Well, I dunno. So many people are screaming for laws to ban "assault" rifles and "high capacity" magazines to prevent school shootings.
Okay, what if that goofball in Parkland, Fla. had walked into the school with a black-powder revolver in each hand, took his time, and killed 12 people rather than 17.
Would those people consider 12 deaths to be an acceptable loss?
Posts: 377 | Location: Sioux Falls, SD | Registered: March 17, 2018
Please don't call them clips!! They are magazines! The ammo is sometimes stored on a clip, which, when combined with a magazine adapter, can stripped off to load the magazine faster. Also, M-1 Garands were loaded with a clip, not a magazine. Just an FYI.
Mark Goulette Owner/Driver of the Livin' The Dream Racing dragster www.livinthedreamracing.com "Speed kills but it's better than going slow!" Authorized Amsoil Retailer
Posts: 1593 | Location: Back home in Alaska! | Registered: February 13, 2011
Yea our new Mayor decided to cancel gun show. Fortunately she was told to get over it. This guy was one of quit a few who showed up at our city council of idiots.This message has been edited. Last edited by: wideopen231,
America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
Speaking of Mayors, London, England muslim mayor Sadiq Khan has banned the carrying of knives. He tweeted: "No excuses: there is never a reason to carry a knife. Anyone who does will be caught, and the will feel the full force of the law". Luckily a knife is the only implement that can possibly be used to stab a person. The middle east has been at war for centuries and with their migration, PC, diversity, etc. they have brought their lifestyle to the rest of the world. Also, the majority voting block in California is hispanic. Since "Americans" won't vote for the democratic party they have, over the decades, imported those who will. The white man, by his own volition, has "given away the farm" in America, Europe and Canada. There is no going back there is no correcting course. You reap what you sow, as your decedents reap what you sow.
Illegitimi non carborundum
Posts: 2397 | Location: OKC, OK | Registered: February 15, 2008
There is a way back. Unfortunately it will never happen. Its called standing together for whats right and fighting.Now days as soon as it started you would total wack jobs set on destroying man kind. Something like it happened about 242 years ago.
America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
Originally posted by Bucky: Many schools nation wide are having a short walkout today with demands for "action". My jr high aged son said this morning he would have nothing to do with a walkout, as he sees it as a thinly disguised gun control ploy. Never too young to start understanding how politics works.
Ah, good parenting at your house, Bucky. ;^)
Posts: 377 | Location: Sioux Falls, SD | Registered: March 17, 2018
Originally posted by wideopen231: Lets not knock those old cap and ball. WIth spare cylinder speed load is possible and they are dang accurate. Also a blast to play with.
Shhh. Given enough time,the Left will want those banned as well. ;^)
Posts: 377 | Location: Sioux Falls, SD | Registered: March 17, 2018