Bracket Talk
Car Name Memories
April 28, 2020, 06:57 PM
John DiBartolomeoCar Name Memories
"Memories is all we have during this pandemic. Think of some of your own while you go back to your regularly scheduled sit-at-home and do nothing." 28, 2020, 11:51 PM
Little ChiefGrowing up in East Texas back in the 60's my dad ran stock with a 50 olds called Rocket Hauler. A few others I thought were cool a couple of 57 sedan deliveries one named Malfunction and one called Sabotage. A 55 chevy called Termites Nest
. Man those were great times to grow up around drag racing.
April 29, 2020, 08:25 AM
Michael BeardAt Beaver Springs Dragway, we had the Looney Tunes Gang. I wish I had a pic handy of Bob Klock's "Baaaaad Intentions" Dart Sport, which featured Tweety with an axe behind his back. Later, there was Dave Weaver's "Mixed Emotions" Charger with Pepe LePew and the cat It was mostly us Mopar guys, but there was also a "Rapid Transit" car with Wile E Coyote on it.
Will Leitch
Michael Beard
Jeff Edinger
Back in the day, I'd hand-painted some decals that looked like the NHRA Div. 1 track team code decals. We'd be at the bracket finals or an inter-track challenge race and I'd hear someone say, "There's a team 'LT' here, but nobody knows where they're from!" LOL
Michael Beard -
Staging Light Graphic Design, Printing & Event Marketing
April 29, 2020, 08:28 AM
Mike RietowYou Get No Change $$$ < Best car name I've seen. Most accurately named.
BMFSunshine and Bradenton multi time Super Pro champion
Doorslammer, small tire, open trailer
April 29, 2020, 11:52 AM
CashflowThere’s a lot that come to mind but I had some friends with an altered, “Money for Nothing” and I always thought that was a great name!
Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right. Here I am.......
April 29, 2020, 05:03 PM
27KeithIts sad that car names are a thing of the past. Alot of cars were named or had sponsors names on them back in the 80's and 90's. I really miss that. It was way easier to call out a car by name than it is to say that red 69 Camaro.
4 X Track Champion ( 2 & 2 )
2 X Run off Winner
April 29, 2020, 05:43 PM
B KINGquote:
Originally posted by 27Keith:
Its sad that car names are a thing of the past. Alot of cars were named or had sponsors names on them back in the 80's and 90's. I really miss that. It was way easier to call out a car by name than it is to say that red 69 Camaro.
1980 Camaro
Taking the Best Working Small Tire Shyt Box & making it Greater Than Before!
3000 lbs.
Pump Gas 436
April 30, 2020, 12:09 PM
Wild Wild West 2I always liked to see cars that had that names on them. It was easier to remember them and people would always associate a car to a driver.
I still have my car that is named. And take a look at this video, around the 22 minute mark is my run when the TV show announcer calls my car by its name. were the good ole days !!!! Yes, I know I am old.

April 30, 2020, 01:54 PM
J178REDBack in the 60s two altered wheelbase dodges cars raced the southwest till owner was killed and then called suicide. My favorite cars of all time , "GOLDENROD" AND "THE FUZZ" I wish a had photos of them.
April 30, 2020, 02:21 PM
Phil DeesTempus Fugit
April 30, 2020, 03:51 PM
Dave RaserI'll never forget this one ....... back in the middle 60's ..... I was a young kid, watching a 'travelling circuit of S/S and F/X cars' racing at Cecil County Dragway (Md.). There were a ton of Mopars there .... and this one exploded it's engine, right on the starting line ........ it's name . appropiately . was "The GUZZLER" ......

......... the good 'ol days!
April 30, 2020, 05:35 PM
Tim MitchellI always liked "Bad News Travels Fast" vega of Woodrow Brackett,who I think is Woodyb on this site. I may be wrong. Rampys " sky high " was cool too.
May 01, 2020, 07:06 AM
wideopen231Local favorite.Charlie Brown.Was running before the 80's when I first saw it and still out there running. Old Chevy wagon wheels up every launch.Man must have 5000 rounds in that thing and that might be under estimated.
America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
May 01, 2020, 08:36 AM
A39CoronetRacecar names are still big in the Mopar crowd, and I always grew up think if it's a racecar, it has a name.
I recall there used to be two identical 64 Plymouths that would race at the Mopar Nationals every year named "Spartacus" (no, I'm Spartacus) and they both would leave on the bumper. I don't remember the plain Jane Polaras and Darts that were just as fast, but I remember Spartacus.
May 01, 2020, 09:04 AM
Michael Beardquote:
Originally posted by Phil Dees:
Tempus Fugit
Rick Wolf's Super Stock 'Cuda! He said it had 16 street driven miles on it. He was a jeweler in the next town over from where I grew up. Used to fix my glasses after I'd break them in gym class. LOL It wasn't until later that I even learned what drag racing or his line of Wallys on display were all about. He offered to let me drive it once, but we never made it happen. This was one of the cars that got dad and I interested in class racing when we were first starting out.
Michael Beard -
Staging Light Graphic Design, Printing & Event Marketing
May 01, 2020, 09:10 AM
Michael Beardquote:
Originally posted by wideopen231:
Local favorite.Charlie Brown.Was running before the 80's when I first saw it and still out there running. Old Chevy wagon wheels up every launch.Man must have 5000 rounds in that thing and that might be under estimated.
Mike Boyles had the car repainted in 2010, done up just like it was before, hand-lettered and all, but FRESH. It came out incredible! Mike's one of the nicest guys you could ever hope to meet, and a bad dude with a stick.
Michael Beard -
Staging Light Graphic Design, Printing & Event Marketing
May 01, 2020, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by Michael Beard:
Originally posted by wideopen231:
Local favorite.Charlie Brown.Was running before the 80's when I first saw it and still out there running. Old Chevy wagon wheels up every launch.Man must have 5000 rounds in that thing and that might be under estimated.
Mike Boyles had the car repainted in 2010, done up just like it was before, hand-lettered and all, but FRESH. It came out incredible! Mike's one of the nicest guys you could ever hope to meet, and a bad dude with a stick.
Michael this was one of my favorite cars as a kid. I remember watching him at Rockingham and also as an adult when I would come back to the east to race. He was an awesome stick driver which is proof as he is a multi time SS champion.
Reggie Lytch, Retired United States Air Force, Div 4 S/ST
Jacksonville Arkansas now Jacksonville N.C.
May 01, 2020, 04:19 PM
Phil DeesChain Lightning
May 02, 2020, 11:01 AM
ferndaleflyerAnyone up in Div one remember a Mopar wagon called “Tight Nuts”?
May 02, 2020, 12:15 PM
maliciousintentJust out of college in the early 70's saw a funny car at Miami-Hollywood Speedway call the 'Tyrant' think they were from Chicago. Another was Frank Federici's 'Shark'. Loved the names on cars.