Do you do a fair amount of Turkey hunting? I have been intrigued by the idea, but my neighbor, who does a lot of hunting (mostly deer) says he doesn't care for the taste of wild turkey (not the bourbon). Nothing like the ones bred for slaughter. What is your take on the flavor and how do you fix yours? Take care. Tom Worthington
If it seems that bracket racing has gotten too expensive for you, maybe you are just doing it wrong.
I guess I am weird. I do not like store bought turky. Never have. Wild turkey is a red meat un like tame. Has different taste and like most game meat its in the cook and prep. I mostly use it in my game pie I make at Christmas,which I have standing orders for about 40 to 60 per year.
As for hunting turkey. I do some,but nothing like I do deer.Deer hunting is more of a religion,especially muzzle loader season. Mu family knows don't die during muzzle loader or Chris will not be there.
October is slow month for deer and the reason my anniversary is Oct. 16,100% true.
Turkey can be big challenge and takes some working at to get good and I am not there yet. Hell I enjoy trout fishing because its more challenge and know that getting 7 is dang good day.
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