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funniest storys from the track
DRR Trophy
since it does not look like we will be racing anymore, (just kidding hopefully this crap goes away soon) lets hear some funny/odd or I strange stories from the track. I know could think of more, but one I can tell is when dad ran himself in the finals back in the early 90s at one of our local tracks. he was driving his car & another mans car when it came time for the finals he had a fellow racer friend drive his car while dad drove the other mans car it nearly happened again at three cars at another track but since dad was in the points with his car he told the man he was driving for "your car is gonna lose this round". another one involves my mom, we bought a early 90s model street cavalier (some of y'all probably know who we bought it from) for my mom to drive to work, well of course not too long we took it to the track.. so dad was racing at Rockingham & after my mom got off work and I got out of school we drove up there & dad entered my mom in the footbrake class she made it to the semifinals & she had to run the footbrake world champ at that point in time dad had her dialed (he claimed) "exactly what it will go do not hit the brakes if I see the taillights come on I'm gonna yell at you" well it get down there and (from what we think) the guy thought she was a "duck" and was holding a few. after reviewing the time slip had she hit the brakes she would have won.

J.K. Hodges
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I member one time my buddy Johnny welded his car back together and put some purple ratchet straps on it for "insurance".

FUNNY it sure threw some people into a tizzy eh?

Or I member when some kid crashed at 7 cars at the million and because of the break rule he as able to go on to runner up to another buddy of mine named Skinny Kenny to net $100k .

FUNNY it sure threw some people into a tizzy eh?

Just some funny memories that come to mind from the last couple of years...

POPEYE used to win a race or 2...FUNNY, he ain't won chit in a while?

Sup Jake?
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My daughter was running a Jr and I was racing my car at a race. We were both in the 4th round when the Jr had a mechanical issue. We were working on her car and when we got done I looked up and the last 2 cars in my class were going down the track. Totally forgot I was racing and missed the whole round lol. It's funny now.

Reggie Lytch, Retired United States Air Force, Div 4 S/ST
Jacksonville Arkansas now Jacksonville N.C.
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Originally posted by Reggie451:
My daughter was running a Jr and I was racing my car at a race. We were both in the 4th round when the Jr had a mechanical issue. We were working on her car and when we got done I looked up and the last 2 cars in my class were going down the track. Totally forgot I was racing and missed the whole round lol. It's funny now.

Oh snap! I usually have my car up there so they know I am in. My track is really helpful to those of us wearing a couple hats. They would call on the speaker if we were getting close and I had my car up there. We have gotten behind the 8 ball on a busy track day when the jr and my car are both in, and maybe i'm even in two classes. Gets yer head spinnin. That's usually when I swear I am going to lose some weight so I'm not panting when running around. LOL.

Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
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I have one on myself for everyone to laugh at. So a couple years ago I'm racing one of our local points races. 2nd round I'm spotting my guy pretty good so I might have been carrying a little. I run up to him and I'm wearing out the linkage on my throttle.

Just so happens that on this weekend they were having some issues with the timing system and the win lights wouldn't work occasionally. This time neither light came on but I knew I got there and killed a ton so I'm safe. I get the slip and I took .008 on him.

I roll up for 3rd round and he is sitting in the lanes. I'm a little confused now so I walk over and ask why he is back in line? He said, "I won that round". I'm like what? He pulls the slip out and I got behind .008 not ahead. I never looked at who it pointed to as winner. I knew I had got there and was looking as I was driving back and since the light didn't work I convinced myself. I had been accused of cheating earlier in the year because I had won 9 of 11 races extending back to the end of the year before so now everyone is wearing me out about how I had been winning. The secret was out. I'm laughing my butt off and we all had a good time with it.

I'm hanging around to watch the rest of the race and they finish the 3rd round. I'm in the lanes for the 4th round and what made my day was they guy who had beat me 2nd round rolls up for the 4th round. I'm talking to him and we are still laughing about what happened. The person he ran 3rd round walks over and asks him why he is up there? He said I won. She says, "nope" and shows him the slip. He did the exact same thing I had just done. We still laugh about that day. Didn't think of that

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One stupid one funny, the first one was when I went to the track with my Vega wagon . Went to unload the car from the flat bed trailer, removed the tiedown downs took the car out of gear and it did not roll off. I got out and walked over get some stuff that a racer brought me from his shop , about 50 yards away, and I was pitted out in the middle of nowhere . As I walked back I notice the car was off the trailer!!! LOL The car rolled off and stopped about 8 feet be hide the trailer, as it to tell me lets go racing.

