Bracket Talk
"Good Morning Drr" 11,000 strong and growing,stop in a say hello.
April 21, 2017, 08:51 AM
Floyd Staggs"Good Morning Drr" 11,000 strong and growing,stop in a say hello.
Mornin Y'all,
Mikey, I thought of you when I posted that picture of that huge prime rib we had for Easter.
Don't stay away so long.
Chuck, have you found anything out yet about the engine?
Y'all have a gooden!

April 21, 2017, 08:45 PM
ferndaleflyerBig Mike just breaks my heart. Any one ever washed a house? Did that yesterday to get rid of the pollen. Wired a building the day before. Supposed to take family next door to the NC Zoo tomorrow but haven't heard from them today. Got help coming Sunday to take out my engine. So that project will be started. If time permits I got 16 new hydraulic lifts for the basement doors on my motor home to install tomorrow after the Zoo. Chuck we got to get these Olds together. I got 1 new short block and 2 complete engines that need a little repair work but not much motivation. used to be when I got like this Mama would kick me in the a$$ and get me going. Got to do it myself now. Life goes on folks, life goes on.
April 24, 2017, 07:53 AM
ferndaleflyerWell got the folks next door to the Zoo (can get them in free)came home and installed the lifts on the motor home basement doors. Got up Sunday and started working on race car. 2 friends came one from Greensboro and one from Pageland, SC and we got the motor out. The one from SC had won the race at Darlington the night before so he was tired but came anyway. Friends. Now it is up to me to get it to engine man up north of Richmond, Va......pouring rain and will for next few days. Got other things to do but I will eventually get it up there. Wake up everyone, no one on here since last Friday
April 24, 2017, 09:12 AM
ChuckTMornin' all! I hope you all had a good weekend. I had fun. I went out to the track for test and tune Friday night to hang out. I took a hit in my buddy's '99 Trans Am, which I've run before, and was running on Saturday. Got my first pass in the 11s, 11.98 at 113. Quickest I ran in the Cutlass so far was 12.03 with the big block. Won first round in both Modified and Top, but turned it red second round in Mod, and spun .02ish in the 60' second round of Top. That stinks, had .011 over my buddy Matt on the tree, would have put me about dead on without the spin. Still a great time. Matt's girlfriend won the Street class, and another buddy's son runnered up in Mod. Then yesterday, Bob had asked earlier in the week to meet me and a few friends at 4:30. We get there, and it was a surprise party, belated for me, since I was in AZ, and early for my buddy Bill, whose birthday is next month. I'm constantly amazed by how awesome my friends are, and how lucky I am to have them.
Floyd, looking good, cut the filter open this weekend, a speck here and there, nothing I'm worried about. I cleaned all the parts and gasket surfaces, and I'm ready to put it back together. The thing that sucks is I wasted a lot of time, a little money, and a lot of effort, to just put it back to what it was last year.
Fern, do you have allergies, that you need to get rid of the pollen? That sounds like too much work to me!

That's great you got the engine out, and that you have as good as friends as I do. Are you taking it whole up to the engine shop, or tearing it down first? I'm curious to what you find out.
You all have a great day!
'81 Cutlass, KX05, Keystone Raceway Park
Millerstown Pic-A-Part, Tarentum, PA
Wholesale Transmission, New Kensington, PA
Thinking of Nikki and Mark - forever 53
April 24, 2017, 09:29 AM
Floyd StaggsMornin Y'all,
Fern, ya got too much energy.
Chuck, why did you think you had a problem? What was it doing?
I found a fiberglass bumper a couple of years ago for the hay hauler. It's just been hanging around in the garage. I.m going to take it Marty today so he can fabricate some aluminum brackets for it. We will take a couple of pounds off.
Y'all have a gooden.

