| Personally, I believe the quicker dialed car would have the advantage, regardless. Take care. Tom Worthington
If it seems that bracket racing has gotten too expensive for you, maybe you are just doing it wrong.
| Posts: 1299 | Location: Rocky Mount, NC | Registered: December 01, 1999 |  

| Slower car gets a clean tree and no distraction. Faster car sees the other car leave and has that distraction while waiting. Unless his brain is a delay box or he has one in the car. |
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| quote: Originally posted by Eman: Slower car gets a clean tree and no distraction. Faster car sees the other car leave and has that distraction while waiting. Unless his brain is a delay box or he has one in the car.
Unless someone is trying to out guess the starter, it is a given that nobody is going to redlight. However, whoever can get closest is going to have a big advantage. Slower cars move out of the beams slower than faster cars. And if a delay box is being used...well, it's all over for the slower car. Take care. Tom Worthington
If it seems that bracket racing has gotten too expensive for you, maybe you are just doing it wrong.
| Posts: 1299 | Location: Rocky Mount, NC | Registered: December 01, 1999 |  
DRR Top Comp

| Two different issues here. 1. I think the slower car has the advantage of a clean tree and no distraction of other car. but the faster car has the advantage of the slower car going red. Unless they have true start then the slower car has most of the advantages. 2. If it is a true instant green the faster car would probably have an advantage in that the faster car usually can react faster. https://postimg.cc/gallery/np3zpruo/"Dunning-Kruger Effect" -a type of Cognitive bias where people with little expertise or ability assume they have superior expertise or ability. This overestimation occurs as a result of the fact that they do not have enough knowledge to know they don't have enough knowledge. Before you argue with someone ask yourself, "Is this person mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective?" If not there is no point to argue. 4X NE2 CHAMPION. 2020 TDRA NE2 Champion |
| Posts: 4422 | Location: United States of Texas | Registered: April 02, 2011 |  
| quote: Originally posted by mack: yes, planning on using delay box. Unless the tree is shielded. Not sure what kind of light a typical bracket car can cut on instant green,but i'm thinking it would be around .350 to .400 ?? The faster car leaving off their bulb (as long as the spread is enough)should produce normal lights. 3 or 4 tenths advantage on the tree??? WOW
If I were using a delay box racing in the faster car on a shielded tree, I wouldn't leave off of my bulb OR his bulb. I'd leave off "him". Put the amount of difference in your dials in the box and then take another tenth or more out. Leave when you see his car move. You'll be a tenth or more better than whatever he is. If he is dead late, you'll still be a tenth or more better. If he is on time, you'll still be a tenth or more better. Take care. Tom Worthington
If it seems that bracket racing has gotten too expensive for you, maybe you are just doing it wrong.
| Posts: 1299 | Location: Rocky Mount, NC | Registered: December 01, 1999 |  

| quote: Originally posted by mack: Normally I would skip a goofy race like this, but it's a 5 grander for 50 entry.
Really!??? Get a fast car and follow Tom's instructions. Cha-ching!
Matt Ward
| Posts: 1396 | Location: South Carolina | Registered: March 20, 2004 |  
| I’ll assume this is instant green on a pro tree (all three lights come on together)
When I bottom bulb (no box) race I use a blinder to cover the first two bulbs and leave on the last bulb when it lights. If I’m the faster car I don’t notice the other car leaving because I’m intensely focusing on that last bulb. I and others have done this for years.
If I were participating in this race I wouldn’t have a problem with the slower racer leaving first as long as I cannot see my opponents green lights.
I wound not use a delay box and watch my opponent.
Here’s what I would suggest if you have a full face helmet with the shield. Tape off the sides of the shield to reduce your peripheral vision on both sides slightly. When you get ready to prestage pull your visor down. Now turn your head far enough to the opposite side of your opponent so that you can only see the lights on your tree. This will help keep you from seeing your opponent if slower. After crossing the finish line or during the run raise your visor so that you have your full field of vision. |
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| No this is instant green, the 3 yellow bulbs are taken out of the tree so there is nothing but a green and red. |
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| quote: Originally posted by Eman: No this is instant green, the 3 yellow bulbs are taken out of the tree so there is nothing but a green and red.
If this, then even easier using my suggested method. Block the other side of the tree and run your own start. You’ll be more consistent doing it this way imho. |
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| It surprises me the comment about reacting to the other driver, rather than reacting to the tree. I do not understand why you would want to let the other driver determine your reaction. I stay in my car and run my race, I do not look to the other driver for my reaction. [in ref to instant green starting]
Larry Woodfin
| Posts: 1946 | Location: Kilgore TX | Registered: March 12, 2004 |  
| quote: Originally posted by Larry Woodfin: It surprises me the comment about reacting to the other driver, rather than reacting to the tree.
I do not understand why you would want to let the other driver determine your reaction.
I stay in my car and run my race, I do not look to the other driver for my reaction. [in ref to instant green starting]
We are talking about instant green. Instant, as in absolutely impossible to go red, if you are reacting to your green. In fact, if reacting to your green, it is also impossible to even get close to going red. That makes it an entirely different game. Your RT is going to be totally non competitive, if you are going to count on your car and yourself to generate an even .200RT. Heck, a .200RT would likely make you the winner for the day...no matter how you made it happen. Comparing what we do now to what instant green would be like is like comparing apples to oranges. Take care. Tom Worthington
If it seems that bracket racing has gotten too expensive for you, maybe you are just doing it wrong.
| Posts: 1299 | Location: Rocky Mount, NC | Registered: December 01, 1999 |  
| I understand about the instant green and about the instant green reaction. The part I do not agree with is basing my move of the move of the other driver.
Larry Woodfin
| Posts: 1946 | Location: Kilgore TX | Registered: March 12, 2004 |  