Bracket Talk
"Good Morning Drr" 11,000 strong and growing,stop in a say hello.

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August 08, 2012, 08:27 AM
Floyd Staggs
"Good Morning Drr" 11,000 strong and growing,stop in a say hello.
Mornin Y'all!
Chuck, I echo your sentiments. I've lost friends and have had some friends get cured.

Here is "Frieda" in her first night at her new home.

She was tired and still druged from the surgery.

Old Guys Rule
V787 Sst787
August 08, 2012, 08:35 AM
Mike Hawks
Good morning folks,and AMEN Chuck,I just pray everyday for more tolerance(SP)for the things I don't understand and more knowledge so I can help those that don't understand what they think they know understand what they are thinking............ Hum..............I know it sounds confusing but I think all the time especially since I've been laid up with my foot and I believe that understanding is the key to helping folks and being a better person,and some my say HUM,but I know for myself that pray and understanding will make me a better person................... Praying..........................

Did'nt mean to get on a soap box this morning,but since Moms got so sick and seeing the way some of my family has ran in the other direction after they got what they wanted from her just makes me want to understand what they are thinking,I don't approve of their actions but I'm tried of staying mad about it,so I'm trying to understand them,it's no wonder I don't sleep good at night,way to much thinking..................... No No...............................

Sorry again,I've got to get moving,ifn I ain't told ya'll lately I love ya'll and appreicate ya'll listen and my prayers are that you all have a wonderful day............... Praying hug Wave........................................

Floyd,cool pup and I like the name Frieda....................... Cool.............................I had a sunday school teacher by that name one time,they look a little alike,I'm sorry I needed to lighten my thoughts alittle this morning.......... Tongue..................
August 09, 2012, 05:07 AM
Good morning my friends.
This is my Friday, and it couldn't have come at a better time.
Pretty Rottie Floyd. I had one several years ago. Nothing like having a 160 lb Rot, that thinks she a lap dog.
Y'all have a good one.
See ya.

Dennis "Mouse" McKee
Wild Rodent Racing
August 09, 2012, 06:15 AM
Floyd Staggs
Angel hugMornin Y'all!
Marty found out Frieda doesn't like cats and fire alarm inspectors in uniform. Don't know if she's ever seen a cat before and most dogs don't like guys in uniform for some reason. I know Buddy doesn't like the UPS guy. she's got some adjusting to do.
Y'all have a gooden. Praying

Old Guys Rule
V787 Sst787
August 09, 2012, 06:52 AM
Good morning and thank the Lord for a little rain here. It comes too late for the corn but could help the beans. My new grass is no longer grass, but the weeds sure liked it! It was a great sound to wake up to.

Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
August 09, 2012, 06:53 AM
Good Morning All;

Hope things are going well for everyone. Hang in there Mike. There are many mysteries in this world, and family is just one. Wish we had the lifestyle to have a puppy, but it just ain't so at the present, and it would be a disservice to a dog to subject it to how we live now. Maybe in the future, but not now.

Finally back home after almost two weeks up at San Antonio. That trip seemed to grow with every passing day.

Anyway had a heart to heart talk with the Doc. I was trying to find some way out of this treadmill, but it don't look likely. There is little chance they can cure me, but as long as I continue with the chemo, I won't get any worse. I'am hoping to die at the hands of a 20 year old leggy blonde's jealous husband, but Peg says he'll have to stand in line. Don't understand what she means.

Anyway, short version: The cancer thing is ok, and most of the little side effects are getting better, or becoming "background noise", so it's all good.

So, if you would do me a favor and BE OF GOOD CHEER!!! I'll go away for now.

Ken Gasbari

Ya'll Be Of Good Cheer!!!

August 09, 2012, 07:21 AM
Yeah for Frieda, that's awesome for her & Marty! Kids off to 2nd day of school, grt teachers & they have their friends in class so it's looking to be a good year for both of them. I will miss them being out of school, but am hoping I can maybe get caught up on all the things I keep pushing to the side.

