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Cancelled races?
DRR Top Comp
Besides Houston has anyone heard anything about any other cancellations? The double divisional is coming up in Ennis. Really trying to make that race, talked to a friend tonight but he didn’t know for sure. Any insights?

Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right. Here I am.......
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Picture of Big Steve
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I think the Houston race was a easy call because the weather forecast sucked

My son spoke with the Motorplex manager about the Midwest race with the alky cars the week before the double and the double and as of right now there both still on. My bet it will be NHRAs call
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The Desert Classic in Phoenix was cancelled ☹️

Why do you ask, 2doggs racing??????
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DRR Sportsman
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Just read that ducks sweet 16 race has been postponed until october

Daryl Pinder

Dynasty Motorsports

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save your diesel and stay put
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The governor of North Carolina has outright banned the gatherings of 100 people or more. Now, I have grave doubts that he'll be able to enforce that. But still, if track operators follow his shiny new law, there will be no drag racing in North Carolina until he lifts the ban. Mad Take care. Tom Worthington

If it seems that bracket racing has gotten too expensive for you, maybe you are just doing it wrong.
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DRR Top Comp
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Our governor has encouraged it but has supposedly now limited restaurants and bars to half their capacity.

I have been one of those who thought maybe this was totally blown out of proportion but after doing a lot more reading today I’m not so sure.

In particular I read an interesting article by Dr. Albert Hsu from Los Alamos National Lab that paints a pretty grim picture if we don’t do all these things to limit the spread.

Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right. Here I am.......
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Illinois has gathering limits now and restaurants can not have dine in service now. School is canceled throughout the state.

Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
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Originally posted by Tom396:
The governor of North Carolina has outright banned the gatherings of 100 people or more. Now, I have grave doubts that he'll be able to enforce that. But still, if track operators follow his shiny new law, there will be no drag racing in North Carolina until he lifts the ban. Mad Take care. Tom Worthington

Most of the bans have some area designation as well. 100 people in a restaurant is different than 100 people on 40 acres.

Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
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I sent you a PM.

Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right. Here I am.......
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Originally posted by Bucky:
Most of the bans have some area designation as well. 100 people in a restaurant is different than 100 people on 40 acres.

Here is what it says in the executive order:

"A mass gathering is defined as any event or convening that brings together more than one hundred (100) persons in a single room or single space at the same time, such as an auditorium, stadium, arena, large conference room, meeting hall, theater, or any other confined indoor or outdoor space. This includes parades, fairs, and festivals."

I don't see it being enforced on a large scale. However, I bet anybody with a chip on their shoulder with any specific track and/or track operator will use this bogus ban to harass that track. Most local homeowners don't seem to care much for dragstrips, they associate them with street racing and/or noise. Take care. Tom Worthington

If it seems that bracket racing has gotten too expensive for you, maybe you are just doing it wrong.
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DRR Sportsman
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Just got an email notification that Rockingham Dragway has postponed all events until at least the first of April. Florida has put into place a similar mandate but no word yet on any races being rescheduled.
Posts: 685 | Location: Anderson SC. | Registered: July 10, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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In particular I read an interesting article by Dr. Albert Hsu from Los Alamos National Lab that paints a pretty grim picture if we don’t do all these things to limit the spread.

I really hate to be so jaded, but Hsu is a bureaucrat and gets paid by the government. Like wise many of the global warming minions get their funding from the government. Look at the stats from the common flu and all the other super virus's that have passed through. The current numbers don't hold a candle to the number of past deaths. So shutting down the worlds economy is the best option? Finally, anything, and I mean ANYTHING the MSM supports, 24 hours a day on the news entertainment channles, I take with a grain of salt. JMO, I could be wrong.

Illegitimi non carborundum
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Originally posted by Tom396:
The governor of North Carolina has outright banned the gatherings of 100 people or more. Now, I have grave doubts that he'll be able to enforce that. But still, if track operators follow his shiny new law, there will be no drag racing in North Carolina until he lifts the ban. Mad Take care. Tom Worthington

All because he wants to make a big grab a the national money pot thats sitting there for corona virus. What happens when a state allows a democrat pos to be governor.

My question.If say a hundred folks gather for a funeral.What are they going to do? Arrest everyone for being there?

America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
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Yes, exactly, declare an "Emergency" get free Fed money.

Funeral, ABSOLUTELY forbidden.

NO gathering of 100 or more AND herein CT no more than 50, this includes restaurants, etc.
They need to kill the TRUMP economy somehow, what better way than to FAKE a "pandemic".

FACT: More people die EVERYDAY in the US (approx. 70 EVERYDAY) due to the regular flu. We are just reaching 70 now AFTER 3 MONTHS. But hey, no one wants the facts.

This goes to show you how people are followers or "sheeple" as we call them in CT.

This BS is killing any type of purchases.
My wife (Real Estate) had her 3rd deal in the last week blow up due to buyers backing out. (one guy was a Delta pilot, got his pay cut 45 percent).
Two of our local small pizza places are closing FOR GOOD because they can't pay their bills/employees (huge business slowdown, take out only now here in CT) and not knowing when/IF the economy will ever come back.

Neighbors daughter had to cancel her wedding and honeymoon for beginning of April.

In November EVERYONE will be jumping on the Biden Band Wagon since Trump killed the economy (that's what CNN says).

As far as racing is concerned, there won't be any for the next several months if we are lucky, not to mention the possibility of some tracks going under due to no business.

Hey, the way I see it, people fell for this BS, now they can enjoy it.
Two Thumbs down

Man was not built to fly ... That's why he built HEMI's

Frank Zeffiro
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Agree except one part. I( and many others) don't buy into this BS but get to suffer because of the stupid.
Just goes to my saying.It should be legal to kill the stupid.Easier than arguing with them.Plus if two ugly people breed they can make a gorgeous kid,but two stupid people just make a bigger idiot.

Whole deal has convinced me there is no end to how stupid people can be,not that I had a lot of doubt in first place.

America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
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Don't expect much to be going on at all in the next month or so. Some cities are already instituting curfews, quarantines are probably coming this week too. Just going to have to sit tight and ride it out for the next 4-6 weeks.
Posts: 19 | Location: Delray Beach, FL | Registered: May 25, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Top Comp
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They had 5-600 entries at the VMP race this past weekend, not counting all that came with each racer. Didn't seem to be an over reaction to all the doom and gloom going on around us. The camp ground on the other side of the lake looked full since it was a warm weekend. Went to store here last night and they had toilet paper, paper towels, and water. Guess out here in the country most aren't concerned as much as in the ant hills (cities)
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Looked at my phone this morning and there was a notice from Google telling me I needed to do these 5 thing right now! As if we all haven't heard about washing our hands a thousand times. Then on YouTube there was a pop up wanting me to read CDC advise as to what I should do. If they can control what you read then they can control what you believe. If this were real estate it would be called "steering".

Illegitimi non carborundum
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NHRA has just cancelled ALL events at their own tracks and sanctioned tracks for 30 days. Mello Yello, Lucas, Summit, etc. Las Vegas Spring race will be made up TBD.
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