DRR Sportsman
| Check with Mike Shabareck, you can find him on Facebook... He's from there.
Rick Huffman Accelerated Graphics Why was everyone Kung Fu Fighting?
| Posts: 598 | Location: Burleson TX | Registered: January 24, 2005 |  
DRR Trophy
| Dave Hartman builds some nice pieces, I believe that’s who Ray and “little” Ray Miller use, for fuel I’d probably have to look up Dave Triplett? As long as you’re just getting away from the winters and not looking to race more, it’s a great choice but overall racing in and from Florida SUCKS. You’d be better off boating and riding Harley’s. Shane Carr
"Sugar Shane"
| Posts: 119 | Location: No clue | Registered: March 01, 2009 |  