Bracket Talk
"Good Morning Drr" 11,000 strong and growing,stop in a say hello.

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January 14, 2011, 08:58 AM
"Good Morning Drr" 11,000 strong and growing,stop in a say hello.
Mornin' all! TGIF!

Good luck this weekend Floyd, hope the weather holds for you. High 20s today, with maybe another inch or 2 of snow, so we're only racing in our dreamsn, and on the practice tree.

Hi Mike! Wave Man, sorry to hear about the Dodge. Getting ready for some fooseball!! Ought to be a great game. I hope home field makes the difference.

Everyone have a great weekend! Ice Cream Ice Cream

'81 Cutlass, KX05, Keystone Raceway Park
Millerstown Pic-A-Part, Tarentum, PA
Wholesale Transmission, New Kensington, PA
Thinking of Nikki and Mark - forever 53
January 14, 2011, 10:06 AM
happy friday peeps!
January 14, 2011, 10:07 AM
Chuck, yell when you get a chance Wink
January 14, 2011, 12:19 PM
mark warmouth
Good Morning everyone. Well it's warmer here, but still gray and dreary. They are saying it is going to be sunny this weekend, but I'll believe it when I see it. Good luck this weekend Floyd. Mike I'm really sorry about your truck. Chuck, I'm really looking forward to that Steelers game, should be a good one. There sure is no love lost between them and the Ravens, I forsee a lot of pushing and shoving in between the plays.
You all have a good weekend and as always, you are all in my prayers.

Mornin Y'all!
It's 50 degs and supposed to get to 77 today. Sorry for you folks with all that cold white stuff. But, yesterday was windy as hell at the track, 30 mph with gusts to 35, cross wind. The forecast for today has wind advisories so I don't know if we will get to race or not. At best we will run 1/8 mile but even that won't work in 30 mph cross winds.
I'm going to throw some beer in the cooler just in case we just sit around and bench race. I might be home taking a nap earlier than I expected.
Y'all have a gooden! Praying Angel hug

Old Guys Rule
V787 Sst787
Morning Floyd,Ifn I would'nt 48 (drving hrs.)away,I'd come and sat with ya'll today,would be fun race or not,need a vaction before my knee surgrey,and that should do the trick,can't fly got to much metal in me,and if they check me over in a airport,they'd think I had a gun hid in their somewhere,and when they started the strip look see,I'd have to knockem out,when they said,whats that little pistol doing hid in there,then I'd go to jail,oh weeeelll quess I'd better stay home,safer............. Rolling..................

OK ya'll have a gooden and we'll be praying for all and we'll try and see ya'll after bit...........................

Go Steelers.........................
Mike, I coulda used your help. .010,m 10.579 1st rd, .039, 10.582 2nd rd, -.049, 3rd rd.
I think I went a little deep.
Praying Angel hug

Old Guys Rule
V787 Sst787
Mornin Y'all.
Here's my first pass yesterday.

Any critique, Michelle? Hum

Old Guys Rule
V787 Sst787
Good morning Floyd,somedays are diamonds ,somedays are,well not so good,gettem today,it would be nice, not to be in this mud today,and more mud tomorrow,and tuesday.......... Banging Head...............................

Well ya'll have a gooden and prayers to all,and see ya'll afterwhile............... Wave.........................

Good job Steelers......................... Party......................................
Mornin' all!

Go get 'em today Floyd!

Hi Mike! Wave WOO! Now that's some fooseball!! The Ravens was da devil!! Ja,es Harison was Bobby Bouchet!! Susie nailed the pushing and shoving.

'81 Cutlass, KX05, Keystone Raceway Park
Millerstown Pic-A-Part, Tarentum, PA
Wholesale Transmission, New Kensington, PA
Thinking of Nikki and Mark - forever 53
hug Praying hugEvenin Y'all!
Today went a little better, .007 time trial, a little slower than yesterday, 1st rd elim .007 still a little slower, 2nd rd elim total brain fade, red by a bunch. I had to give the other guy a tenth start and I left before he did. Grrrr!
That's racin!
Y'all have a gooden.
Angel Angel

Old Guys Rule
V787 Sst787
Very nice Floyd Wink I love your truck, way cool, I can't believe you are racing now lol! I went out to the shop yesterday & packed the chute for the Camaro...smelled like racing, gave me the fever Cool

I like that Bobby Bouchet...
Good morning ya'll,feel good today,spent the night in my new(to me)camper yesternight(MT)and man I slept great,after I got over the home sick feeling, Winkof leaving the mini-winnie,but it's right beside the new one,mite just give it to Mannie for a tree house,well not up a tree house,anyways lots of room in new one,and life is good,don't take much to make me happy,woohooo woohooooooo............. Tongue...............................

