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How can you be behind
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Picture of wideopen231
How can you be behind in the polls as Trump supposedly if. When rally's have thousands and mostly 10k plus and the guys who is showing higher is number in hundred at best? Answers other than polls are bs and fixed would be nice.LMAO

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I'd say it depends on where the poll is conducted. Shake head
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I find that a lot of people don't express their views openly for various reasons, don't want to have different view than their customers for instance. And so many are not very well informed.
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I'd say it depends on where the poll is conducted. Shake head

And how the questions are worded. How anybody can put any validity in polls, after they were shown to be totally inaccurate in 2016 is a mystery to me. But they never missed a beat and people believe them.... well some of them.

Illegitimi non carborundum
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You have to consider the FACT that Millions of Illegal Aliens will vote Democrat. The Democrats will use voter fraud and even Dead people to vote Democrat so right now the polls mean nothing at all. This will not be a fair election and not sure that the good guy will win.

In a closely divided Country even a few hundred thousand illegal votes could rob us and lose America and our Freedom.

"Dunning-Kruger Effect"
-a type of Cognitive bias where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they do not have enough knowledge to know they don't have enough knowledge.

Before you argue with someone ask yourself, "Is this person mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective?" If not there is no point to argue.

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It depends on two factors:

(1) Where the poll is conducted, say for instance the lunchroom at CBS, ABC or NBC.

(2) Who is reporting the poll results, say for instance CBS, ABC or NBC.

They certainly didn't get it right before that last Presidential election, why should I believe that they got it right this time?

Answer in case you were wondering: I don't.

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Not as worried about few thousand votes as I am about the million fake votes.

Might have something to do with why some want a Supreme Court with only 8 filled seat.

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How do you know people reply truthfully in the polls? I know I would lie just to give them false hope, poll means nothing.
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Picture of fuzzy dice
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Remember, a poll is simply a representation of that one moment in time, nothing more...it could change completely in 24 hours...I learned how to conduct a poll in school as part of a demographics course...I distinctly recall my professor telling us to always look at who commissioned the poll as a measure of what the results would be...

I could easily make any poll produce any result I wanted depending on the polling audience, the questions asked, the questions not asked, the demographics of the polling audience, etc...

For example if the first question is "are you a registered voter" followed by "what party are you registered with", you can bet the wrong answer results in a hang up which then does not require that call to be counted...y'all get my point...if a poll states 1,000 people were polled what they don't say is 1680 were called...another trick to skew results is to only call certain area codes depending on what concentration of a particular political party you may be looking for...it goes on and on...
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Hey never said I believe in polls. As matter of fact I have 500 bucks riding against them right now. Yes I know that many idiots that would vote for Biden. In my defense I married into most of them and no wife is not one. LOL

Not buying there bs is kind of point if thread.

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Picture of Alaskaracer
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trump isn't behind. polls are very easily manipulated and just as they did with killery, they are doing for biden. I also don't feel that you can "sample" 1500 people and get an accurate representation of the country as a whole...total bullstuff

Mark Goulette
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Prior to Trump polls were very accurate. But then there was a time when the News Stations gave us the news and let us make up our mind. Now they tell us who to vote for and if you disagree you are a "Racist" Homophobic, Xenophobic and Murderor none of which is true. Which also leads to my next observation, I think many people who are polled will not say they are for Trump simply because they do not want to get BLASTED by the "Tolerant Left"
Many people will say Biden just to avoid a fight but when they go into the booth they will vote for America.
And then you have a huge population actually stupid enough to eat up everything the Fake News says. Those people will vote Democrat. Pedophiles will vote Democrat, Illegal Aliens will vote Democrat. Communists and Socialist will vote Democrat. Lazy people on Welfare will vote Democrat. Many of the younger people think that Socialism will work. They are not smart enough to realize that nothing is free and we the people are the ones who pay for all the Free stuff and after Big Brother takes their cut not much Free Stuff left....

"Dunning-Kruger Effect"
-a type of Cognitive bias where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they do not have enough knowledge to know they don't have enough knowledge.

Before you argue with someone ask yourself, "Is this person mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective?" If not there is no point to argue.

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...total bullstuff

Apparently there is one question the political parties take seriously, assuming it's "your" demographic. That is "do you think the country is headed in the right direction".

Illegitimi non carborundum
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I'm looking at the two candidates thinking if the demonicrats really hated Trump, why would they run what looks like a Alzheimer patient that is being shot up with meth so he can at least talk a little, who's nickname is creepy uncle pervert Joe?

Does anyone else ever look at this and think, this can't be real? Confused

There's no way this can be real. I'd bet my race car Trump wins, how could he not win?
Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post

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Guess not!!

Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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This will NOT be a NORMAL election.
With all the mail in voters it won't be decided until December AFTER the mail in fraud votes are counted.
What will happen is Trump will win the regular in-person voting, then 4 weeks later (after all the fraud votes are counted) Biden will be declared the winner.

I have received 6 fraud mail in voting applications, one for my grandfather (passed in 1980), one for my grandmother (passed in 2002), one for my uncle (passed in 2010), one for my father, (passed in 1996) and 3 for me, one as a junior, one with my middle initial, and one correct one.

Connecticut has done this for local governor voting the last several elections.
The last vote we had the Republican candidate was winning, all polls should the numbers, then at 6 PM they HAD to leave the polls open for several MORE hours AFTER they were supposed to close (8 PM) due to mysterious ballot circumstances, only to have the Democrat be declared the winner 2 days later.

The feds are playing the same game.
Like I said, Trump will win the REAL election but Biden will win the fraud election.

Trump will DEFINITELY LOSE because the Democrats will be stuffing the ballot boxes.

Lastly, How easy is it to make copies of YOUR mail in ballot, vote for XXX, then drop them off all over the state at different voter drop boxes.
It's not like they are going to have shuttles bring ballots to other towns. They are just going to go by the name voted for, they're aren't going to look at the town, etc.

They already said they are NOT looking at signatures or anything else for verification.

Man was not built to fly ... That's why he built HEMI's

Frank Zeffiro
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I haven't heard anyone mention it but the demonicrats candidate creepy Uncle pedo Joe had the top of his skull wiz wheeled off (Hanibal-isk), put in a freezer and glued back on a few weeks later, following brain surgery.

It's not wonder he appears to be a Alzheimer patient who is being shot up with meth, by his handlers.

He couldn't win a psyche-op dog and pony show, with any amount of resources or meth.

This is the demonicrats guy they plan on ousting Trump? Looks like another absurd explanation to me.
Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Picture of wideopen231
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Hey mail them in. I am sure you know how your grandfather would vote. If by chance he as democrat which use to be lot different. I feel sure he would want you to help him correct that. Mine would kick me in azz if voted for democrap. I checked his grave two weeks ago just in case there was a ballot there. Yes it would be cheating but what's good for one is good for other.

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"Prior to Trump polls were very accurate. But then there was a time when the News Stations gave us the news and let us make up our mind."

Sorry, but I must disagree...polls have always been manipulated...back when we all got our news from the big three they were biased as heck as well...they tilted the news to fit their narrative but we never knew it...along came cable and instant news, long before trump, btw...that took away the big three's ability to write the news stories the way they saw fit...

The difference was the newscasters and networks his their agendas and biases back in the day...nowadays they cannot get away with that...
Posts: 1282 | Location: Florida (FL) | Registered: June 06, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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polls are just numbers

numbers can be manipulated

I will vote however I feel like, and have already made up my mind based on the issues and candidates

I won't say who I'm voting for
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