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Vaccine approved, any takers?
DRR Sportsman
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the lying POS idiots in charge are going to continue to F up this world. so you are in for a long miserable paranoid life.

ep-I am tired of worrying about it and will take care of me and mine as best I can
Posts: 792 | Location: dodging double wides... | Registered: November 28, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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...should I quit my job rather than take the vaccine?

No. You are in debt and not in control of your future. When they say jump you have no alternative but to say... how high. Been there, done that, but not anymore. It is liberating.

Illegitimi non carborundum
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Picture of SlyFox
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Quit your crying little boy. You can't handle the Truth.

It terrify's you.

So says the guy still crying about getting shafted at Bradenton.

Now run along and pay your bar tab, little boy.

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By H. L. Mencken

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

Illegitimi non carborundum
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Picture of SlyFox
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So Bradenton paid you what you claim they owe? LMAO

BTW, what kind of "driver" can't keep a car that runs 6.60 in the 1/8 off the center line?

Posts: 1612 | Location: Marietta, GA | Registered: December 09, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
Picture of wideopen231
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If god wanted needles in the body he would have made receptacles for them. Never had flu shot and way too much shyt about this stuff out there for me to take it. I am diabetic and at high risk from what I have seen. Not taking shot and not wearing a damn mask either. One thing about it if it kills me I will not have to listen to WE TOLD YOU shty.

America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
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Picture of CURTIS REED
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Originally posted by wideopen231:
If god wanted needles in the body he would have made receptacles for them. Never had flu shot and way too much shyt about this stuff out there for me to take it. I am diabetic and at high risk from what I have seen. Not taking shot and not wearing a damn mask either. One thing about it if it kills me I will not have to listen to WE TOLD YOU shty.

So not bad enough to need insulin?

2017 and 2018 Osage Casinos Tulsa Raceway Park No-Box Champion

2018 Div4 Goodguys Hammer award winner
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DRR Top Comp
Picture of Curly1
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Biden said everyone in America will have to take the vaccine when it is available. Some are saying we will be required to wear masks even if we take the vaccine.
I do not know if I will take the vaccine or not but if I do I will no longer be wearing a mask.

"Dunning-Kruger Effect"
-a type of Cognitive bias where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they do not have enough knowledge to know they don't have enough knowledge.

Before you argue with someone ask yourself, "Is this person mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective?" If not there is no point to argue.

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Picture of fuzzy dice
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I have no problem with anyone who chooses to take the vaccine...I will not only because I have never had a flu in my life and I am 73...maybe I am tempting fate but we'll see...I do social distance, wash my hands more frequently and wear a mask when I go into any establishment that requires it and use hand sanitizer fairly often...
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DRR Sportsman
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Don't jump the gun after getting the vaccine. It takes 2 1/2 to 3 months for the antibodies to built up. Think about how many people were saved because Jonas Salk and his polio vaccine. It is now non-existent in the US. I think I will get the Chinese Vaccine shot.

When everything is coming your way, your probably in the wrong lane.
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Originally posted by Mike Rietow:

Your schedule of vaccinations will act as a digital passport which will be on your phone to enter places of business, concerts, sporting events etc etc.

Bill Gates will distribute readers to detect the nanochip implanted by the vaccine.

Wink Razz
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DRR Sportsman
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anyone had polio? Rubella? Mumps? Measles? chickenpox? They are all preventable via vaccine.

Trust me you don't want any of them. My friend (77 yr old) had Polio, lost most of the use of his right arm and hand. Try doing anything with one arm tied down. And yes he drag races. Many of us went through chickenpox. My battle with it was just that-a battle. I had recently been run over by a car and was in a body cast, and got chickenpox while in the cast. It was horrible, for over a week. If I could have had a choice as to which one of those two I could have given up, I'd have 100% given up chickenpox and taken getting run over by that car...broken bones and all!

