98! LoL
Take care all
June 07, 2023, 07:59 AM
ferndaleflyerLost 1/2 of the day yesterday dealing with a broken hearing aid. Some of us old f arts have them. Anyway its slow going as for some reason nothing fits. Never in my life have I had to make or remake so much to get an engine in a car. But it is basically in there but lots more to do. Heading out there after I write this. Hope everyone is doing good, we have had good weather and looks good for the weekend. Stay safe.
June 07, 2023, 03:14 PM
Floyd StaggsFern,
I finally broke down and got tested and I pick them up on the 16th. It will make my family happy.
June 07, 2023, 04:31 PM
B KINGLOL, I refuse to get them!
1980 Camaro
Taking the Best Working Small Tire Shyt Box & making it Greater Than Before!
3000 lbs.
Pump Gas 436
June 07, 2023, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by B KING:
LOL, I refuse to get them!
WHAT ? Can’t hear you!

June 09, 2023, 03:15 PM
ferndaleflyerGot to get new hearing aids. $1700, I heard that real clear. Anyway got the engine in and started. Working on getting the radiator back in and I should be finished with that part of it. Then get inside and do some wiring that I don't understand then hope it all works out when I take it out on the road for a test run. I can do that out here in the country. Everything is new, trans, converter, motor and so on. Real nice weather here today and a race at Rockingham that I should be attending. But--Not ready. Every one stay safe.
June 09, 2023, 03:36 PM
Floyd StaggsFern,
My new \ones are only $350 after Medicare,
June 09, 2023, 07:43 PM
ferndaleflyerI know the deal Floyd. If I get them from my Advantage deal they are zero or the VA also zero, but I don't like them so that is that. Same with glasses, guess I am to picky.
As usual working on car went backwards more than frontwards. But I think I have the pullys lined up and adjusted right. Didn't like the valve cover gaskets and my hi dollar replacements were to thick for the bolts so had to get new bolts. Making progress I think. Everyone stay safe.
June 10, 2023, 01:46 PM
Floyd StaggsFern,
I went to one of those audiologists and got tested from a to z. The only thing he missed was mu prostrate. I go back the 16th to get my new wazoo hearing aids.
June 12, 2023, 09:11 PM
ferndaleflyerI go the 20th Floyd