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Average Entries for Your Track(s)

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April 04, 2021, 07:35 AM
Average Entries for Your Track(s)
How many entries in Pro/Super-Pro does your track handle in it's regular weekly bracket program?
April 04, 2021, 08:34 AM
We have dwindled. I can say accurately but I bet there are no more than 20 super pro cars and twice that in pro maybe. This is dying on the vine compared to what it used to be. We will be traveling to race more at other tracks this year even though we are sitting on a gold card.

I have to say, I don't know what they should do about car counts. It isn't one particular thing. Just a thousand cuts over the years that have soured local racers I think. There are cars out there.

Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
April 04, 2021, 09:11 AM
Mike Rietow
Elected officials offshored the jobs which created the discretionary money for not only drag racing, but all racing.

My neighbor races sailboats, they're experiencing the same thing.

All these illegals they wave in, puts pressure on wages too.

Wages have stagnated 40 years.

They de-industrialized the USA, recreated the economy into brick and mortar store fronts peddling china garbage. Now everyone is going online. This is your commercial real estate collapse looming on the horizon.

The more china garbage people buy, the less drag racing there will be, because the china garbage only enriches the elites utilizing the exploited cheap china labor to manufacture.

Ross perot posed the question correctly when he asked, when does globalism even out... He answered correctly too when he said it evens out when Americans work as cheap as Mexicans.
April 04, 2021, 09:18 AM
Originally posted by Mike Rietow:
Elected officials offshored the jobs which created the discretionary money for not only drag racing, but all racing.

My neighbor races sailboats, they're experiencing the same thing.

All these illegals they wave in, puts pressure on wages too.

Wages have stagnated 40 years.

They de-industrialized the USA, recreated the economy into brick and mortar store fronts peddling china garbage. Now everyone is going online. This is your commercial real estate collapse looming on the horizon.

The more china garbage people buy, the less drag racing there will be, because the china garbage only enriches the elites utilizing the exploited cheap china labor to manufacture.

You aren't wrong, but.......people have money. Lots of damn money. They spend it on all sorts of **** today, but less so on racing. Everybody needs big houses and shiney new $60k cars to drive and are eyeballs deep in debt. Much like Congress, we don't have an income problem. We have a spending problem. Of course the blue collars who often are the grass roots in drag racing have been hit because of outsourcing. It is a problem that apparently nobody uses their votes to speak up about.

Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
April 04, 2021, 09:30 AM
Mike Rietow
Wrong, people have lots of damn debt.

Here's what they did... They de-industrialized the USA.

They replaced the lost wages by expanding credit subprime.

Subprime is just a fancy word for loaning money to people they know can't fullfill the loan contract.

These are the bubbles everyone is always talking about.

There was no such thing as Bubbles before they de-industrialized the USA.

All this talk about kids aren't into cars, is all BS. Kids don't have the ladders of opportunity we did.

It's all BS/ propaganda to cover up how Elites have ruined this country, by offshoring it to china, in order to enrich themselves.

It's the same BS / propaganda they used to sneak everyone's jobs out of this country, right out from under the noses of Americans, to enrich themselves.

They got the TV to alter the masses perspectives, into any shape, form or fashion they choose .

TV is the satanic alter of deceit.
April 04, 2021, 09:39 AM
Our local track in San Diego recently had a track rental for a " Donk event". They had 6 race cars, about 15 show cars and maybe 1000 spectators. Even with all the advertising and promises of "I'll be there" I doubt that the Promoter broke even. He towed here from South Carolina to run the event. It appears that Donk Racing isn't as popular here as it is in South Carolina.

The same track has a Friday night (4 to 10) street car event that will draw as many as 150 + cars and a huge spectator count. No purse, just old fashion grudge racing ..... bring your iron and line up. Heads up a full three amber tree, no handicap. It's not about money, these folks just want to race. When the warmer weather hits that car and spectator count will get much bigger.

April 04, 2021, 09:47 AM
Mike Rietow
If you think things are bad now, wait till they start taxing everyone for every mile they drive.

The goal is to do away with gasoline. And they need the tax revenue to cover over the trillions in stimmy checks they're printing every other month, to keep the ship from capsizing.

The only way to turn this thing around, is if everyone stops buying china garbage, forcing elites to bring the jobs back to our shores. That ain't gonna happen though, because the masses would be required to think for themselves.
April 04, 2021, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by RPROGAS:
Our local track in San Diego recently had a track rental for a " Donk event". They had 6 race cars, about 15 show cars and maybe 1000 spectators. Even with all the advertising and promises of "I'll be there" I doubt that the Promoter broke even. He towed here from South Carolina to run the event. It appears that Donk Racing isn't as popular here as it is in South Carolina.