I had covid in last day of june and first 2 days of july 2020. 3 days and it was done. Fever was the worst part, that and not being able to taste anything. Loss of smell wasn't a huge deal. I even got a 'free' 14 day vacation in addition to what I normally get, which was my first days off of 2020. I used the rest of my 'vacation' days up sitting in my boat, at the lake. Nobody around to pass it on to other than a few fish and a pesky osprey that kept trying to get my catch. Oh and a cottonmouth that kept trying to get into the boat. He got the 22 flu. For me covid wasn't a huge deal but I'm mostly young (45) and in good shape physically with no known health issues. With that said, a good friend who is also the same age, and same physical condition died in September from covid. Covid-as I understand it, is not fully understood as to why some are not affected at all and others it takes their life. My extended family is all in healthcare and they all are in agreement that it is a weird illness that is not fully understood.

Am I scared of sars-covid19? No. Never have been. But I do my part to respect others' wishes. Am I a puppet? Not a chance, simply respectful of others' wishes. I have witnessed firsthand what the government can and will do, and in this case I don't believe the conspiracies to be valid.

my biggest beef with covid is how sometimes it's used for something that it's not. GF's mother passed in august 2020. They have taken it pretty hard. She had AITL (google it) and had been fighting it for about 6 years or so. AITL is what took her life. However, the cause of death is listed as covid. Why? When she was admitted to the hospital there were no icu beds available, so they turned her away. ER visits were common with the chemo treatments and they were always successful. This last time not so much. The ICU's were all filled by covid patients and she was sent home, said we will call you in the morning when a bed becomes available. Well this time she absolutely needed urgent medical care. GF couldn't get her up in the morning, vitals were weak. Called ambulance, got her to the hospital where she eventually passed. I guess because there were so many covid patients in the small hospital, she wasn't able to get the care she needed, thus covid was listed as COD? I don't know. Just aweful, however and nothing we can do about it.

A vaccine is available and I'll take it. Knowing people in the medical field helps ease my mind. However, it'll be years most likely before I can get it since I don't work directly on the front lines. Also, it may be decade or more until the vaccines actually make covid go away and by then we'll more than likely have a better idea about it and what to treat it with. I also take a flu shot every year. It's free. I have had flu twice in the last 25 years; both times it was far more severe than covid was but again I'm generally in good health and that may play into it.
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DRR Sportsman
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I am thankful my parents were not as scared of modern medicine as so many people today seem to be.
When they had me vaccinated it helped to keep me from being infected with polio, rubella, small pox, scarlet fever and more.
I take a flu shot every year and so far I haven’t noticed be tracked by any satellites or black helicopters.
I know everyone likes to quote survival rates but the fact remains that Covid-19 is responsible for the death of over 2,000 United States citizens daily.
Posts: 412 | Location: a race track near you | Registered: February 12, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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When they had me vaccinated it helped to keep me from being infected with polio, rubella, small pox, scarlet fever and more.

While you're entitled to your opinion, it is only that, an opinion. Can you say with certainty you were exposed to any or all of those diseases? No. Not saying it was a bad idea, just an assumption, much like religious beliefs.

...the fact remains that Covid-19 is responsible for the death of over 2,000 United States citizens daily.

Interesting, and I assume accurate stat. Please quote some other death rates and the steps being taken to curb them by a concerned government.

Illegitimi non carborundum
Posts: 2397 | Location: OKC, OK | Registered: February 15, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post

DRR Trophy
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My wife works in research. They've been moving to genetic therapy for years. She specifically deals with altering the genetics of specific cancer cells to keep them from reproducing. She swears that this should be safer than the flu shot, and while I do believe that she genuinely believes this I'm not sure I trust it. I relate it to buying the first model year of a new car. Sure engineers and designers think they did their job well but many new models get more than a few recalls. She will be in line to get one, but if my job requires it immediately, I may be looking for a new job.
Posts: 67 | Location: Glen Burnie | Registered: May 30, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
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Originally posted by Canted Valve:
When they had me vaccinated it helped to keep me from being infected with polio, rubella, small pox, scarlet fever and more.

While you're entitled to your opinion, it is only that, an opinion. Can you say with certainty you were exposed to any or all of those diseases? No. Not saying it was a bad idea, just an assumption, much like religious beliefs.

...the fact remains that Covid-19 is responsible for the death of over 2,000 United States citizens daily.

