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Over Staging
DRR Sportsman
Is this some breaking news of a new policy?
Have people been allowed to back up in the past?
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Its the latest....LOOK AT ME...LOOK AT ME...
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DRR Top Comp
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back when deep staging was all the rage racers being racers decided if a little is good, then more must be better. So they started driving through until the top bulb went out, then back-up until the top bulb just came back on in effect deep staging as much as possible and somewhat accurately/repeatable...
So nhra made a rule "final staging movement has to be in a forward motion"..that rule has been in effect for at least 20yrs
I don't what the "new" rule is for?



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Picture of SCDIV1
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I’m sure they put this in writing so if it happens it’s not left as a judgement call by the starter or race control.

If you put 2 lites on before your opponent puts one on, they generally back you up but only one time. Usually the starter makes that call

If you roll thru completely your out, Period and no discussion !

Backing in has not been allowed for many many years. Last motion has to be forward
Posts: 2735 | Location: Where ever I am, I'm here and it's me | Registered: March 15, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Been like that a long time however if you put both light on before your opponent lights his pre then they back you out one time.

Sorry Rich just saw your post.

California Screaming!
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DRR Sportsman
Picture of Quick Dawg
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Courtesy staging is not an NHRA rule, it is a track rule. To me courtesy staging makes no sense. If you want to go in and light both bulbs while I haven't pre-staged, that is your decision. Especially if you wish to sit there for awhile. LOL.... Conversely if I want to light both bulbs while you are messing around, I should be able to.
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DRR Top Comp
Picture of Michael Beard
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This "Policy Update" has absolutely nothing to do with Deep Staging or Courtesy Staging. It specifically states that it pertains to driving THROUGH the Stage beam, meaning the Stage bulb is no longer lit.

Michael Beard -
Staging Light Graphic Design, Printing & Event Marketing

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DRR Trophy
Picture of excessive braker
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So you're saying that people are out there doing a burnout and stopping as they normally would, then after a few clear outs they are driving across the line and backing up only to put it in gear and stage again??? I haven't seen this new trick yet LOL
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A 25yr old "new trick"



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Picture of SCDIV1
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Originally posted by Quick Dawg:
Courtesy staging is not an NHRA rule, it is a track rule. To me courtesy staging makes no .

Courtesy staging IS an NHRA rule and is enforced in all sportsman categories at any NHRA Division level or National event...

Bracket racing there is no courtesy staging rule........
Posts: 2735 | Location: Where ever I am, I'm here and it's me | Registered: March 15, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Trophy
Picture of Turk
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NHRA is kind of vague on what this is addressing but this might be addressing the rolling back into the beams process.

Dragster does burnout past the starting line then when backing up rolls back into and stops with just prestage on then moves forward into stage.

Door car does a burnout ( not crossing starting line) but continues rolling forward turning both bulbs on quickly hits brakes then quickly backups into prestage then last motion forward is into stage.

Seen door car drivers mess this up and roll forward turning both pre and stage off then backup into prestage. basically they rolled forward too far. It messes up the driver in the other lane if he had prestaged already.

Or it could be some issue with footbraking or trans brake not holding and roll through both beams and try to backup and restage.
Posts: 182 | Location: New Stanton | Registered: January 25, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
Picture of BD104X
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You guys are overthinking it... They are just clarifying that if you roll through the beams (like when you accidentally stage in 2nd gear so the transbrake doesn't hold), you are out and you don't get to quickly back up and restage. You might get away with it during the time shot at a local bracket race, but I bet a couple of guys had it happen to them at a Divisional, National or Bracket Finals and put up a stink when they got bounced so the NHRA clarified the rule.

Billy Duhs -
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DRR Top Comp
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Originally posted by SCDIV1:
Originally posted by Quick Dawg:
Courtesy staging is not an NHRA rule, it is a track rule. To me courtesy staging makes no .

Courtesy staging IS an NHRA rule and is enforced in all sportsman categories at any NHRA Division level or National event..

Bracket racing there is no courtesy staging rule........

So none of the NHRA bracket races enforce the courtesy stage rule? Not saying you're mistaken but, I find that hard to believe....



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So none of the NHRA bracket races enforce the courtesy stage rule? Not saying you're mistaken but, I find that hard to believe....[/QUOTE]

Courtesy staging is not required in bracket racing at the tracks around here as far as I know.....and has not ever been from what I recall.

Generally everyone does stage as if courtesy staging was the rule but I'm pretty sure it is not...

Deep stagers, footbrake cars running Super and Pro.....You get a number of different scenarios and with Auto Start on there could be issues getting timed out.

I know at footbrake races they usually state how the tree will be run so as to accommodate everyone however they choose to stage....shallow or deep...

2 steps and trans brakes were not allowed in Pro Et around here until a year or two ago.....
Posts: 2735 | Location: Where ever I am, I'm here and it's me | Registered: March 15, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post

DRR Top Comp
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It’s a bad day for a deep stager when they enforce courtesy staging, unless you been schooled. In that case your opponent may have a problem. I can’t think of a bottom bulb race I have attended in years that didn’t say deep honored, or something similar, on their flyer or web site.
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Picture of Don Higgins Crew Chief Pro Software
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It is nothing more than a red light people...

Once both stage lights are on, if the amber bulbs aren't on and you move through the beams, then you red light.

Individual tracks can allow deep staging, but this applies to NHRA national and divisionals mostly.

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Rule book used to say when deep staging that it should be done in one continuous motion, didn’t say it had to be but should be. Now everybody is bumping into their deep stage. Also to courtesy stage when deep staging I would think proper way is to roll in and light both bulbs then if or when opponent has one on you can precede to turn off your top bulb. I see a lot of racers doin it this way now but not all.
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DRR Sportsman
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Originally posted by ferndaleflyer:
It’s a bad day for a deep stager when they enforce courtesy staging, unless you been schooled. In that case your opponent may have a problem. I can’t think of a bottom bulb race I have attended in years that didn’t say deep honored, or something similar, on their flyer or web site.

Our track says something like allowed but not gauranteed one of our points leaders was livid when they dropped the tree on him before he knocked out the top bulb I think 99% or better it goes off without a hitch.

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DRR Sportsman
Picture of Steve from Pa
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Originally posted by green1:
Also to courtesy stage when deep staging I would think proper way is to roll in and light both bulbs then if or when opponent has one on you can precede to turn off your top bulb. I see a lot of racers doin it this way now but not all.

Agree with you there Clint, that is what our home track wants you to deep stage and I believe it works pretty well.

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DRR Top Comp
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Every time I have encountered courtesy stageing they expect both cars to have ONE bulb on, you light 2 they back you out which makes it hard for the uneducated deeper to get staged properly....Its up to you to know what the tracks system is and react properly.
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