The same track has a Friday night (4 to 10) street car event that will draw as many as 150 + cars and a huge spectator count. No purse, just old fashion grudge racing ..... bring your iron and line up. Heads up a full three amber tree, no handicap. It's not about money, these folks just want to race. When the warmer weather hits that car and spectator count will get much bigger.


Our track has been doing the donk events. Sh1tload of people on the starting line and a guy got hurt. Never would be allowed during regular races, but they just had no control it seemed. Balancer came off a car, it the ground and bounced up and hit a guy in the head. Lucky to be alive frankly. I support the track doing what it needs to in order to earn revenue. But don't relax your safety standards.

Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
April 04, 2021, 10:28 AM
Mike Rietow
The china garbage funds the theater we've been viewing since 15 days to flatten the curve.

Everyday is like having a front row seat at a WWF wrestle mania.


The mass want to be one, the same as the Elite want them to be one.

Stimmy checks to keep them subdued.
April 04, 2021, 10:50 AM
Boucher Jr
Originally posted by Mike Rietow:
The only way to turn this thing around, is if everyone stops buying china garbage, forcing elites to bring the jobs back to our shores. That ain't gonna happen though, because the masses would be required to think for themselves.

The problem is the masses have been diluted with foreign pieces of shyt with foreign stench and foreign ideology. Then on top of that we have the worst plauge mankind has ever seen, liberalism. The fix involves catapults, a few nukes, and small pox blankets. I guess we dont really need the catapult, but it would be a great source of income for a while. Instead of taxing us, the gov could just set it up like a carnival. Pay a dollar pull the handle and fling some ******* the fuc back where it came from.
April 04, 2021, 10:58 AM
Hell you can’t get the broke dycks here that don’t care about our country, our economy, our jobs, our way of life, to stop buying Chinese junk for their race cars.
April 04, 2021, 12:36 PM
fuzzy dice
Down this way the events are our local points event yesterday there was no less than 250 super pro cars...filled up 8 lanes!...probably close to 400 counting all the the New Years Nationals the record was 429...he got 610 cars this year...test n tunes are a waste of time with over 300 street caars showing up......every track around here is loaded...the last funday sunday in orlando had 450 cars...Bradenton regularly gets 350 at their regular points races...maybe it is the fact that florida opened up wide from the covid quite a while ago...
April 04, 2021, 01:05 PM
Mike Rietow
The velocity of money is good in Florida, for the reason Florida got everyone who normally enjoyed beaches anywhere but Florida, and those who normally did. We got everyone here.

They're asking people not to come to Florida.

Also I saw a stat that says 30% in the Tampa Bay area are at least 3 months behind on their rent or mortgage.

I couldn't imagine racing while behind on any bill, much less rent or mortgage. I don't know how people do it!! They're still out using their stimmy checks for big screens though, it's AMAZING! No conscience.
April 04, 2021, 02:23 PM
adv ET 266
Like Fuzzy Dice said and at least at PBI, car count in all bracket classes is as good as it’s been in years.
Last race results

2005 2000lb 4 link dragster
home brew 582 BBC Dart 355

April 04, 2021, 03:01 PM
My closest local track is 1/2 hr away and is doing ok for a small family owned track.

I went once last spring and they had 30-40 Super cars and probably 50 in Pro

An average race day is probably right in that same area car count wise.

They do their best to keep it going in spite of many obstacles.

Test and tune days and other various events do very well.

I raced there a zillion times going back 50+ years.

They get some events that are jammed with cars and lines out to the highway.
April 04, 2021, 03:10 PM
I raced there a zillion times going back 50+ years.

Rich, I've told you a million times not to exaggerate.

April 04, 2021, 03:13 PM
You’re funny Bob.

A zillion might be a stretch!

And blaming the lack of cars or interest in racing on China and all that came with it is also a stretch. Yes it contributed but is not the single reason we’re where we are at.

Our society has changed and nothing is going to change it back to what it was in the past.

Nothing !!! No way no how...

This message has been edited. Last edited by: SCDIV1,
April 04, 2021, 03:40 PM
Eric Arnett
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</noframes><BR></frameset><BR></html><br></div><div class="ev_print_post"><div class="ev_print_post_info"><div align="right" class="ev_print_date">April 04, 2021, 03:47 PM</div><b>Eric Arnett</b></div>editing misadventure on last post,sorry<br></div><div class="ev_print_post"><div class="ev_print_post_info"><div align="right" class="ev_print_date">April 04, 2021, 05:30 PM</div><b>chasracer</b></div>I was asking as with the loss of a track here this year, car counts have grown at the remaining track in the area. Roughly about 140-150 S/P, probably a bit less on Pro, small ton of Jr's and handful of bikes.<BR><BR>I'm not sure the track has a handle on it yet but I suppose it's a good problem to have.<br></div></body></html>