Interesting, and I assume accurate stat. Please quote some other death rates and the steps being taken to curb them by a concerned government.

I most likely was not exposed to any of these, because at that time almost everyone was vaccinated. Just a little use of common sense would explain that theory.

I do not know the annual death rates of cancer, heart disease, car accidents, industrial exposure to toxic chemicals and known carcinogens, diabetes, liver disease,brain tumors,lung disease, or any of the other things that take lives every year.
However I can assure you that tens of billions of dollars go into research to help control these causes every year.
Google The American Cancer Society for a place to start your search.

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Posts: 412 | Location: a race track near you | Registered: February 12, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
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Originally posted by Mike Rietow:
Originally posted by fastracer482:
I am thankful my parents were not as scared of modern medicine as so many people today seem to be.
When they had me vaccinated it helped to keep me from being infected with polio, rubella, small pox, scarlet fever and more.
I take a flu shot every year and so far I haven’t noticed be tracked by any satellites or black helicopters.
I know everyone likes to quote survival rates but the fact remains that Covid-19 is responsible for the death of over 2,000 United States citizens daily.

I'd love to hear a logical case for these people caring less about you or anyone else. I was in DC working on the Longwoth, Rayburn buldings, Library of Congress and the US capital building right after 911, when the US postal workers who handled the anthrax letters were raising hell about being tested for anthrax, while being denied every last one of royalty you see here was tested. The only thing royalty care about is themselves and their ownership of your obedience, to their commands.

No matter what happens, no matter how many end up in poverty, homeless living in tents, they'll be getting overpaid and the best of the best at your expense. It's their right to care less, the same as it is yours to not care less how many homeless you see, living in poverty, in tents.

I got more respect for the homeless Vet living in a wheelchair behind the corner store by far!! Than I do these phonies. You can just keep treating these people like royalty, and they'll keep treating you like they own you, because they do!!

Keep buying that china garbage too, so their business partner friends can keep making their 95% profit margins, with you using the credit card they issued you to replace the wages lost to china. No worry if you can't repay it, the banks are too big fail, they'll all get paid both ends either way.

Heads they win, tails you lose.

This isn't about you living or dying, give me a break!!

People need to turn off the cartoons and fake news! Put down the cheese puffs and wake the F up!!

Your entire response is nothing but a rant, and has absolutely nothing to do with COVID-19 or the vaccine for it.
Posts: 412 | Location: a race track near you | Registered: February 12, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I do not know the annual death rates of cancer, heart disease, car accidents, industrial exposure to toxic chemicals and known carcinogens, diabetes, liver disease,brain tumors,lung disease, or any of the other things that take lives every year.

We both recognize this is a partial list. A death is a death is a death right? So where is the proportional responses from our concerned government? Let's take auto accidents, more specifically drunk driving deaths. Again, I think we can agree this is a substantial percentage and total. We have parking lots in bars, taverns, clubs etc. Alcohol is available in convenience stores, grocery stores etc. So why aren't these easy steps taken to curb substantial deaths? No political expedience would be my guess.

Illegitimi non carborundum
Posts: 2397 | Location: OKC, OK | Registered: February 15, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
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Interesting letter from a doctor about the new vaccines:

Letter from an American MD regarding the Covid 19 Vaccine

Dear Patients and Friends,

Last week I must have been asked 20 times about the new COVID vaccines. Here are my thoughts. Please pass this informatiion onto many as you can. People need to have fully informed consent when it comes to injecting foreign genetic material into their bodies.

1. The COVID vaccines are mRNA vaccines. mRNA vaccines are a completely new type of vaccine. No mRNA vaccine has ever been licensed for human use before. In essence, we have absolutely no idea what to expect from this vaccine. We have no idea if it will be effective or safe.

2. Traditional vaccine simply introduce pieces of a virus to stimulate an immune reaction. The new mRNA vaccine is completely different. It actually injects (transfects) molecules of synthetic genetic material from non-humans sources into our cells. Once in the cells, the genetic material interacts with our transfer RNA (tRNA) to make a foreign protein that supposedly teaches the body to destroy the virus being coded for. Note that these newly created proteins are not regulated by our own DNA, and are thus completely foreign to our cells. What they are fully capable of doing is unknown.

