Bracket Talk
"Good Morning Drr" 11,000 strong and growing,stop in a say hello.
November 20, 2009, 07:47 AM
frontpage"Good Morning Drr" 11,000 strong and growing,stop in a say hello.
Good mornin everyone. Hope the LORD blesses you and yours today and always. Ma
"The Price is Right, but seldom official. If you find yourself in a hole, for God's sake, quit digging! I'm not old, I'm chronologically gifted!"
November 20, 2009, 08:42 AM
Mike HawksGood Morning my wonderful Drr family,Guy,you be careful out on the road this morning,and you better eat you a big breakfast,or them britches are going to sag down like them kids that like to show their undies,so pullem up and packem in there buddy.........

Hey Marty,Ma and Richard ya'll are just in time for breakfast this morning,but hold on to the door this morning as ya'll come in,the wind is whipping pretty good this morning,and ya'll come on,I got cathead biscuits,country ham and creme gravy with a couple of pieces in the bottom of the pan for flavoring,now ya'll fellers let the ladies have the gravy covered ham first,then all the quests next,oh and I have eggs and some hash browns and homemade apple butter,ya'll be cafeful with the applebutter it's still hot,just got it out of the copper pot,been stirring since about 2:30am,so ya'll come and get it,it's getting cold,as my Dear Dad used to say............................................
Speaking of my Dad,can't believe it'll be a year this Sun.the 22nd,I sure desire your prayer for me and my Mom and family,it sure has been a lomesome year..............but I know where he's at and I know he's ok,but I sure do miss him something fearce..........................................
I thank God for my little boy everyday,God knowed with Dad leaving,I needed Mannie to step in and keep me company,so the other night it was raining hard,and we where coming from town,after eating supper,and Mannie said,Dad how does Jesus stay warm up in Heaven when it rains,and I said well son,I'll have to think on that one awhile,and he paused a minute and said well dad maybe we need to get the Bible down and find out,out of the mouth of babes,I was so pleased that all I could say was you're right son,and I'm real proud of you,I may of done told this story,but to me it was worth telling again,the older I get the more I forget,but the more I learn of God's love for his on,and folks I'm one of his on....................did I say thank you all for being my friend,and I love all ya'll................................
Ok get up MsFurr it's time to get to it,and I hope all ya'll have a gooden and I'll see ya'll in a bit................and prayers all around,especially Mark and MaB,I love ya'll and am praying for ya'll...........God Bless ya'll...........................................
November 20, 2009, 09:06 AM
Floyd StaggsMornin Y'all!
Mike, are you sure you're not some old writer re-incarnated? You sure have a way with the right words.
By the way, my buddy is getting better everyday. He's getting his color back and getting that chemo out of his system. He said his pee still glows but not as brite. He don't even need a light at 2:00 am.
Everybody have a gooden. Prayers to Mark.

November 20, 2009, 09:11 AM
MsFurrI'm up now, who could sleep with the smell of that breakfast?@!! Yummy! We'll be thinking about you Mike, a year just flies by anymore...
Happy, Happy birthday to as Ma B says "hot legs" Rick tomorrow!! We've got him a HUGE chocolate cake and the Furrs are off to spend the weekend with the Waycasters when the kids get out of times!
I wish all of you a fun, sunshiny weekend full of laughter, hope!!! (we'll leave the worrying for the prayers to take care of...even if just for the weekend)
Better hurry in Chuck, Floyd,Guy ...b'fast is getting gone in a hurry!
November 20, 2009, 09:12 AM
Mike HawksFloyd thanks for the kind words,all I can say is I'm blessed with inspiration from the folks I keep company with,and am blessed with the gift of gab,and I continue to keep him(your friend)on my and Mannies prayer list........................................
November 20, 2009, 09:13 AM
MsFurr^^^^Yes he is! You snuck in the back door on me Floyd, lol...Glad to hear the good update, of course, he could get into some serious trouble now if he misses! (missing is always on my mind with a 6 yr old lil boy

November 20, 2009, 09:16 AM
Mike Hawksquote:
Originally posted by MsFurr:
^^^^Yes he is! You snuck in the back door on me Floyd, lol...Glad to hear the good update, of course, he could get into some serious trouble now if he misses! (missing is always on my mind with a 6 yr old lil boy

............Atleast it'll be easy to clean up...............

...............Ya'll have fun this weekend,and Happy b-day HOTLEGGS..................

