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Are we proving No Prep racing is better than bracket racing?
Every time I hop on social media and internet forums all I see is "tree readers" or talk about "dead-on devices". It's nothing new. It's been this way for 20+ years. People arguing until they are blue in the face and making sure the dead horse they beat is really dead. As bracket racers continue to flood the internet with weekly complaints of cheating I don't see the No Prep guys having this much drama. If the chassis and tire is legal, run what you got. Flashlight starts, 1st to the finish line. No dead-on devices needed. No tree readers. Is it all the drama we cause ourselves by blindly pointing fingers at winning drivers that is chasing people from bracket racing?
Posts: 2399 | Location: Ohio | Registered: April 01, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of David Covey
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I guess you missed the fight between Bobby Ducote and Larry Larson, or the one he had with Birdman..

I think there was a little drama there as well..


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Picture of SlyFox
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Is it all the drama we cause ourselves by blindly pointing fingers at winning drivers that is chasing people from bracket racing?

I think it's more about some people spending big $$$ on their racing program, and others who either A) want to keep up with the Jones's but can't, or B) think they have to spend big $$$ to compete.

I don't spend much and have a great time, and it doesn't bother me to see other people on a huge budget, but everybody is different.

Posts: 1613 | Location: Marietta, GA | Registered: December 09, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Trophy
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I believe no prep is more drama than bracket racing will ever be .Ever one I have seen they are constantly arguing about something. The last one I went to was 5 + years ago and a huge fight broke out in the stands. They also had a bracket race going on that night and a bunch of people woke up the next morning missing a lot of stuff.
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Thursday night at the one and only House Of Hook! Kye Kelley vs. Tony Bynes . Packed to the gills and having a damn good time doing it. Those are the good ole days. $25 a head


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Way more drama then a Bracket Race. But also way more exciding for a fan to watch. I love to bracket race but loth watching it. Now I like to watch any no prep, big tire, small tire, back of the track or closed street. all of it is fun to watch.

Meziere Tech.
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"Better"? Well, I still think bracket racing is much better for the participants. But I will just as strongly agree that no prep/grudge etc. is much better for the track operator/promoter. Maybe some of the high profile/big buck bracket events are better for the track operator/promoter, but they are definitely the exception to the rule. At small local tracks, bracket racers have made themselves more of a liability than a blessing. Take care. Tom Worthington

If it seems that bracket racing has gotten too expensive for you, maybe you are just doing it wrong.
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DRR Elite
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Originally posted by Tom396:
"Better"? Well, I still think bracket racing is much better for the participants. But I will just as strongly agree that no prep/grudge etc. is much better for the track operator/promoter. Maybe some of the high profile/big buck bracket events are better for the track operator/promoter, but they are definitely the exception to the rule. At small local tracks, bracket racers have made themselves more of a liability than a blessing. Take care. Tom Worthington

A few **** stirrers always cause drama regardless of the sport or the class. Saying that bracket racers are full of it certainly haven't watched those mentioned above or the recent entertaining videos from Stevie Fast.
But yes of course I agree bracket racing is for participants and the other stuff is much better for fans. They are just different.

Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
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Originally posted by Shawn Pinkerton:
Every time I hop on social media and internet forums all I see is "tree readers" or talk about "dead-on devices". It's nothing new. It's been this way for 20+ years. People arguing until they are blue in the face and making sure the dead horse they beat is really dead. As bracket racers continue to flood the internet with weekly complaints of cheating I don't see the No Prep guys having this much drama. If the chassis and tire is legal, run what you got. Flashlight starts, 1st to the finish line. No dead-on devices needed. No tree readers. Is it all the drama we cause ourselves by blindly pointing fingers at winning drivers that is chasing people from bracket racing?

Kinda had to laugh when I read the post title....as if the decision has been made and the determination just needs to be quantified….

Apples and oranges, people flood the no-prep events hoping to see carnage. Its rare (and always unfortunate) that you will see that type of action at a bracket race….for obvious reasons.

Probably because I’m old, but I laugh largely at the reinvention of this genres vision of drag racing. I’m ecstatic that it has opened the doors to new participants and spectators, but essentially it’s the current NHRA pro classes in their infancy…..ultimately as this group refines their combinations and tune-ups, it will be like any other form of “PRO” drag racing - “on a rail” passes and the deepest pockets will be dominating. Then what happens to the interest and crowds? The “average blue collar Joe” might as well stay on the porch regardless of their skills and knowledge, if you want to be competitive today you simply need a cell phone and a credit card. Hence the purpose of “bracket” racing.

More drama than bracket racing ? – LOL….I have some good friends on that side and I was supposed to participate in a Memphis taping of a street outlaw event, I declined and withdrew my participation on the day of the taping due to that BS….don’t try to sell me the idea No-Prep, small tire, street outlaw crowds have less drama - roflmao!!!!!

Jerry Kathe
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Anytime you get a bunch of people together doesn't matter what it is, there's gonna be drama. It's normal.

