For those on site who carry concealed or open. What is your holster of choice,for which ccw or open and what is your weapon of choice.
For Me I usaully carry open since no ccw yet(still on the fence about government reason) and occasionally I conceal. Yes conceal is illegal w/o permit. two things there unless situation requires who is going to know if done correctly and it is a misdemeanor in NC to ccw w/o permit. Before comments about they can tell.I have shown a friend that is/was a cop that when done right w/o tale signs, no you can not know I am carrying..
Now back to question since discalimer is done. What do you carry and what do you carry it in?
America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
Most of the time Sig P320 Compact in .357 Sig with 2 spare 18 round magazines. I use an owb holster from Kevin Haas Holsters. If they way I'm dressed makes this difficult I carry a Sig P938 (9mm) or a S&W Model 36(38 Special) in my pocket or on my ankle.
I've had my NC Concealed carry permit since they first became available in 1995. I get the reason you're on the fence, but I'll guarantee you that you're already "on the list". It does tick me off to pay $75 every 5 years to renew my "right".
Be careful though, Ediot is anti gun.
Added: You knew I'd answer didn't you. :-)
I used to be a people person, but people ruined that.
Posts: 225 | Location: Usually home | Registered: January 27, 2013
I carry both ways a 9mm Taurus in a Mikes holster. Don’t need anything expensive or fancy to get the job done. I’ll bet a bunch on here never knew I had it when I was around them.
Posts: 6313 | Location: everywhere | Registered: March 15, 2007
Originally posted by Woody B: Most of the time Sig P320 Compact in .357 Sig with 2 spare 18 round magazines. I use an owb holster from Kevin Haas Holsters. If they way I'm dressed makes this difficult I carry a Sig P938 (9mm) or a S&W Model 36(38 Special) in my pocket or on my ankle.
I've had my NC Concealed carry permit since they first became available in 1995. I get the reason you're on the fence, but I'll guarantee you that you're already "on the list". It does tick me off to pay $75 every 5 years to renew my "right".
Be careful though, Ediot is anti gun.
Added: You knew I'd answer didn't you. :-)
Heck I bet I am on lot more list too. All of my friends sending their AR ghost guns parts here did not help. The ones I ordered had no effect. LMAO Not to mention butt loads of brass and projectiles.
Looking for new carry options.Both gun and holsters. My P12.45 with two spare mags gets heavy at times,The Sp1010 ruger in 357 mag is not too bad. Various holster for both depending on drass and activity. Example when on Motorcycle I carry 45 in shoulder rig,set for left handed draw since right hand has to control throttle. ,357 mag I carry high on hip in galco OWB or SOB if wearing long enough jacket to know its not going to ride up. Now for lite weight carry I have colt mustang in 380. Might say I am bit of 1911 fanatic. Building me a new custom full size tricked out with wish list parts.
America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
have alot of pistols but the two I carry the most are my sig P320 or Kimber "mini " 1911 -- 9mm ... alien gear holsters are great . belly band holster for when I'm riding my road bicycle
Posts: 791 | Location: hopefully pickin up a check in the winners circle | Registered: November 29, 2006
H&K VP9 with Alien Gear holster. None are perfect, but it works. I had custom ones made at my local gun store that I plan to try this week.
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Very difficult to get a permit here in Maryland and there is no reciprocity for those entering the state.
Handgun Permit CategoryRequired Please select the Category(ies) most applicable to your current application.
A-Owner or Employee of a Business - Submit photocopies of a Trader's License, Business License, or other legal document to prove the existence of the business or organization. Business Activities - Provide documentation of business activities that would justify carrying a handgun, such as the transport of financial instruments or other items of value. Examples of acceptable documentation would include (but are not limited to):
1) At least six (6) recent deposit slips documenting business revenue.
2) 3 Months of recent bank statements documenting ATM or teller deposits or withdrawals for business revenue or expenses; AND/OR
3) At least ten (10) recent receipts or invoices for purchased supplies, delivered products, or non-electronic payments collected for services provided by the business.
4) Business Employee / Organization Member - Must also provide a letter from your employer/organization on business stationery explicitly requesting that you be allowed to carry a handgun for business/organization duties. This letter must also explain, in detail, the duties that would require you to carry a handgun. If the request includes duties as defined above, please select the "Business Activities" category and provide the appropriate documentation.
B-Federal Employees or Contractors - Who possess an active "Top Secret" or higher security clearance.
C-Assumed Risk Positions - Correctional Officers, Judges, State's Attorney, Assistant State's Attorney, and Elected Officials.
D-Active or Former Law Enforcement - Law Enforcement (Active, Retired, or Resigned in good standing from a recognized law enforcement agency)
E-Private Detective / Security Guard / Special or Railroad Police / Armored Car Driver or Guard - All applicants who are employed as Private Detectives, Security Guards, Special Police, and Railroad Police, must submit a certification of qualification with a handgun from a Maryland State Police Certified Handgun Instructor on an MSP form. A copy of the form letter supporting "good and substantial reasons," ownership of weapon, and location where the weapon will be maintained is also required. (This form can be obtained from your employer).
F-Personal Protection / Category Not Listed Above - There must be documented evidence of recent threats, robberies, and/or assaults, supported by official police reports or notarized statements from witnesses.
Documentation may not be redacted, with the exception of personal identifiers of customers or other third parties. Additional documentation may be required to complete your investigation.