Bracket Talk
The Future Of Fontana
November 09, 2020, 05:54 PM
BP758The Future Of Fontana
Originally posted by Larry Scarth:
Yea! If and when it does open it is scheduled the weekend after the Nascar race. Please re-open, I have been disappointed enough this month. Thinking about going out and protesting and burning and of course looting. Oh sorry that's what the other side does when they don't get there way. My mistake!
I find it amazing the burning , looting etc just stopped.

And they think the public is clueless...
California Screaming!
Raceless in California!
November 09, 2020, 06:06 PM
mopacltdI'm new at this stuff, Larry. Who is bringing the bricks and stuff for us to ( peacefully protest)?

November 09, 2020, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by SlyFox:
It's almost like Amazon has figured out that racetracks represent large, under-utilized properties they can get for a good price.
They are late to that party.
Car Salvage/auction companies beat them to the punch.
Englishtown drag racing gone, other motor sports activities still active though.
Hundreds of cars being stored/parked on the former dragstrip pits paved areas
Atco supposedly under contract and in the permit approval process to become a car storage and auction site
Large tracts of land worth millions to businesses that can make big money on a site that is on life support as a drag strip
Happening more often than not around the country.
We drag racers are an endangered species....Dinosaurs
November 09, 2020, 10:28 PM
Big Stevequote:
Originally posted by SCDIV1:
Originally posted by SlyFox:
It's almost like Amazon has figured out that racetracks represent large, under-utilized properties they can get for a good price.
They are late to that party.
Car Salvage/auction companies beat them to the punch.
Englishtown drag racing gone, other motor sports activities still active though.
Hundreds of cars being stored/parked on the former dragstrip pits paved areas
Atco supposedly under contract and in the permit approval process to become a car storage and auction site
Large tracts of land worth millions to businesses that can make big money on a site that is on life support as a drag strip
Happening more often than not around the country.
We drag racers are an endangered species....Dinosaurs
Its been 4 or 5 years since it closed but Dallas raceway in Crandall, known as the concrete palace closed and is now a parking lot and salvage yard for semi trucks. Track, tower and all out buildings still there, concrete is wall to wall trucks.
November 10, 2020, 07:46 AM
I'm new at this stuff, Larry. Who is bringing the bricks and stuff for us to ( peacefully protest)?
If we are going to protest, loot and steal chit Chuck I want to pick the place, maybe a Jeg's or Summit, ya know some place that has the chit I need. I got a wide screen, don't need that but a Pro Charger, WOW
now you're talking'.
What about snacks? My wife can bring a cheese tray, quiche or maybe even a few salads. Another great thought, lets protest a beer and wine store something to go with that cheese tray.
What do ya think ChuckO?
November 10, 2020, 11:00 AM
mopacltdBob, we'll meet at my place and plan the logistics.
November 11, 2020, 06:11 PM
Larry ScarthThere are 3 Amazon fulfillment centers within 15 miles of Fontana (San Bernardino). So I doubt they would build another in Fontana.
When everything is coming your way, your probably in the wrong lane.
November 11, 2020, 07:56 PM
BP758And So now no TS Sonoma Nats next year, only the double. Lots of miles in our future

California Screaming!
Raceless in California!
November 11, 2020, 08:22 PM
Larry ScarthNo TS. What's that.

When everything is coming your way, your probably in the wrong lane.
November 12, 2020, 08:18 AM
RPROGASOne of the girls that works at Fontana said that they are going to re-open, crossing my fingers. I can do Bakersfield twice a year, maybe three but not more often. It's a 544 mile round trip from here with the Grapevine in the middle.
What is a TS Barry?
November 12, 2020, 08:59 AM
BP758Sorry guys, Top Sportsman.
California Screaming!
Raceless in California!
November 12, 2020, 09:40 AM
Larry Scarth
When everything is coming your way, your probably in the wrong lane.
November 12, 2020, 11:14 AM
J178REDNot Top Stud ....

November 12, 2020, 12:57 PM
Floyd StaggsBarry,
Kyle Seipel said they are only going to have Wednesday night drags for a while. I would assume till they get a new track manager.
November 12, 2020, 03:12 PM
I.P. DaileyFloyd, Kyle said that they were going only have Wednesday night drags and nothing else
November 12, 2020, 03:26 PM
BP758JRED , we were .005 from being Top Studs at Vegas...

. We still had a blast!
Yeah kinda throws a stick in the spokes. No fault of Kyles. We had it good for a long time with Summit series bracket drags /club races/ testing and NHRA.
California Screaming!
Raceless in California!
November 12, 2020, 06:47 PM
Larry ScarthSonoma will still have a double divisional and a National in July.
When everything is coming your way, your probably in the wrong lane.
November 12, 2020, 07:35 PM
50fordsstYes that's the way I read Kyle's statement on FB No more Summit bracket and Gold Rush, but Wed. nites and 1 div dbl. header and Nat'l back to back in July.
November 13, 2020, 06:19 AM
RPROGASI spoke with someone yesterday that told me he made a bid to buy the Fontana track prep equipment.
Has anyone spoken with Mike Rice about what is, or is not going on at Fontana? There is a lot of conflicting information about the Drag Strip, most of it not encouraging.
A lot of the NHRA staff members are working from home so it's difficult to get in touch with Mike.
November 13, 2020, 10:29 AM
Larry ScarthMike doesn't know it they are closing or not seems like we will have to be patient and wait. Personally I think they will stay open and start racing in early April or sooner.
When everything is coming your way, your probably in the wrong lane.