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Hillary Clinton

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September 20, 2013, 09:11 AM
Grandma / Gpa
Hillary Clinton

Two decades after her affair with Bill Clinton, Gennifer Flowers reveals they'd be together now if it wasn't for Chelsea and how former president confided in her that Hillary was bisexual

September 20, 2013, 10:08 AM
Jerry Mock
Originally posted by Grandma:

Two decades after her affair with Bill Clinton, Gennifer Flowers reveals they'd be together now if it wasn't for Chelsea and how former president confided in her that Hillary was bisexual


I guess they never heard of "threezees" Rolling

Jerry Mock
September 20, 2013, 11:43 AM
Bill Koski
The Whitewater queenie may have been bi-sexual then but she has descended to a full time dyke now!!!!!
Without a doubt she is lesbo partner with huma who is as big a felon as the Whitewater queenie is!!!!!

Later, Bill Koski
September 20, 2013, 03:51 PM
Steve Conyer
Originally posted by Bob H:
Here's the next President of the United States.

She will be the next two Presidents.
September 20, 2013, 04:07 PM
So the clowns think there will be no more elections and Obama will declare himself ruler for life? How did this country get so stupid? Were you guys always like this or did this happen when the brother showed up? Really sad to see American citizens so utterly embarrassing. Frown
September 20, 2013, 04:19 PM
Steve Conyer
Fox News writes their material.
September 20, 2013, 04:23 PM
Bill Koski
So you duped boobs are comfortable supporting a serial perjurer for President?????
Being FLEEBAGGERS that's not a surprise!!!!!

Later, Bill Koski
September 20, 2013, 04:55 PM
Bob H.

Do you have nothing to add except to call people names and insult everyone that does not agree with you?

It would appear that you just may have stopped maturing when you left middle school.

As far as being in Mrs. Clinton's corner, I can't imagine why ANYONE would support her, unless they were so desperate to have one of their liberals in office, they would do ANYTHING.

Mr. Obama got elected for one reason, and one reason alone. HE IS BLACK. Other than that, he has absolutely nothing to offer.

If Mrs. Clinton gets elected, it will be for one reason and one reason alone. SHE IS FEMALE. Again, other than that, she brings nothing to the table.

Ken Gasbarri

Ya'll Be Of Good Cheer!!!

September 20, 2013, 05:09 PM
Ken; The pot is calling the kettle black. This thread calls Clinton a lesbian and you accuse Bob? Perhaps you should read the post before putting your foot in your mouth. Sorry, but true. Why don't you tell us what the repubs want to do about jobs, immigration, our role in the world? You can't because they have nothing other than complaining about the black guy. That doesn't cut it. If you as a voter want to defeat Clinton, get your righty clowns to shut up and find an electable candidate instead of an ideologue.
September 20, 2013, 05:46 PM
Mike English
It's really sad the current administration

L8R, Mike

September 20, 2013, 06:08 PM

Ya, I know, but messing with Bob was just to good to pass up.

But, I didn't call Mrs. Clinton a lesbian. I think she was called "bisexual". but if she is in fact, a lesbian, calling her one would not be an insult, nor would it be an insult if she is in fact, not a lesbian.

The woman is in no way qualified to be a Senator, Sec. of State, or President. Whether of not anyone else is qualified has no bearing on her quals. A sad state of affairs for our country.

Maybe we can leave the office vacant for a year or two. Couldn't be nearly as bad as it has been lately.

I don't think any post on here will help solve the problem, but at least we are having fun insulting one another, and calling each other names. Thank goodness for the internet. So many of us would be just another faceless, run of the mill, inadequate wall flower without it.

Ken Gasbarri

Ya'll Be Of Good Cheer!!!

September 20, 2013, 07:30 PM
Mike English
My how you forget how you whack jobs use to talk about the Bush girls and Palin.

L8R, Mike

September 22, 2013, 11:03 AM
Canted Valve
Just saw where the liberal media is projecting a Clinton in the white house the next 4 presidential elections!!! The next two to Hillary then Chelsea will take the rein's. What an aberration of democracy that is. And of course the Bush's too and the talk of Jeb. Why do Americans love the idea of dynasty's, a veritable monarchy? After all Bashar al-Assad is a second generation President. Again.... I just don't understand???

Illegitimi non carborundum
September 22, 2013, 08:35 PM
Bob H
Originally posted by DragnRat:
Bob H.

Do you have nothing to add except to call people names and insult everyone that does not agree with you?

It would appear that you just may have stopped maturing when you left middle school.

As far as being in Mrs. Clinton's corner, I can't imagine why ANYONE would support her, unless they were so desperate to have one of their liberals in office, they would do ANYTHING.

Mr. Obama got elected for one reason, and one reason alone. HE IS BLACK. Other than that, he has absolutely nothing to offer.

If Mrs. Clinton gets elected, it will be for one reason and one reason alone. SHE IS FEMALE. Again, other than that, she brings nothing to the table.

Ken Gasbarri

Ken if you were following the topics, I used names when I was called names.

Do you remember who was calling you names when you were posting your views about your Governor of Wisc.??

As far as supporting Hillary, who should we support when the right has nobody to offer?

And once again, NOBODY !!!!!!!!!!!!

Hillary will win against anyone who wants to represent the repos.

Who would be dumb enough to run against her???

Romney????????? Rolling Rolling
September 23, 2013, 12:40 PM
I.P. Dailey
BOobJob is really that dumb!
September 23, 2013, 06:12 PM
Ken, I agree, at the end of the day its just a way for us to vent. I do worry the internet has become a conduit to pass along lies and fabrications that some people actually believe. The proliferation of hatred and yes, racism that has been fueled by these forums really lowers our ability to discuss and solve issues. This is why a cluck like Cruz is allowed to survive.
September 23, 2013, 06:30 PM
Mike English
Drag, I think most convrsations in person would be a lot more civil but we won't solve any problem here, needs to be in the voting booth.

L8R, Mike

September 23, 2013, 09:06 PM
It doesn't matter which one the dems run, Hillary or Biden.

They are both idiots, and the same idiots that elected odummer will elect either one of them.
September 23, 2013, 09:24 PM
so 482,please let us know who should be in charge next term, list their qualifications and what they would do to make us better. And don't be a lightweight and say repeal healthcare.
September 23, 2013, 09:50 PM
Hillary's qualifications are what? You political pundits have all the answers, amazing.
The question I would like answered is this, criticize Obama and your a racist, criticize Clinton (Hillary) and your a sexist, why? I don't like either one of them, not because of race or sex, it's their damned beliefs S_U_C_K.
The repubs are a joke and in my opinion the future of this country is in some serious shoit. There is no one on the political horizon worth a nickel. We may just need another revolution to clean out the k-r-a-p in Washington. Frown