Mickey. What part of the truth and the facts don’t you like? Monty himself told me you are JustinP. That said, how appropriate that you also sign on there as “co ck guzzler”. Now tell me Mikey am I lying about that too?
Posts: 13522 | Location: NJ | Registered: August 20, 2000
Yeah, Mihko changed my screen name, he changed Ducks too, when he ran out of logical argument the same. It's what feminine Lefty's do when they can't make a coherent argument, same as you're doing now..
This is all you Ed. I presume your lack of skills was found out on YB too?
Justin you have in excess of 100,000 posts cumulative from your many screen names, yet the one thing they all have in common is you and each of your screen names is hated by all on that porn site and your only fans are your other screen names. This message has been edited. Last edited by: 1320racer,
Posts: 13522 | Location: NJ | Registered: August 20, 2000
Originally posted by Eman: Interesting interview of Force, it seems he looked inward and learned something from all of this and his year off. It will be interesting to see if we learn anything from all of this.
I guess not.
Posts: 1601 | Location: E TN | Registered: February 13, 2009
Originally posted by 1320racer: Mickey. What part of the truth and the facts don’t you like? Monty himself told me you are JustinP. That said, how appropriate that you also sign on there as “co ck guzzler”. Now tell me Mikey am I lying about that too? :
You're a natural born liar it appears, Ed.
Mikho changed Ducks screen name to silence Truth the same, he knows no self respecting person will log in under any vile name he assigns them, as administrator. Typical liberal tactics when he runs out of coherent argument.
You got no drag racing skills ed, that's your problem.
The guy who you runner up'd to for most hated died. Looks like you took his spot at the top. Fact.
Attention in the pits... Ed wants everyone to know Monty Mikho owner, administrator, admitted satanic worshiper over on Yellow Bullet, changed my normal username to a username he learned at one of his satanic rituals, probably on a island.
There you go Ed, was this supposed to bother me?
The finish line block is still there, no matter what new names Mikho learns on the island, that'll never change.