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The Latest DMV SCAM
If you are a California resident, drive a vehicle and are about to take the Drivers License Test.....be prepared, really prepared!

The examination will cost you $37 and in all likely hood require about two to three hours of your time. The time it takes isn't really the problem it's the computer test and more importantly the questions they will be asking. The computer test has a "Time element" involved and the questions will puzzle you. Many have zero to do with actually driving a vehicle, many will be legal questions such as: "What is the fine for throwing an animal out of a moving vehicle", or "What are the consequences of failing to stop for a Police Officer, or a vehicle with flashing lights", or "questions regarding towing a second vehicle/trailer such as weight restriction. There are 18 questions in the test, miss more than three (3) and you fail.

The second test will cost you another $37 so it's obvious the States incentive is for you to fail one or more times. Suggestion : Take the paper test it does not have a time element per question, the computer test does and if you "time out" it's the same as a missed question.


PS: Before you ask, no it was not me the failed the test.
Posts: 3290 | Location: Lakeside, Ca | Registered: February 15, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I find it entertaining to see just how far the state can bend you over until you won't tolerate it anymore, many have/are reached that point and exited the state. I understand old habit are comfortable and hard to break but at some point it will come to be too much. I'm glad I'm not faced with such a dilemma.... for now. California, Illinois, New York, Virginia are running interference for now. It will be interesting to see how the dominoes fall.

Illegitimi non carborundum
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Just don't move here to Texas when you finally get sick of living in that state. Go to New York or Seattle instead.

Mike Greene

Posts: 509 | Location: Burleson, TX | Registered: March 23, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
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^^^^^^^^^^^^ what he said. BTW, don't move to Florida either, its hot, humid, lots of alligators, bugs and mosquitos.
Posts: 701 | Location: At the beach | Registered: August 05, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
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Brother moved from Thousand Oaks to Prosper Texas awhile back---Prosper, how appropriate.
Posts: 6312 | Location: everywhere | Registered: March 15, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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It’s 48 bucks to renew my commercial lic and get the “ fly like an Eagle “ card!
Have to show current med cert too..

California Screaming!
Raceless in California!
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Picture of Floyd Staggs
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And if you're not careful DMV will change your political affiliation to democrap whether you want it or not.
Posts: 4855 | Location: Cucamonga, Ca | Registered: May 28, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post

Picture of Roger McGinnis
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The land of fruits and nuts. Yep!

Posts: 562 | Location: Republic of Texas | Registered: January 16, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Did you folks know that the Governor of California Gavin Newsome (Democrat) is the Nephew of California Senator Nancy Pelosi (Democrat). No wonder this State is SOOOOO screwed up, all the rats are related!

Posts: 3290 | Location: Lakeside, Ca | Registered: February 15, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of "The Bender"
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Originally posted by Floyd Staggs:
And if you're not careful DMV will change your political affiliation to democrap whether you want it or not.

Really? Super Angry

272" Spitzer
540 Chevy
The Blower Shop XR1
FTI XPM Series Converter
FTI Level 6 Powerglide
.916 60'

2017 Bradenton Heads Up Madness
Open Outlaw Champ

2018 PDRA T/D #5
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Picture of "The Bender"
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Originally posted by RPROGAS:
Did you folks know that the Governor of California Gavin Newsome (Democrat) is the Nephew of California Senator Nancy Pelosi (Democrat). No wonder this State is SOOOOO screwed up, all the rats are related!


Too bad it's such a beautiful state being ruined by a few high population areas...….

272" Spitzer
540 Chevy
The Blower Shop XR1
FTI XPM Series Converter
FTI Level 6 Powerglide
.916 60'

2017 Bradenton Heads Up Madness
Open Outlaw Champ

2018 PDRA T/D #5
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Posts: 3105 | Location: Yes | Registered: July 08, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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In order to Vote in a California election you MUST register in one of the Political Parties. The application to register said that once you select a particular Party you can not vote for a Candidate in another Party. In short the State now dictates how, and for whom you can vote. In the past I have vote a split ticket (for "The Candidate") not the Party. I guess that not going to happen any more.

I can not find any indication of a Political Party affiliation on my California Drivers License, it may be recorded with the DMV but it's not on my License.

Posts: 3290 | Location: Lakeside, Ca | Registered: February 15, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of "The Bender"
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Originally posted by RPROGAS:
In order to Vote in a California election you MUST register in one of the Political Parties. The application to register said that once you select a particular Party you can not vote for a Candidate in another Party. In short the State now dictates how, and for whom you can vote. In the past I have vote a split ticket (for "The Candidate") not the Party. I guess that not going to happen any more.

I can not find any indication of a Political Party affiliation on my California Drivers License, it may be recorded with the DMV but it's not on my License.


I'm not sure, but that would or should be 100% illegal.

In Florida you can't vote in a primary election if you are not registered with one party or the other. But no matter which party you are registered with you can vote for whoever you want.

272" Spitzer
540 Chevy
The Blower Shop XR1
FTI XPM Series Converter
FTI Level 6 Powerglide
.916 60'

2017 Bradenton Heads Up Madness
Open Outlaw Champ

2018 PDRA T/D #5
2019 PDRA T/D #2

2020 Retired From T/D Competition....

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2021 getting back into bracket racing with a Gen3 Hemi powered 87 Cutlass.
Posts: 3105 | Location: Yes | Registered: July 08, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Picture of wideopen231
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It would be illegal if forcing you to vote repubilcan,but democrats is not only legal it comes with get out of jail free card..

