Bracket Talk
Shutting down another PIPE LINE WTHeck
November 09, 2021, 10:06 AM
Larry ScarthShutting down another PIPE LINE WTHeck
Racing fuel and diesel isn't expensive enough and Biden wants to shut down Line 5 from Canada. OMG what is wrong with Biden?
When everything is coming your way, your probably in the wrong lane.
November 09, 2021, 10:15 AM
pauleythe dumb azz is only doing what he is told to do. not sure he even knows he is the president.
ep-thank you to the so called 50% of the people who they say voted for this ch1t.
i say 50% of that so called 50% are thinking what the crap did i do to us
November 09, 2021, 10:16 AM
pauleygas one year ago in my area was $1.90/gallon. today it is $3.09
November 09, 2021, 10:27 AM
Larry ScarthDiesel in So. Cal is $4.90 a gallon. No wonder 60 plus sportsman racers pulled out of the Finals!
When everything is coming your way, your probably in the wrong lane.
November 09, 2021, 10:28 AM
RPROGASBiden isn't President of The United States, Putin runs this Country (and he's grinding it straight into the ground). It's possible that America may never recover from this dumb azz.
November 09, 2021, 10:28 AM
racerdude2054As soon as Biden was elected I started investing money in oil, it’s been a great investment so far for me, but not for America
November 09, 2021, 10:40 AM
CURTIS REEDI am not a supporter of this admin. but let's get things right when we call them out.
The Army Corp of Engineers is doing a study of the impact of L5 pipeline shutting down. Enbridge is in litigation with the state of Michigan over this pipeline.
This is what prompted the study by the Corp.
2017 and 2018 Osage Casinos Tulsa Raceway Park No-Box Champion
2018 Div4 Goodguys Hammer award winner
November 09, 2021, 10:51 AM
RPROGASSo....who is the Commander In-Chief of the Army Corps of Engineers? Oh yes, that would be, wait for the applause from all the Liberals.......Joe Biden.
November 09, 2021, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by RPROGAS:
So....who is the Commander In-Chief of the Army Corps of Engineers? Oh yes, that would be, wait for the applause from all the Liberals.......Joe Biden.
It is another liberal that ordered the shut down.
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer
2017 and 2018 Osage Casinos Tulsa Raceway Park No-Box Champion
2018 Div4 Goodguys Hammer award winner
November 09, 2021, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by RPROGAS:
So....who is the Commander In-Chief of the Army Corps of Engineers? Oh yes, that would be, wait for the applause from all the Liberals.......Joe Biden.
Nancy and Chuck show, Walter is the puppet.
Easy to see where their oil investments are. Not here! Their right foot is still bleeding and they are taking aim at the left foot now! Idiots!
California Screaming!
Raceless in California!
November 09, 2021, 11:33 AM
Canted Valvequote:
Their right foot is still bleeding and they are taking aim at the left foot now! Idiots!
No, not idiots. The dominoes are falling according to plan, make no mistake.
Illegitimi non carborundum
November 09, 2021, 11:38 AM
Mike Rietowquote:
Originally posted by Canted Valve:
Their right foot is still bleeding and they are taking aim at the left foot now! Idiots!
No, not idiots. The dominoes are falling according to plan, make no mistake.
Unfortunately, it'll be too late by the time it dawns on the TV brainwashed, mindcontrolled sheeple.
November 09, 2021, 11:53 AM
Mike RietowWhen humanity gets up off it's knee's and says FUK YOU!!
There will be Freedom.
November 09, 2021, 01:20 PM
maliciousintentWe are a nation being run by a bunch of wack jobs. FERKJERBERDEN.
November 09, 2021, 06:30 PM
wideopen231What maybe the worst thing. There are a lot of people who think this POS is best choice we had.Because they don't like the fact that Trump told it like he saw it and was right on about 95% of the time. They can not admit that this country has made a complete U turn onto a one way street to hell and Biden administration has their foot glued to the floor. Welling to bet they all Blame the guy who had us energy and best economy in 50 years.
Biden administration has one agenda and they are kicking ass at it. Bring America down so the one world order shyt can be put into place.
America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
November 09, 2021, 08:39 PM
xtended_s10I honestly think these fuel prices are on purpose to force people to drive some sort of EV. Sadly alot of less fortunate people have to just deal with it or do without.
November 09, 2021, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by Larry Scarth:
Racing fuel and diesel isn't expensive enough and Biden wants to shut down Line 5 from Canada. OMG what is wrong with Biden?
Aside from being a worthless POS racist, a thief and con man, and having dementia? Nothing, he's the perfect puppet for the party that says old white men are the scourge of the Earth.
Wait, whuuuut?
Folks, the intent is to destroy this REPUBLIC, and they know their days are VERY numbered, it's desperation in full display. They can't get their slush funds working fast enough to start laundering it back into their pockets.
I don't know if we can survive until year end 2022 if someone doesn't stop this crap..
"Despite the high cost of living, it remains popular."
Dave Cook
November 12, 2021, 09:55 AM
chasracerWhat I am having a tough time understanding and yes I get the whole "screw 'em-I'll do what I want" attitude that could be the entire story here, is for a political party that continually says they stand with the worker bee of the country how can you not see the harm that you are truly doing to these very same people. There are a lot more people out here earning well under 6 figures than above it and their ability to heat their homes, get to work, afford electric cars, all the insurances that a person needs today and then toss tax hikes on top of it all plus the rising cost of food, medical treatment, prescriptions, kid's shoes and clothes, school expenses and so on - it's simply crushing to the regular, worker bee family in this country. And other than simple GREED, there is no reason for it. They talk about a reset - yes this country, this world needs a serious reset. Something on the lines of a great depression reset and this world needs to return to a standard that let's hard work actually mean something, not just another step towards the grave.
November 12, 2021, 10:23 AM
Floyd StaggsGoob,
You hit the nail right on the head. They are doing their best to turn us socialist so they can have complete control.
November 12, 2021, 11:14 AM
Canted Valvequote:
I don't know if we can survive until year end 2022 if someone doesn't stop this crap..
And what magic wand, may I ask, exist at the end of 2022? I can only guess it's republicans taking the house and senate? You do realize double digit republican senators, including the majority leader McConnell, and double digit republican house representatives voted with the dims to pass the $1.5T spending bill (no need to call it infrastructure). With friends like this who needs enemies? AND the latest repub Messiah Virginia Gov. Youngkin was glad to see it passed so he can get his share to jump start his agenda! Never mind the borrowed/printed money and inflation to do it. Never mind the socialist agenda items that irreparably damage the country. When in the hell are people going to wake up and understand the republican party is not ever going to change the liberal course of this country???
Illegitimi non carborundum