I believe I told this story before on here but here goes again. I live out in the desert southwest and before I had enclosed garage the car was store in the carport. I went to a night race in the summer and as I was taking the second time hit I feel something weird . Right after the burnout and was staging I felt something pulling at my right cuff of my pants, I was pre-staged I looked down and here comes a large as Pack Rat up my leg. So what do I do stage and get on the tranny break. The rat just sits on my knee and as I releases at full throttle the rat runs right by me into the back of the wagon. The light was pretty bad but the car ran its number....I get back to the pit and get a flashlight and a can of brake clean and hunt down the pest, every time I get it out it runs right back till I case it 100 yards away. By now am late going back up for first round , but there was and oil down so I walk up to a large group of racers . They are having a good laugh about the starter having to run 2 rats off the track....haha That next week I started to enclose the garage..

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Back in the early 70s I drove the enclosed car carrier from Baltimore to Suffolk, VA. Got really good fuel mileage going down and no wonder, the race car was not there. Helper had washed and waxed it and put it in the barn without me knowing!!!!☹️
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Push starting the TFD "Jade Grenade" during the Dutch Classic at Maple Grove back in the 1960's. They tried to use a WW2 half track.

Ask Jon Asher, how well THAT went, and use the word "Over".

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Mid 80's at Coastal Plains Dragway. Was called HWY 258 dragstrip at the time. I was about 14 years old at the time. Several of us young knuckleheads out there spectating. We were at the finish line, lights on the grounds were rather dim and the chain link fence keeping people back was broken down. A 67/68 Camaro, pretty sure it was Bigfoot, Graham Burch, comes by and loses a header collector. Mike, my brother says, it's his, runs out to get it and I followed. Once he found it, picks it up and burns the hell out of his hand. Meanwhile, another pair are on their way so we haul butt back to the fence. As I'm crossing the folded over chain link fence, it bounced my 95lb arse up and head over heels to flat on my back. Damm we got a good laugh out of that night.

William Kilduff
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Not sure if I told this before but here goes. I go to Memphis World Finals I had never been to Memphis and they parked us on the spectator side for a couple hours. It was hot and I was hanging out with some of my good friends racing there too in their motorhome. While we were waiting I said I was going to go look at track as I have never been there. No one wanted to go because it was hot and cool in the motorhome. So since we are on the spectator side waiting I went to the stands and looked both ways down the track and took some pictures with my phone. So on my way back I needed to go to the bathroom and didn't want to go #2 in my friends motorhome. I go in the restroom and in their doing my business. While on the throne I hear a motor (4 wheeler golf cart) drive up and hear some rattling. I think nothing of it. Then I go and wash hands and go around the corner and what do I see, but a locked cage door. That sucker locked me in without asking if anyone was in there. So I get on my phone and call one of my friends in the motorhome. I told him I an locked in the crapper and if he would bring me a 1/2 inch and a 9/16 inch wrench I think I can get out. Little did I know I was on speaker phone and they said sure they would be right there and could hear snickering. I told them I was serious as a heart attack. I could tell they didn't believe me (I'm a prankster) so I said I was sending a picture. Now I wait for what seems like a long time and am getting hot and a little upset. So I go back in the restroom and get some paper towels and put in the palm of my hand and squeeze my hand between the U clamp that is around post with a lock through it. I bent that sucker around enough to push it open to get out. So I call them to tell them never mind. And they say my buddy Jim had went to trailer to get wrenches. I ask my trailer. Then I hear in background Jim say don't tell him I went for wrenches because I have seen him mad before. I get to motorhome and what a bunch of turds laughing their a22es off. So we get parked and I'm about an 1/8 mile away from them. Next day I see them and they asked how it's going. I said great and that I had meet some new friends that would actually come and help me if I was in trouble. HaHa. Ok this was in October then in January on my birthday and this was a coincidence as they didn't know it was my birthday a package shows up at my house in the mail. I open it and inside is a 1/2 inch and a 9/16 wrench and a note saying Crapper keys don't leave home without them from your True Friends. We still get a good laugh about this to this day.

Jeff McClure
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DRR Sportsman
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1997, Speedworld near phoenix, nostalgia type race. It's my second year bracket racing. First round I am .00x red. I'm loading the car and my friend looks at the slip, says I won! What? I go to the tower and they tell me my opponent never bought a tech card so I'm still in.
Second round red, other guy first, Im in. Third round I actually win a round!!! 4th rd red again but other guy first. FINAL ROUND, red, runner up.
This guy comes by and calls me mr Lucky and says "you should go to Firebird, the haven't started yet."
My buddy and I beat it for Firebird 50 miles away, miss the first time run but got there in time. My fortune changed as I was good when I needed to be and lucky enough to get by with the rest.
That night a drunk guy from the casino somehow got on the track going the wrong way narrowly missing two cars coming at him, causing a 30 minute delay as all heck breaks loose. Well by 3 am we are at the finals and I win my first ever Sears Craftsman series bracket race.
Two finals the same day at tracks 50 miles apart.
Couldn't wipe the grin off my face for two weeks........... USA

I'm not in a bad mood, I just look that way.........
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