NHRA, like NASCAR, will choose to be total and complete slaves to political correctness, so we'll see the ridiculous masks, social distancing, etc. It's all just theater to appease the "shelter in place" morons.
Posts: 1612 | Location: Marietta, GA | Registered: December 09, 2005
Originally posted by SlyFox: NHRA, like NASCAR, will choose to be total and complete slaves to political correctness, so we'll see the ridiculous masks, social distancing, etc. It's all just theater to appease the "shelter in place" morons.
I don't disagree. But when you are in the entertainment business, you sometimes have to set your standard to what doesn't offend the most easily offended among us. When you depend on the masses to pay your bills, you can't afford to offend even moderately sized groups.
Also, I have seen some people really critical of businesses who are adhering the best they can to all of the recommendations. It's easy for us to pound our fist on the table and talk about our convictions when it comes to this crazy virus. But all it takes is one crazy assed Health department official to shut you down or one person to get terribly sick and blame your business for negligence, and you have an expensive legal battle on your hands that could bankrupt your business and ruin you financially. It's not as easy to just stand your ground when you and your family depend on your business. So you make accommodations and modifications and do what you can.
Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Posts: 6503 | Location: Illinois | Registered: July 08, 2004