Bracket Talk
They finally just said it out loud.....

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July 05, 2022, 11:56 AM
Canted Valve
They finally just said it out loud.....
And Stupid People are buying it! 34% of the people are stupid enough to think this is Putin's fault! 34%! That is a lot of people who believe everything they are told.

That is a staggering percentage. The libs have been in charge of our education system to control at least 2 generations. The coup de grace was when they took over the Ivy League colleges. Disney, silicon valley, Amazon, Bill Gates, etc., etc., etc. They ARE the corporate movers and shakers, the politicians, the people in power. So the general public is a bunch of "low information" followers, TV minions. To change the momentum the libs have going for them will take serious violent confrontations. For sure their not afraid to riot, burn and kill. Sure hope I'm wrong but it's what I see. If an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure then we are looking at several metric tons of past due cure.... so to speak. Relaxing

Illegitimi non carborundum
July 09, 2022, 10:42 AM
Liberal World Order MY A S S!
Like the song says; We won’t be fooled again!
Unfortunately…..Liberals own the media! FN Idiots!

Raceless in California!
July 09, 2022, 11:49 AM
After the catastrophe that was the Bu$h administration, Brobama made their intentions CRYSTAL CLEAR, in sweet sounding lawyer mumble, "fundamentally change America"
Nothing was ever more truthfully spoken by a politician.
You gotta listen reeeeeeeeeal carefully when lawyers speak. Wink

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