Looking for tips for rookie. Decent paint gun. Nothing super badass since skills are far from. Brand of paint that works well and gives a good job, not looking for the best there is 1000 a gallon. More in the 300 to 500-a-gallon range.
Have questions out few places and gathering info. Figure 5 answers the same from different folks might give some good starting points.
Suggest away.
America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
I don't post on here anymore because of the *******s constantly fighting. But I saw your post and any automotive paint store will have a decent gun at a low cost. Find a store that carries Omni brand. Excellant quality and inexpensive. Make sure you get the correct reducer for the temperature you are painting in. The paint store can advise you. They will give you strainers and sticks as well. Also get fish eye. Obtw, I owned 3 body shops and have painted for 40 plus years. Have fun!
When everything is coming your way, your probably in the wrong lane.
Posts: 1078 | Location: Between a Rock and a Hard Spot, USA | Registered: December 06, 2001
With the two stage products, even a good paint job can come out of a novice. Just remember to use the 3 P's. Prep, patience, product. It is good to use the same product if possible, although some parts can be crossed over together. Using the same primer, sealer, and paint product helps the novice understand the instructions on the can. Good luck and post pics. My pics look better from a distance, ha ha
Posts: 103 | Location: oklahoma | Registered: November 26, 2009
They are $389 on amazon and the replaceable tips are $38 for 5 of them.
For about half price in the $200 range is the No Name guns from sprayunner.com. They look to be a Iwata clone. Kind of like a cross between a WS400 and a LPH400.
Maybe Larry has some input on these. The reviews on both look pretty good.
Posts: 457 | Location: coquille,or | Registered: November 18, 2003
Originally posted by HS professor: What are you painting and what color are you looking to spray ??
Tired of FED not having any paint and the cost painters get is out of my range. Might spend almost as much on materials and learning, gut the knowledge will pay off later.
Color wise I am going with our funny car colors. blue, with yellow and orange faded into and magenta border stripe. I have laid it out a few times just for the hell of it. I do not expect the same results as Switzer's paint jobs. If I don't like the result I will wash it off and do it again till I am happy with it. Figure this summer when the heat gets to point that racing is not fun. I can work on this along with a few other projects. Thanks for tips guys.
America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
On cost vs pro paint job/ I am not kidding myself or so I hope. I figure $2000 is material to do the job. I could cut it a bunch and just do short body now and then do full body later. Figure that mistake. Do it all and make a good job out of it. Figure will be 3rd or 4th job before get great result.LMAO.
Even if it takes week to do I will m be way ahead and the only one to blame it looks like crap will be Chris.
America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
You are right about material cost. I would suggest start slow and in the summer months before it get's too hot. Begin with a fender or door from the scrap pile. Prepare it as if it's what you intend to paint. Follow instructions and be patient. HVLP guns keep the mess down and less cleaning afterward. Now the patience part, don't get in a hurry and follow instructions on mixing. You can do it. Good luck and you may YouTube it to get better ideas on your design. I'm a three at most paint design, but I've saved thousands over the years. Again, good luck and if you are like me, painters have no fear of me taking over their profession.
Posts: 103 | Location: oklahoma | Registered: November 26, 2009