"The Price is Right, but seldom official. If you find yourself in a hole, for God's sake, quit digging! I'm not old, I'm chronologically gifted!"
November 21, 2009, 06:35 AM
muggsMorning to all, up early to hold Grandchild. Has flu, still don't slow him down at 8 months. Seems much improved over last night.

November 21, 2009, 06:59 AM

November 21, 2009, 07:18 AM
ChuckTMornin' all! Sorry I missed breakfast yesterday, but it worked out. Had lunch with sponsor, since I had the day off, and he is re-upping for another season. Without him, it would have been harder to race, and my 2 buddies and teammates would have been on the bench. Thanks, Bob Jones,!!Mike, you sure do have a way with words. Prayers for you and your family as you remember your dad.
Floyd good to hear about your buddy. I hope he keeps on the mend. Send some of that success over for Mark, please.
Happy birthday Rick!
Chrtine, hugs!!

'81 Cutlass, KX05, Keystone Raceway Park
Millerstown Pic-A-Part, Tarentum, PA
Wholesale Transmission, New Kensington, PA
Thinking of Nikki and Mark - forever 53
November 21, 2009, 07:26 AM
Mike HawksGood Morning muggs and Pat,hows it going,good to see ya'll fellers this morning,pretty morning here today,gotta get out and get some stuff done this morning,looks like rain tomorrow........................................
Well Guy I gave old Mannie a big hug for ya,and told him it was from Uncle Guy,and first thing he wanted to know was when was we going to go and see you,funny how kids minds work,they see everything as being big,but distance ain't that far,yesterday we went over a bridge crossing over I-77 and it was real flatland as far as he could see and he said is that Az. Dad,I said well,you can start there to go to Az.I love the way they think...............maybe one day.........................

Well ya'll have at it and prayer all around,and ya'll have a gooden and see ya'll in a bit............................................
Special prayers for Mark and MaB and for the family's of Andrew and others that have had loss in their family,and thinking of our smiling angel princess Nikki girl,God Bless ya'll Bob,Karen and Ashley,we sure love you guys...........................................................................................
HEY CHUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
November 21, 2009, 07:29 AM
Floyd StaggsMornin Y'all!
Good for you Chuck
Mouse, how's the moving?
Mornin, Guy!
Believe me, I'm wishing and praying for Mark and Christine.

Everybody have a gooden!

"The Price is Right, but seldom official. If you find yourself in a hole, for God's sake, quit digging! I'm not old, I'm chronologically gifted!"
November 22, 2009, 06:29 AM
Ma Brewer-ChristineMorning,
Mike breakfast was just what I needed the other day. What's on the menu this morning! Thank you for your prayers, I still sneak in and read them! Thinking about you and your Dad! Here's a hug buddy!

Happy Birthday "Hot Legs"! Was great to talk with you Michelle! Big hugs for you all!!

Floyd, you're the bestest! I want you to know that your buddy is always in my prayers! Now when he feels up to it, take him out and have ice cream on me. Send me the bill! Love ya!

Guy, wise words from a very wise man! Thank you!

Chuck, you know I love ya!

Welcome to neebe's, think I saw a couple of new names on here! Pull up a chair, this thread is good for the soul!
Okay, gotta get my day started. Almost done with things around here! Love ya all!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!

Forever "53'
Always and forever "Thinking of Nikki"...
Our "Guy"
November 22, 2009, 06:33 AM

November 22, 2009, 07:30 AM
Floyd StaggsMornin Y'all!
Christine, saw him yesterday down at the race shop. He's getting better everyday. Well, better is a relative term for anyone as ugly as he is.

It takes a while to get the strength back. The only reason I say this is just to remind Mark to be patient. That "C" is some rotten **** and it takes time to get rid of it, but it can be done. Hang in there.

"The Price is Right, but seldom official. If you find yourself in a hole, for God's sake, quit digging! I'm not old, I'm chronologically gifted!"
November 22, 2009, 10:57 AM
Mike HawksGood afternon ya'll,I'm with you Guy it's turkey time,I like the dark meat and they are usally plenty of it left,because everybody else wants the white meat,I love it when a plan comes together..........

MaB good to hear your typing,I know that typing anywhere............

...............You and Mark hang in there good times are coming,and I'm praying everyday non-stop for ya'll.........................

Floyd it's really good to hear your friend is doing good,nothing better than having prayer and friend support..............................
Hey Chuck!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well ya'll have a gooden and prayers all around and Pat you welcome to breakfast anytime.................oh and bring friends,we like friends......................................................................................