3. The mRNA molecule is vulnerable to destruction. So, in order to protect the fragile mRNA strands while they are being inserted into our DNA they are coated with PEGylated lipid nanoparticles. This coating hides the mRNA from our immune system which ordinarily would kill any foreign material injected into the body. PEGylated lipid nanoparticles have been used in several different drugs for years. Because of their effect on immune system balance, several studies have shown them to induce allergies and autoimmune diseases. Additionally, PEGylated lipid nanoparticles have been shown to trigger their own immune reactions, and to cause damage to the liver.

4. These new vaccines are additionally contaminated with aluminum, mercury, and possibly formaldehyde. The manufacturers have not yet disclosed what potential toxins they contain.

5. Since viruses mutate frequently, the chance of any vaccine working for more than a year is unlikely. That is why the flu vaccine changes every year. Last year’s vaccine is no more valuable than last year’s newspaper.

6. Absolutely no long term safety studies will have been done to ensure that any of these vaccines don’t cause the cancer, seizures, heart disease, allergies, and autoimmune diseases seen with other vaccines.

7. Many experts question whether the mRNA technology is ready for prime time. In November 2020, Dr. Peter Jay Hotez said of the new mRNA vaccines, "I worry about innovation at the expense of practicality because they [the mRNA vaccines] are weighted toward technology platforms that have never made it to licensure before." Dr. Hotez is Professor of Pediatrics and Molecular Virology & Microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine, where he is also Director of the Texas Children’s Hospital Center for Vaccine Development.

8. Michal Linial, PhD is a Professor of Biochemistry. Because of her research and forecasts on COVID-19, Dr. Linial has been widely quoted in the media. She recently stated, "I won't be taking it [the mRNA vaccine] immediately – probably not for at least the coming year. We have to wait and see whether it really works. We will have a safety profile for only a certain number of months, so if there is a long-term effect after two years, we cannot know."

9. In November 2020, The Washington Post reported on hesitancy among healthcare professionals in the United States to the mRNA vaccines, citing surveys which reported that: "some did not want to be in the first round, so they could wait and see if there are potential side effects", and that "doctors and nurses want more data before championing vaccines to end the pandemic".

10. Since the death rate from COVID resumed to the normal flu death rate way back in early September, the pandemic has been over since then. Therefore, at this point in time no vaccine is needed. The current scare tactics regarding "escalating cases" is based on a PCR test that because it exceeds 34 amplifications has a 100% false positive rate unless it is performed between the 3rd and 5th day after the first day of symptoms. It is therefor 100% inaccurate in people with no symptoms. This is well established in the scientific literature.

11. The other reason you don’t need a vaccine for COVID-19 is that substantial herd immunity has already taken place in the United States. This is the primary reason for assuming the end of the pandemic has come.

12. Unfortunately, you cannot completely trust what you hear from the media. They have consistently got it wrong for the past year. Since they are all supported by Big Pharma and the other entities selling the COVID vaccines, they are not going to be fully forthcoming when it comes to mRNA vaccines. Every statement I have made here is fully backed by published scientific references.

13. I would be very interested to see verification that Bill and Melinda Gates with their entire family including grandchildren, Joe Biden and President Trump and their entire families, and Anthony Fauci and his entire family all get the vaccine.

14. Anyone who after reading all this still wants to get injected with the mRNA vaccine, should at the very least have their blood checked for COVID-19 antibodies. There is no need for a vaccine in persons already naturally immunized.

Here's my bottom line: I would much rather get a COVID infection than get a COVID vaccine. That would be safer and more effective. I have had a number of COVID positive flu cases this year. Some were old and had health concerns. Every single one has done really well with natural therapies including ozone therapy and IV vitamin C.. Just because modern medicine has no effective treatment for viral infections, doesn’t men that there isn’t one.

Yours Always,
Frank Shallenberger, MD, HMD
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Personally I might have done a search on who authored that before posting him in support or your position. Look him up and decide for yourself.

2017 and 2018 Osage Casinos Tulsa Raceway Park No-Box Champion

2018 Div4 Goodguys Hammer award winner
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