America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
Posts: 4587 | Location: Greensboro NC | Registered: May 24, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post

Picture of Floyd Staggs
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I have been a reistered democrap forever and my wife, God rest her soul, was a registered republican. That way we could get all the bull**** to mull over before election. I had to change mine to republican cause I wouldn't vote democrap if they were giving free bj"s.
Posts: 4855 | Location: Cucamonga, Ca | Registered: May 28, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of FootbrakeJim
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Originally posted by ferndaleflyer:
Brother moved from Thousand Oaks to Prosper Texas awhile back---Prosper, how appropriate.

Hey Don, what a coincidence of sorts. Does your brother race? I have a brother who lives in Thousand Oaks, CA and a Brother-in-Law who lives in Prosper, TX (about 10 minutes from my home). The town name really is appropriate, but now with a cost for the prosperity - In the past 5 years or so it has gone from a sleepy little rural community about 25 miles North of Dallas, to unbelievably massive growth and development, (Actually drastic over-development). The Dallas-Ft Worth metropolitan area continues to expand far too quickly, with all the influx of people bailing out of liberal nightmare states like Commiefornia. (D/FW has added on average, over 100K people via Relocation from out of state, every year for the past decade).
I gotta say I am truly worried that they are going to turn this state from red to blue, probably sooner than later. So many people leave places like NY & Calif to escape the back-breaking taxes, high cost of living, homeless junkies who litter & shyt on the streets, infringements on personal freedom and constitutional rights, and the awful, pandering politicians who ruin the quality of life, and "buy votes" from druggies, criminals and illegals by handing them cash and benefits paid for by the working folks. Then these migrants go to a well-run conservative state like TX, and continue their mind-numbing practice of voting for the same type of idiotic liberal politicians who ruined the place they vacated. They already took over Colorado, which went in a few short years from a rugged, beautiful, conservative stronghold, to a mamby-pamby, gender-blurred, over-taxed, over-regulated, liberal he1l-hole.
With that being said, I would welcome common-sense guys like Bob, Floyd, and any other drag racers here in TX. We racers, as a general rule, are not of the persuasion to knowingly and intentionally shoot ourselves in the foot. Smile (Not saying we don't do so accidentally once in a while, like on the dragstrip) Big Grin

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Dan "Jim" Moore
Much too young to feel this damn old!!
Posts: 1134 | Location: Farmersville, TX  | Registered: December 05, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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The damn earthquake sure is taking its sweet ass time. Spose it's just going to make watching em all bob up n down gaspin for their last few breaths even sweeter.
Posts: 237 | Location: Il. | Registered: December 31, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
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Well imagine that, Mothers family name is Moore!!!!! Brother does not race. He and his wife have retired rather comfortably. He and I both lived in Texas at one time long ago. We see the liberal influx here in NC all the time and the biggest generator of that are Duke, NC State, and UNC......they turn out liberals faster than a rabbit. Slowly every thing here is taxed more and more. Pretty bad when I keep most of our vehicles registered at our home in MD. No personal property tax or yearly inspections. Last year our 2017 Honda car tax was $548, in MD ZERO!!!!!
Posts: 6312 | Location: everywhere | Registered: March 15, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of FootbrakeJim
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Originally posted by ferndaleflyer:
We see the liberal influx here in NC all the time and the biggest generator of that are Duke, NC State, and UNC......they turn out liberals faster than a rabbit.

Yep, the lib socialists have taken over most all of the institutions of "higher learning" across the country. They are brainwashing and indoctrinating many young minds into their way of thinking. And what we used to call "common sense" is not part of their teachings. (What used to be regular ol' practical logic, stuff that anyone could figure out, is now becoming "uncommon sense"). I have a sister-in-law, who has 3 or 4 degrees, 2 Masters degrees, and she is literally clueless, dumb as a box of rocks. But she will spout out that idiotic liberal logic all day long, whatever BS she sees on CNN that day. (My brother/her husband just shakes his head, he spends his time in the garage, or out on the range).

Dan "Jim" Moore
Much too young to feel this damn old!!
Posts: 1134 | Location: Farmersville, TX  | Registered: December 05, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Goob
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Originally posted by RPROGAS:
If you are a California resident, drive a vehicle and are about to take the Drivers License Test.....be prepared, really prepared!

The examination will cost you $37 and in all likely hood require about two to three hours of your time. The time it takes isn't really the problem it's the computer test and more importantly the questions they will be asking. The computer test has a "Time element" involved and the questions will puzzle you. Many have zero to do with actually driving a vehicle, many will be legal questions such as: "What is the fine for throwing an animal out of a moving vehicle", or "What are the consequences of failing to stop for a Police Officer, or a vehicle with flashing lights", or "questions regarding towing a second vehicle/trailer such as weight restriction. There are 18 questions in the test, miss more than three (3) and you fail.

The second test will cost you another $37 so it's obvious the States incentive is for you to fail one or more times. Suggestion : Take the paper test it does not have a time element per question, the computer test does and if you "time out" it's the same as a missed question.


PS: Before you ask, no it was not me the failed the test.

I wonder how all of the no hables illegals get a license?

"Despite the high cost of living, it remains popular."
Dave Cook
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