April 25, 2017, 09:20 AM
ChuckTMornin' all! Hoping the rain gets out all this week, and lets us race Saturday.
Floyd, I thought for sure I correctly adjusted the valves. I must have screwed it up, put the pushrods into the lifters too much. When we fired it up last week, the valves were clattering, and I thought it was taking them a couple secs to pump up. They didn't, so I shut it off. Pulled the valve covers, no oil in the heads, a little bit of metal flake, nothing awful, but enough to make me pull the cam back out. I'm not going to trust it. Did you get the bumper brackets done?
You all have a great day!
'81 Cutlass, KX05, Keystone Raceway Park
Millerstown Pic-A-Part, Tarentum, PA
Wholesale Transmission, New Kensington, PA
Thinking of Nikki and Mark - forever 53
April 25, 2017, 10:12 AM
Camaroracer1258Morning guys. This weekend was busy for me. Went to super ritzy wedding this past weekend for my wife's cousin. Probably spent like $100k for it. Then came back home on Sunday and showed some houses to a client in a county almost an hour from me, but we are looking to put an offer in. Would be my first one.
April 25, 2017, 12:15 PM
ferndaleflyerStill pouring rain here. You all need to post some comments on Capitol doing away with the mod/foot brake class and just running top and Jrs. Claims he can't get any cars but charging $50 to run for $1000 with 2 rounds of buybacks might be a good reason he can't get any cars. One of the biggest population centers in the country and can't get any cars? come on man. Any way I decided to take the heads & intake off the hurt motor and put them on the new short block I have to get up and running sooner. Have to get on it next week because I am booked up till Sunday. State of emergency here, flooding. Has rained for 3 days now....Chuck what kind of lifters do you use????
April 25, 2017, 05:25 PM
J178REDGood Evening Everyone... talking about all that rain does not sound good, I hope you all live on the high side. Weather in the desert SW has been HOT , Saturday 98 degrees made for a lot of couch time.... cooled off for this week down to mid 80s and may go down to 82 Thursday. Been sitting around a lot , no scheduled races till May 13th. I think they are waiting for it to become real HOT...LOL
Camaroracer, hope you get that offer accepted , the first one is sometime the one you remember the most...
Chuck, Wow I hope you get your motor problems worked out , sounds like you got some points on the board and in the 11s. That surprise was very cool....
Fern, sorry you are having a hard time with the motor, good luck with the short block.
Floyd, I'm still looking back at that huge piece of meat, hard to do cause I right now I'm starving... Hahaha
Have A Great Evening Guy's

April 26, 2017, 07:45 AM
Floyd StaggsMornin Y'all!
Chuck, I forgot to give it to him, it's still in the back of my pickup. He was in the process of changing the turbo on his '16 Dodge. He has deleted all the factory DEF stuff and put straight exhaust on and a bunch of other stuff. I asked him why he was changing all of the stuff on his new truck and he said "because I can". He does 4 wheel drive burn outs with big tires. I would like to delete a bunch on my Duramax but I can't afford to be without the warranty. Those damn things are expensive to fix. I've got another glow plug out. Chevy will only change them when they go out. I thought we had replaced all 8 but in checking back on my service records we have only replaced 7. #5 glow plug is the last one to be replaced.
Y'all have a gooden.

April 26, 2017, 08:54 AM
ChuckTMornin' all! Over center day! Shaping up to be a beautiful day, can't wait to get out and enjoy it, even if it will be enjoyed from the garage. I'm ready to get everything back together, cam and timing chain went on last night, and I got the engine ready to raise up. The diaper is keeping the oil pan from dropping, not letting me get the timing cover on yet.
1258, that's crazy to spend that much on a wedding, but if it made them happy, more power to them. I hope that means the food was good!

Was there a cookie table? Good luck with the house sale!
Fern, just regular old hydraulic flat tappet. Building an ark yet? I saw the Capitol stuff. That's a shame. Sounds like his mind is made up though.
Nick, 98 degrees would sure as heck put me on the couch too. Is your trans back together, or will it be for the 13th? Floyd's pic makes me hungry too!
Floyd, it's pretty amazing what these diesels can do. There's one full size Ram that runs test and tune, in the high 10s, killin' skeeters all the way down the track.

I wouldn't want to void a warranty on anything either.
You all have a great day!
'81 Cutlass, KX05, Keystone Raceway Park
Millerstown Pic-A-Part, Tarentum, PA
Wholesale Transmission, New Kensington, PA
Thinking of Nikki and Mark - forever 53
April 26, 2017, 02:59 PM
J178REDGood Afternoon Guy's ... work has been busy keeping me jumping around. Glad the weather is coming around for most of you. Its hump day and its past noon , as far as I see it the weekend is here.....HAHAHA
Chuck, tranny fixed and ready to race. Still got three weeks of down time, I think by then I will have forgotten all my bad habits. At lest I hope so....Did I spell that right .... LOL
I'm back to work, Have A Great Day... What's left of it...