Good job Joey, glad you had a good time at the beach deserved it! I admire your outlook on life Ken, a lot. Happy for Friday too Dennis! Mike, hate you still have the same crap with them, some people need to grow up at some point in their life & stop letting everyone around them carry them through life. Hope you are taking care of you and glad to hear Mannie is good, give him a hug! HI Allen, Bucky...
Ma B we thought about you Sunday, on our Madi Girl's 13th where does time go & wow I am so lucky God picked me to be Madilyn & Adiayn's Mom...but she wanted corn beef hash, pintos, spinach, and Mom's cornbread..the one in the big iron skillet that I flip out on my cornbread plate, which happens to be the red speckled one that you gave us the huge plate of globs on at PRP way back in ????? I don't even remember, do you Chuck? Anyway that's been my "cornbread plate" ever since! lol

Floyd hug
prayers all around...
August 09, 2012, 07:54 AM
W.A.O. 111
well.... the Lord has found it to trickle me some crumbs.....
i'm down but not out!....these slow/caught-up times try to put me in a state of depression!..
chuck,aliana bug is great!, brit. and her fiance'(dr.drew norton) have bought a house in panama city beach . he's practicing and the girls are livin' large.
good report ken.
HI Michelle.,mike,mouse,mr.floyd and friends,bucky,...ect. where's susie?... Hum
ya'll hang in there!...Allen

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August 09, 2012, 09:30 AM
Mike Hawks
Good morning ya'll,ya'll be paitent with me and I'll get another pan of bisquits baking,and got plenty of fixings with eggs and bacon and tenderloin,and some fresh made strawberry jam,and some smooth fresh jersey cow butter,so it'll be just a few minutes and it'll be ready....................... Wink................................

Ken,glad all is good with you,I love the attuide too,I'm alot like that,told a friend of mine one time that I wasn't getting hitched till I was 60 yrs.young,going to find me a real nice widow with lots of kids and grandkids to love me and tell me how cool of a old grandpa I am,and bring me lots of stuff at christmas like fuel pumps and carbs.and racing stuff you know things that we need in our golden yrs. Hum Tongue.................
They told me that sounded krazy,I told them that was the plan and I've almost messed it up a time or three,but I ain't but 7yrs. off now so we'll see how that works out............. I'm stupid.................................

Bucky good you could stop by ifn you don't want no coffee,Chuck will share the sweet tea,won't you Chuck........... Big Grin..................

WO good to hear things a looking up,I know being self-employed is tough sometimes................. Banging Head...............................

Michelle,Mannie sends hugs too and he seems to like his teacher it is the first male teacher he ever has had and he's a big guy like me,so I hope all continues to go well,and give my little 13yr old Madi a hug from me and Mannie,wow it just seems like yesternight(MT)that she was just borned,and tell little man,Mannie said hey.............. Wave...............................

Floyd I don't like cats all that good either,and folks in uniforms make me kinda nervous when they sneak up on me with blue lights,makes me want to bark alittle too............... Eyes Big Grin.........................................

Hope ya'lls day is full of all good stuff,and prayers all around,and yea where is Susie,miss you friend,hope all is well................ Praying hug Wave................................
August 09, 2012, 10:36 AM
Mornin' all! I'm with Mouse, my Friday too. I'll gladly take it... still kinda on a vacation frame of mind. Some storms rolled through last night, drove home seeing quite a show of lightning strikes. Supposed to be some rain this afternoon, hope it doesn't mess up the Pirate gsme. And I need Saturday's race, got some climbing to do.

Mike, pass the jam and a spoon please! Hope you have another jar for the others! Big Grin Sorry to hear about the way your family acts. I hear that too often from folks, and it saddens me, and also makes me really appreciate more my brothers and sisters.

Good to see you stopping in Bucky, welcome. Love the sound of the rain, especially if I can go back to sleep. Big Grin

Ken, I sure hope the little side effects are lessening... doesn't sound like you're holding back from doing much. Sounds like you might push Peg over the edge and have her do you in before anything else might get ya. Laughing

Michelle, they're GOBS, not globs!! Man I love cornbread. I wouldn't be offended if that plate was full next time you're up this way. It was 2009 when you and Rick were up.

WAO, Aliana and Ken's granddaughter are just as cute as my nieces and nephews. Great to hear she and your daughter are doing well. You hang in there too!

Saw on YB there was a racer who was in a traffic accident, and after 3 days of fighting, succumbed to his injuries. He left behind a wife and young children. So very sad, condolences and prayers for his family and friends.