The difference in the drama, is in the leadership. If you have a rational leadership, drama is settled amicably. If you have a good old boy liberal leadership made up of control freaks who can't see past the end of their own noses, only concerned with profits, everyone loses but the leadership and their toady's, minions and ball washers.

It's like this no matter where you go, no matter what you do.

Look at this country for a better understanding.

It's called white trash.
Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
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I'd be interested in doing some No Prep bracket racing. Best driver/tuner combo will always win.

A great tuner could get you close, but the driver is still going to have to feel the car and understand if they're over or under the dial.
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Some are there or here to race but there is always a few that just exist to create Drama.

"Dunning-Kruger Effect"
-a type of Cognitive bias where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they do not have enough knowledge to know they don't have enough knowledge.

Before you argue with someone ask yourself, "Is this person mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective?" If not there is no point to argue.

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Well when Bracket racers start BETTING real cash with their opponent every round, and not worry about round money...It might get more interesting drama for the people watching.

No...splitting the buy back isn't betting


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DRR Sportsman
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If anyone on here thinks that No Prep at its highest levels (No Prep Kings) are for the "average joe" to participate in you are kidding yourself or need medication. These dudes are 100% at the highest end of the "sportsman" scale that they may as well be running Pro Mod. The closest thing to them is Pro Mod or Top Alcohol Dragster/Funny Car. Most top contenders have big tow rigs & trailers, aluminum billet engine combos, spare complete engines, multiple cars for some. This is professional racing under the guise of "no prep" like some everyday joe could do it, but you cant.

$200K is likely a low end estimate for a car of the caliber that is currently being run on the "no prep kings" circuit (turn key). I'm talking about if you are starting from scratch. Not starting with a motor combo and a car that you spend tons on over the last 20 years and finally made it to the big show. I'm talking about you if don't have a car at all and you want to go purchase a car that can be a legitimate contender at one of these events (and by that i mean top 8). That's just the car/engine and "some" spares, and if i had to guess you won't be a contender. Then you need a truck and a trailer and hell if you wanted to do it with a dually and a sleeping quarters trailer that alone will be another $100K for the pair (assumes you do not have tow rig to start with). Travel all over the country for months at a time, not be home for a month or more, who has the ability to do this? I'm going to guess that none of us who have a regular 8-5 of any sort can afford to be away from our jobs for a month at a time to travel and race all over the country. Check out their schedule.

Once you have peeled the 250-300 or more for your racing operation, took 4 months of vacation or a leave of absence, and saved another $50K for travel expenses, then you can start talking about the "best tuner" and "best driver". Without that kind of investment you may as well stay and race local cause you won't even be allowed at the invitation only NPK events.

Now if the conversation here is about No Prep racing at local tracks and what not, in my area that's a joke. 4 cars show for a 10.5" shootout and 2 of them break before the first round, i think the best one i heard of recently was 8 cars showed, 6 made first round. Not sure how its going around your area for this sort of racing but its a joke around south louisiana.

As far as drama goes, every bracket racer in the world could go on social media tomorrow and talk about cheating for the next 2 weeks and it wouldn't even come close to matching the amount of drama that is present at each and every one of these no prep events. If you think its not out there you aren't watching the TV, i'm sure what they air is very much reduced from how bad things really get in person.

For the average joe, the only answer is bracket racing simply due to affordability. Having the opportunity to compete at the highest levels in a sport with million dollar pay out races happening multiple times each year is why we do it. You could legitimately win the million in a door car that you pulled to the track on an open trailer behind your half ton pick up. Didn't some dude do just that a few years back in a firebird?
Posts: 435 | Location: Pride, La | Registered: April 18, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post

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Triple he did it TWICE in the same year!!!! With entry for the Vegas race won in a raffle!!!
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DRR Top Comp
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No prep racing you can lose every penny you've ever made drag racing, in one race. Bad enough Crash.

Bracket racing you can recoup every penny you've ever spent drag racing, in one race. Big enough payout.
Posts: 9398 | Location: Madeira Beach Fl. | Registered: June 12, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Well maybe someone needs to put on a NO RULES Big Money event Eek
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Triple Nickel nailed it but what is crazy is how fast it grew and got stupid expensive. When the Street Outlaws first came out there not a big deal. now they all have HUGE money in it.

"Dunning-Kruger Effect"
-a type of Cognitive bias where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they do not have enough knowledge to know they don't have enough knowledge.

Before you argue with someone ask yourself, "Is this person mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective?" If not there is no point to argue.

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Picture of undacuva67
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Racers get more exposure at one no prep race than a lifetime of bracket racing
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DRR Sportsman
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Meanwhile big money bracket races are averaging 300+ cars at every event. Why is it always people comparing bracket racing to everything else? If you like the sesame street outlaws and the no prep garbage fine support them. Watch and support what you like. And as far as cheating in drag racing the talk will never end until someone is caught. Especially with the social media we have today. Race what you want attend what races you want and have fun.
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