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DRR Trophy
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Just read in the paper this morning that the USPS is proposing that first class mail to be changed from 1-3 day delivery to 2-5 day delivery to cut labor costs.
Posts: 317 | Location: Nevada | Registered: February 01, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Trophy
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By the way the Bob, it is going to take that long cause it has to go to Denver, to St Louis, to Dallas, to Albuquerque, then to San Diego.
And they wonder why they are going broke.
Posts: 317 | Location: Nevada | Registered: February 01, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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My belt has more "Frequent Flyer Miles" than my wife and I do..... combined.

Posts: 3294 | Location: Lakeside, Ca | Registered: February 15, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I wonder how the USPS conducts job interviews?

If you show up on time they don't hire you????

If you can remember your name they don't hire you????

If you can't remember where you parked your car they hire you????

Posts: 3294 | Location: Lakeside, Ca | Registered: February 15, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Trophy
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I had the same mailman, oh, sorry, mailperson, for twenty years, showed up everyday at 430 on the dot. Since he retired I havent seen the same "carrier" more than twice I dont think, and they show up anytime between 11 am and 730 pm if at all.
Posts: 317 | Location: Nevada | Registered: February 01, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Trophy
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USPS uses FEDEX for air service.
Posts: 44 | Location: East L.A. , CA | Registered: July 08, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
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The USPS is a fossil and relic of the past that is dead and does not know it. In the past month I have not received one relevant piece of mail. Everything is electronic, courier or delivery service. To save money go to 3/2 days of home delivery, if necessary. The USPS has been a pork barrel toy of the Feds, even though its not a federal agency, but owned by the Federal government. Time t take a sharp knife and cut it way down.
Posts: 701 | Location: At the beach | Registered: August 05, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post

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Time t take a sharp knife and cut it way down.

I think we both understand federal government programs never die, they simply need more money as time goes on. One of the prior "covid relief" packages gave big bucks to the post office to help right the ship. At least somewhat. As long as the free fiat money printing continues there's no reason not to fund EVERYTHING!

Illegitimi non carborundum
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DRR Top Comp
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I read an article that laid out how USPS makes fairly substantial profits year after year, but its coffers are raided. I wouldn't doubt it, it appears we are fed fake perspectives in regards to everything, on a loop 24/7 by the mainstream media, pets of the elite.

If I can find it, I'll post a link.
Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of FootbrakeJim
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They are ALL bad right now, have been since Fall. KEY POINT - ALLOW WAY MORE TIME THAN YOU THINK IT WILL TAKE. Covid impacts to their workers & drivers, PLUS everyone sitting at home ordering everything online, then the usual Holiday peak in volume, (amplified by Covid), and it hasn't gotten much better since then. I have lots of similar stories, like a UPS shipment from Phoenix to Dallas, making it to Ft Worth 30 miles away, then somehow going to central Calif, then up north to Portland Or, over to Iowa, then back down thru Okla to TX, then sat at their local distribution center for 3 more workdays plus a weekend before getting delivered. FedEx shipment from NC made it to Atlanta 2 weeks ago, nothing on it since. Their employees will BS ya too. My brother is a contractor, flew from LA to Dallas to start dirt work on a project. 5 days prior, he took his laser leveling equipment (2 boxes) to a UPS store, not wanting to try and check them as baggage on a flight. The guy charged him $250 Eek to "overpack" the boxes and said they would arrive easily within 5 days. Bro arrived, on Day 6 he rented the heavy equipment, had it delivered to the job site on Day 7, but only 1 of his boxes arrived on day 7, the Head unit didn't arrive 'til day 9. He was able to do some basic dirt pushing for 1 day, wasted another day of equipment rental doing nothing, so it cost him 3 days for what should have been 1, plus the ridiculous shipping fee. He would have been better off driving his truck here with his equipment.

Dan "Jim" Moore
Much too young to feel this damn old!!
Posts: 1135 | Location: Farmersville, TX  | Registered: December 05, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of FootbrakeJim
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Originally posted by Mike Rietow:
I read an article that laid out how USPS makes fairly substantial profits year after year, but its coffers are raided. I wouldn't doubt it, it appears we are fed fake perspectives in regards to everything, on a loop 24/7 by the mainstream media, pets of the elite.

If I can find it, I'll post a link.