Floyd glad you had a good day yesterday,one a time,that's racing,atleast you got to spin your tires, Car Big Grin.................................

Gotta go get Mannie to school,first time in a week,so going to be tuff on him,he really don't want to go,so say a little prayer for him,ya'll have a gooden,and prayers all over the place,and we'll see ya'll in a little bit....................... Praying...............................

Hey Chuck Wave.........10-4 on the fooseball,going to be some good play-off games next week to,can't wait,Go Steelers,love it being the 4 teams that are left,good old-fashsion fooseball,did I say Go Steelers,going to beat the devil outa dem jets................ Big Grin.....................................
Week before last, Lil Man's teacher sends a note home, if we're not here Friday...we'll have the "Christmas" (we missed DEC too)party the first day back, so being home room Mom for my kids, I call to find out from the teacher if she wants to send a note home that we will have the party tomorrow~knowing the parents are not going to remember from a week & half ago (I didn't even, Rick did tho not worthy)...can't get the teacher on the phone, she said to tell me to bring apples Confused I'm the one who called the parents & told them what to bring-did they send anything? secretary comes back to the phone, she said she has 5 bags & she is leaving at 11:30 so there is a sub...great 5 bags of what? chips, drinks, cupcakes???? Rick thinks she may have overindulged during the hippie era lol...wish me luck gang putting smiles on the 2nd graders faces at their Christmas party today...

hug Floyd, if you don't go red sometimes, you're not trying hard enough Wink hi Chuck...soon!!!! hi Squid...
Just being there and doing something with the kids. They will be happy and have fun.
Morning gang.
Just got back from my torture... er, i mean physical therapy session. Starting to get a few butterflies about surgery next Tuesday. I've had the 2 scopes and they were bad enough. This one is an open knee surgery and an over night hospital stay. Not really sure what to expect for afterwards.
Well enough about me for today.
Y'all have a good one and God Bless.
Talk to y'all later.

Dennis "Mouse" McKee
Wild Rodent Racing
Hey all... off today, slept in. Michelle left me a message. Rick was in an accident. All is ok so far. He's fie, could have been a lot worse. No broken bones CT scan ok, just neck and back pain. Prayers working so far, adding some in for the pain.

'81 Cutlass, KX05, Keystone Raceway Park
Millerstown Pic-A-Part, Tarentum, PA
Wholesale Transmission, New Kensington, PA
Thinking of Nikki and Mark - forever 53
Mornin Y'all!
Mouse, you'll be fine. You can always ask Mike, he's got experienc. Wink
Glad to hear Ric's okay.
Praying Angel hug

Old Guys Rule
V787 Sst787
Morning! Icy this fine day!

Mouse, you'll be fine! They will have you up and walking in no time!

Michelle, please give hugs to Rick from me! So happy to hear that he is okay!! In my prayers, always!

Floyd, looks like you had a great time!! Just don't be in a hurry to go home buddy!! Nice videos! Looks to me you spun there just a tad!!

Chuck, go Steelers!! Hope to see you soon!!!

Mike & Mannie, thinking about you and always in my prayers!!

Okay, school today! Have a wonderful day and be careful out there!!

Forever "53'

Always and forever "Thinking of Nikki"...

Our "Guy"
Mornin Y'all!

I gotta rub it in a little. We are supposed to get to about 80 degs today. I had to break out the short sleeved shirts. Big Grin Ice Cream

Christine, I went back and looked at it again, you have a good eye. I didn't spot that before. I can't get anything bigger than a 10" tire in there so I guess I'll just live with it.

Y'all have a gooden. Wave to Chuck, hug to Michelle, Christine, Nichole and of course Mike. Praying Angel hug

Old Guys Rule
V787 Sst787