April 27, 2017, 08:43 AM
ChuckTMornin' all! Man, what a gorgeous day yesterday. I took a walk before heading into the garage after I got home from work. Plugging away, getting closer, but it looks like Mother Nature may win on Saturday.
Nick, good to hear about the transmission. More than forgetting the bad habits, I hope you remember the good ones!

You all have a great day!
'81 Cutlass, KX05, Keystone Raceway Park
Millerstown Pic-A-Part, Tarentum, PA
Wholesale Transmission, New Kensington, PA
Thinking of Nikki and Mark - forever 53
April 27, 2017, 09:04 AM
Camaroracer1258Bring your kid to work today, but my kids aren't here

. This company is great showing how big of a family they are.
April 27, 2017, 09:09 AM
Floyd StaggsMornin Y'all!
Today my Mom is 96 years old. April 27, 1921.
Damn, I don't know if I have enough money to live to 96. Might have to sell the race truck about 90 to keep some beans on the table.
Happy Birthday, MOM!

April 27, 2017, 10:44 AM
J178REDGood Morning to All... Today I'm thinking about kickin back, worked way to hard this week so I'm taking a break.... Bills all paid and money in the bank, if I was crazy I would tow out to Fontana for there first two team races this weekend. But then I think about that 900 mile around trip tow, so rather work in the yard and straighten out the workshop. Is it just me or does everyone hold on to broken stuff, I got stuff from when I had the Vega wagon, that was 8 years ago....
Floyd , How about you , any plans to race this weekend at Fontana? And Floyd no worries by the time you are 96 the family will have your welfare taken care of , beans not needed...
Chuck, if you get it done the weather will clear.... I promise ....Hahaha
Camaroracer , how did that deal work out? Got a signed contract yet... You can lead them to water but that's about all...
Fern, Sure hope your got a shorter things to do list....
Have A Great Thursday Everyone...

April 27, 2017, 12:09 PM
Floyd StaggsCan't make this weekend. Buddy has a little surgery tomorrow and I have cataract surgery Monday. We're going to try to make Figueroa s race.
April 27, 2017, 03:41 PM
J178REDHope Buddy doesn't get too unconformable from his surgery and same goes for you on Monday .
Your going to see that tree a lot better I bet....
April 28, 2017, 09:17 AM
ChuckTMornin' all! TGIF! Looking like a mixed bag for weather this weekend. Test and tune tonight looks good, but tomorrow is sketchy. Fingers crossed, hoping we don't get too wet. Cutlass isn't ready, so if we race, I'll be in my buddy's Trans Am in Modified again.
1258, yours are a bit young for bring your kids to work, aren't they? There were a number in here yesterday. I think it's pretty cool. My friend's daughter "helped" me out while she had a couple of meetings.
Floyd, happy birthday to your mom, that's awesome! I hope she's doing well. I hope Buddy's surgery goes great. My coworker had both her eyes done last month, for cataracts, and had no problems, and said it really made a difference. I hope yours goes just as well.
Nick, for sure, I hold onto broken stuff. Part of it is for the "can you believe this?" factor, like my destroyed 455 block and stuff, and some was with the intention of making cool trophies when we ran our practice tree races.
You all have a great weekend! It's that time again!

'81 Cutlass, KX05, Keystone Raceway Park
Millerstown Pic-A-Part, Tarentum, PA
Wholesale Transmission, New Kensington, PA
Thinking of Nikki and Mark - forever 53
April 28, 2017, 09:48 AM
Floyd StaggsMornin Y'all!
I had my left eye done 8 years ago after retina surgery. They told me the surgery would cause a cataract and by golly, they were right. I go evry 6 months to get my eyes checked and they have been telling me for the last couple of years a cataract was forming in my right eye. By golly, they are right again. This one is caused by age. By next Tuesday I will have perfect distance vision in both eyes. Still got to have reading glasses though.
Buddy has a little fatty tumor on his chest that we want to get rid of before it gets big. He will be uncomfortable cause he's deathly afraid of the vets office. They had to pull 4 of his teeth a few months back and he remembers the pain. I really hate to have to do this but it is necessary.
Y'all have a gooden.