I will be of good cheer, Ken. You all have a great day, and talk to someone you've been meaning to talk to for a long time. Then get some ice cream.
hug hug Ice Cream

'81 Cutlass, KX05, Keystone Raceway Park
Millerstown Pic-A-Part, Tarentum, PA
Wholesale Transmission, New Kensington, PA
Thinking of Nikki and Mark - forever 53
August 10, 2012, 07:24 AM
Gobs, I knew that...sometimes my fingers don't hear well lol. miss you Susie, hope all is well!

So sad to hear of the wife & kids being left behind, I know my outlook on life has changed since Rick's accident with the tractor trailer last yr...still feeling the effects of it in so many ways. Mostly I thank God everyday that Rick is still my best frd and the best Dad in the world...he makes our worlds makes you appreciate what is important and not sweat the small stuff. We will celebrate 25 yrs of being married on Aug 15th...doesn't seem possible, time flies when you're having fun.

now, pass me that strawberry jam & have to share Chuck =)
August 10, 2012, 08:47 AM
Mike Hawks
Good morning ya'll,looking pretty good around here this morning,hope ya'lls weekend is a good one and prayers sent to all,and have a lot of fun this day if you can.............. Praying hug Wave......................................
August 10, 2012, 10:04 AM
Good Morning All;

Hoping everyone is having a good day. We are doing well here. Peg has joined one of those swimming pool exercise things with her friends. Don't know if it will do her any good, but she is having a ball, and that is good.

I bought a old battery powered golf cart yesterday. Paid $150.00 for it. It had two bad batteries and 4 that are a bit long in the tooth, but replaced the two bad ones with ones I had laying around (those are also a bit old) and it runs great. Pretty good shape. Will be using it exclusively at the track for chasing and towing. I got some work to do on it, but nothing I can't handle, and I have everything I need to get it in top shape.

Hands and feet are getting better, so hopefully, will be ok by next Wednesday when I go back on the juice.

OK, got things to do so I am otta here.

Ya'll Be of Good Cheeer!!!1

Ken Gasbarri

Ya'll Be Of Good Cheer!!!

August 10, 2012, 11:17 AM
Morning everyone.
Have a good one.
See ya.

Dennis "Mouse" McKee
Wild Rodent Racing
August 11, 2012, 12:11 PM
Good Morning All;

Hopin everyone is doing well. Things here are not so bad. Hands and feet took a turn for the worse overnight, but still hoping they will be better by next week.

OH, I am now taking orders for crime. (just kidding) Read somewhere that this "hand and foot syndrome" can make your fingerprints go away. Checked, and sure enough, fingerprints are mostly gone. Now if I weren't really bad at breaking the law, I would have a new career.

Well, clock says it is nap time, so gotta go.

Ya'll be of Good Cheer!!!

Ken Gasbarri

Ya'll Be Of Good Cheer!!!

August 12, 2012, 06:53 AM
Floyd Staggs
Mornin Y'all!
Been a little warm out here, but it's August and this is SoCal.
Ken, my left foot and ankle are still swelled up but the ultrasound they did showed no blockage anywhere. So I'm not sure what to do. Doc said wear support hose to help and stay on the water pills. It was kinda fun having two young ladies playin with my leg. Reminds me of when I was younger. Oh, wait a minute. It was me doin the playin.
Got the hay hauler serviced and tuned up so Marty can go tear em up at the NCA race next weekend. Temp is supposed to be down in the low 90's so it shouldn't be bad.
Y'all have a gooden. hug to all the ladies.
Praying Angel hug

Old Guys Rule
V787 Sst787
August 12, 2012, 06:58 AM
hope you guys feel better to spend the day on the lake with at someone today Smile
August 12, 2012, 07:44 AM
Floyd Staggs

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Old Guys Rule
V787 Sst787
August 12, 2012, 09:50 AM
Mike Hawks
Morning ya'll,spent the day at the Farm with Mannie and friends yesterday,kinda tired this morning,ready for a long day of naps today,and this foot thing is spreading ya'll.............. Eyes Tongue.................

Prayers all around and hope ya'll have a good day,and Floyd that sure is a prutty motor in the haul,now thats how under the hood is supposed to look, trucks these days you can hardly tell what is what................................ Hum............................ Praying hug Wave......................................
August 13, 2012, 04:54 AM
Good morning gang.
I hope everyone had a great weekend.
Monday is here, and it's time to got to work.
Y'all have a good one.
See ya.

Dennis "Mouse" McKee
Wild Rodent Racing