The USPS is mandated by Congress, to Pre-Fund Retiree Health Care benefits 75 years into the future. Think about that for a minute. They have to pay $5-6 Billion per year, into the Feds cash grab-bag every year, for future employees of theirs that have not even been BORN yet. No other entity, public or private has any such requirement. Talk about a financial burden... And you KNOW the politicians are not setting a penny of that money aside for those future embryos. (Kind of like OUR Social Security pay-in's that they raided long ago, and continue to hand out for whatever pet projects they dream up). Not sure if the USPS would actually turn a profit, but I read they would only lose $500M-$1 B per year, instead of losing $6+ B per year. The business model they have operated on since becoming the US Postal Service in 1970 has been a 3-year rate cycle, where they aim to profit in Year 1, break-even for Year 2, and lose in Year 3, working out to a break-even overall.
(Now you know why they are still delivering mail in the Grumman vehicles they bought in 1986, based on the chassis & drive train of a mid-80's Chevy S-10 4-banger pickup). Those vehicles had a projected life expectancy of 10-15 years, and they are now 35 years old. Roll Eyes

Dan "Jim" Moore
Much too young to feel this damn old!!
Posts: 1135 | Location: Farmersville, TX  | Registered: December 05, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Elite
Picture of Bill Koski
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I bragged on UPS too quick.
After about 40 packages with no damage now about every other one I send arrives with the contents destroyed.
No damage to the box so it would seem it's intentional slamming the box flat down on a flat surface is the only way I can see it's being done.
Are they having union trouble?

Later, Bill Koski
Posts: 11039 | Location: LAS VEGAS. NEVADA, US of A | Registered: December 03, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of FootbrakeJim
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Just read of another issue UPS and FedEx are dealing with - Shortage of local delivery vehicles (vans & box trucks). Seems Amazon is snapping up almost all available manufacturer capacity on the market, and the others are having to rent vans & trucks from Penske, U-Haul, even the rental car companies. They are even looking to used dealers to buy cargo vans.

A strange sighting by a friend the other day - He was at a Public Storage facility doing some work on their security system, and saw an unmarked van back up to the one unit located outside the security fence/gate. Two UPS employees in brown uniforms hopped out, rolled up the door, and began throwing boxes into that storage unit. He said they both kept looking around nervously, as they emptied every box from the van into the garage-sized unit in minutes, locked it up and bailed out. He was trying to figure out how that activity fit into the UPS sorting and delivery mission... Confused

Dan "Jim" Moore
Much too young to feel this damn old!!
Posts: 1135 | Location: Farmersville, TX  | Registered: December 05, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Trophy
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More stories to add; late model corolla driving around the neighborhood,slowly, with the trunk lid open. Seemed a little suspicious, so watched for a bit, he stopped in front of a house, got out went and got something out of the trunk, when he stood up he was clad in full fedex garb. Ive seen amazon in personal vehicles but this is a first for me to see fedex do it.

Speaking of amazon, blue prime van pulls up in front of my neighbors house, driver opens side door, picks up a package, scans it, looks around, puts package back in van and drives away. Neighbor checks status, says delivered, checks their cameras. Asks me if my cameras show anything else, I have one pointed down the street, found out the van stopped at the end of the street and the driver put a package in a silver dodge pickup and they both drove away. Neighbor called amazon and told them to call that driver to bring the package back, gave them the number of the van. 15 minutes later van shows up, takes it to the door and tells my neighbor he didnt think anyone was home and didnt want to leave it by itself. Amazon said they would deal with the driver.
Posts: 317 | Location: Nevada | Registered: February 01, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post

DRR Top Comp
Picture of wideopen231
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First they need to get my data logger here this morning. LOL

Wonder how much money is spent on shipping for purchases made by racers and street car enthusiast in this country?

America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
Posts: 4591 | Location: Greensboro NC | Registered: May 24, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Elite
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Might be a rural vs urban thing too? Honestly, I have had hardly any delivery issues with fedex, ups and USPS in the last six months. One package of my wife's was lost never to be found. That's it.

Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
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The last adventure i had with Brown. I was not sure on the exact delivery date with the return of the converter from TS. Here i am on the other side of the house and hear this loud bang from the front of the house. Sure as He**, they threw the converter up onto the concrete porch. Filed a claim.

One time i was waiting for a replacement front glass bumper for a Volvo VN series tractor shipped from FedEx to the FedEx domicile. Let's just say the first 2 attempts failed. Someone had run the forklift right through them. 3rd attempt ,Look like they ran over the radius edge with a forklift. Funny thing, it was for one of their own trucks.

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DRR Top Comp
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Must be same guy who DROPPED off my conveter.

America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
Posts: 4591 | Location: Greensboro NC | Registered: May 24, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of SCDIV1
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My UPS driver is a great, fun guy but packages get treated like footballs and fragile is some sort of Italian word....FRAGILLAAA and they don't speak Italian

I've never seen a FEDEX driver kick a box or throw it.....

If you package something poorly and ship it UPS.....thats not a good scenario...
Posts: 2735 | Location: Where ever I am, I'm here and it's me | Registered: March 15, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Trophy
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FRAGILLAAA Thats some funny **** right there.
Posts: 321 | Location: ohio | Registered: June 06, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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