July 12, 2021, 07:35 PM
HolytownMsd grid for 6.0 car
What are the benefits to putting a grid on something that isn’t super fast? I run at a lot of mediocre tracks and am considering a grid to take extra timing out at the hit and maybe ramping it in about 1.5 seconds in. Is this even worth it for 1/8 mile racing? It doesn’t seem like there is enough time to really gain the et back.
July 12, 2021, 07:47 PM
1320raceryou have a 3000 lb. back halved 6 second car, it should easily hook on the worst starting lines
July 12, 2021, 10:33 PM
July 13, 2021, 05:44 AM
racerdude2054Working on proper suspension and having the car scaled would be more beneficial for the 60 foot consistency
The only benefit would be the possible safety benefit of cutting the RPMs back at a set time in the case of a stuck throttle
July 13, 2021, 07:02 AM
Originally posted by 1320racer:
you have a 3000 lb. back halved 6 second car, it should easily hook on the worst starting lines
Finally have the suspension lined out, but have only had the chance to race it footbrake at a track that "preps". By that I mean spray it top to bottom with a 4 wheeler one time, no drag no nothing, and don't touch it again.
Pretty much bracket racing on no prep. Track is shiny in the middle with rubber stripes. I go there at last resort.
That track is probably a lost cause with any amount of power. Diddn't know if timing manipulation would help at all. I have it backed down to 28 degrees now, but was still going 20's 30's. Don't know how much lower I can really go.
July 13, 2021, 07:09 PM
SLICKSTERIf bracket racing and everyone else is kind of having the same problem it kinda levels the playing feild. Sooooo start adding weight, no not 25 lbs add 100,200, etc. get it down the track consistantly and do not worry about et. The time slip which has all the numbers also tells who the winner is which if its you thats all that matters. A 2500 lb car that runs 4.50 and only hits and misses at best and doesnt run with in a tenth all day is useless which sounds like the track conditions you are at. However a 2800-3500 lb car running say 6.50-7.00 may just repeat like crazy. Like ridding a motorcycle and doing a burnout with only yourself on the bike. Then put another person on the back harder to do a burn out. Other choice is go to another track.
July 13, 2021, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by Holytown:
Finally have the suspension lined out, but have only had the chance to race it footbrake at a track that "preps". By that I mean spray it top to bottom with a 4 wheeler one time, no drag no nothing, and don't touch it again.
Pretty much bracket racing on no prep. Track is shiny in the middle with rubber stripes. I go there at last resort.
That track is probably a lost cause with any amount of power. Diddn't know if timing manipulation would help at all. I have it backed down to 28 degrees now, but was still going 20's 30's. Don't know how much lower I can really go.
Hmmm. Sounds pretty familiar, but like yourself, I prefer not to name the track. Take care. Tom Worthington
July 13, 2021, 09:36 PM
ferndaleflyerMany many years ago a person I am sure Tom remembers told me to set your car up to hook on the worst track you can find and you will never have to worry about it anywhere---mine will hook in a mud hole and run the same number every time. Ed is right.
July 14, 2021, 06:39 AM
SLICKSTERThis ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Find the worst track and get down it always.
July 14, 2021, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by ferndaleflyer:
Many many years ago a person I am sure Tom remembers told me to set your car up to hook on the worst track you can find and you will never have to worry about it anywhere ---mine will hook in a mud hole and run the same number every time. Ed is right.
I think that is exactly what the OP is trying to do...hook in a mud hole. I'd like to be able to do that too. Take care. Tom Worthington
July 14, 2021, 11:09 AM
Mike Rietow"Hooking" is a relative term, I've been asked to work on cars with big tires that hooked easy but couldn't print / duplicate 60ft numbers for two runs, much less 7, 8, 9 laps.
Can a Grid help you? Hell yes it can, but the Grid is only as smart as its operator.
Is the Grid a magic carpet? No.
The Grid can can only help you for as far, as you can help yourself.
Same as a delay box.