How stupid do you have to be to think that a gun buy back means that one gun that would be used in a crime is what is being bought back. Only way possible is buying a gun before a criminal can steal it.
Winston Salem about 45 miles away is having one of these con job deals this week. Got to wonder how many honest citizens are gullible enough to fall for this crap.
Hey I have old busted shotgun that could not be made usable for 200 in parts if you had to.Wonder what they will give me for it?
Wonder how many criminals are getting their arsenals together to take over and sale. Betting zero.
America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
It is not meant to get guns away from criminals, just law abiding citizens who don't want them anymore and can't be bothered to sell them or transfer to someone who does.
I guess it makes sense if you don't want them stolen and used to commit a crime.
Originally posted by wideopen231: Quote. We are doing this in hopes of putting end to or at least reducing gun violence.
Yep, that is the anti-gun way of thinking. They just come up with dumb ideas like this and people buy into it thinking they are doing good when in fact, they are giving up their right to bear arms and defend themselves.
Originally posted by 67TSCHEVY2: PARK close to the buyback area with a sign that says "I PAY MORE"
Posts: 1135 | Location: The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. Savvy?” ~~ Captain Jack Sparrow ~~ | Registered: August 21, 2000
Originally posted by Phil Dees: I wonder if gun manufacturers support these programs?
Maybe but as the little details leak out of these communist bills that are being passed I wouldn't be surprised to find money in them for this crap.
Posts: 1135 | Location: The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. Savvy?” ~~ Captain Jack Sparrow ~~ | Registered: August 21, 2000
Originally posted by 67TSCHEVY2: PARK close to the buyback area with a sign that says "I PAY MORE"
Better not. NC law requires permit for person to person sale. Had a cop tell me at a gun show(same location as matter of fact) that if I sold the other guy the gun I would be going to jail.
Now if you have a ccw no permit required even at dealer.That might get you by it.
America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
The armed American is and has been in the way of the left's agenda. The Kyle R thing really grates their cheese in this way. What they want is an unarmed, passive society that does what they are told. For now, we still have just a little spark of rebellion from the days when our country was created. But that spark is growing dim.
Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Posts: 6504 | Location: Illinois | Registered: July 08, 2004
I'm not suggesting anything but there are a million other ways to take someone's life if someone wants to. We (as inhabitants of Earth) could melt down every single firearm ever made that still exists, make it one huge pile of scrap and we, as resourceful humans, will find another way be it a pencil, knife, or some oddball concoction of chemicals that we can pick up at wal-mart. Remember, a few hundred years ago, people killed other people with sticks and stones among other things.
So guns are not the issue. They just happen to be the most feared. Not the most available or least expensive, because you can buy stuff at walmart that could take out a half of a football stadium. A buyback is simply the beginning. It could be said that it's just a low-key confiscation.
Posts: 138 | Location: Il,IL | Registered: March 22, 2021
I would be all over this, I have a few blem lowers that i bought before covid for $30. I would sell them for $200 each, then go buy some more ammo. LMAO
Without data, you’re just another guy with an opinion.
Posts: 1324 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: February 07, 2003
yea they have a 50k limit they can spend.Nobody has said what they pay for the guns. Betting it is not market value. Don't bother me. Guns are almost like dogs in this house.Once they are here it is for life.
America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
Originally posted by wideopen231: yea they have a 50k limit they can spend.Nobody has said what they pay for the guns. Betting it is not market value. Don't bother me. Guns are almost like dogs in this house.Once they are here it is for life.
I figure this was the one, should pay $200 for my "guns"