I will; say one thing Trump is worlds best at,pissing people off. Trump derangement is running rapid among left wing idiots. Prime example happened today.
Went with wife to mother in laws for her birthday. Had been there 30 seconds when she said I could stay but hat could not,Trump 2020 hat. Conveniently I guess I had a temporary cap come loose and had to go to drug store for some glue for it.
After sitting in car deciding rather to go back or call wife and tell her call me when ready to go home. I figured I would go back and just prove point of how right is lot more tolerate of others rights to their view. So I did and actually did not tell her since hat can't come in then I will not be staying either(nice version of my thoughts).
I have decide that next time she shows up here she will be handed and Trump hat and told its mandatory to wear if in this house. Any bets on how well that goes over?
This **** is so stupid its damn funny.This message has been edited. Last edited by: wideopen231,
America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
The goofy Jew that owns the LV Sun paper had a headline today, "what Trump should have said". As though the President is making all these decisions with no expert advice! There is an entire crew of experts involved, it could be improved some if they'd dump some of the life long government slugs and bring in some scientists from the private sector!
TAKE IT TO THE BANK!!!!! Later, Bill Koski
Posts: 11039 | Location: LAS VEGAS. NEVADA, US of A | Registered: December 03, 1999
Bucky, Believe me when I say my first instinct was to say "Not a F-ing problem we can both leave.
Then my wife would be in middle and have to catch a bunch of ****. Seems some have forgotten rule one.Chris does not forget.This message has been edited. Last edited by: wideopen231,
America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
Originally posted by wideopen231: Bucky, Believe me when I see my first instinct was to see say "Not a F-ing problem we can both leave.
Then my wife would be in middle and have to catch a bunch of ****. Seems some have forgotten rule one.Chris does not forget.
That's what eventually learn in marriage. Your battles don't need to be hers when it comes to family. She has a different price to pay and her passions are different than yours. Upsetting the entire apple cart results in nothing positive. You made your point and moved on.
Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Posts: 6503 | Location: Illinois | Registered: July 08, 2004
Looks like threat of Trump running for office in 2024 has demwits scrambling for anything they can to stop it. The thought he would run and get back into office and screw up their plans for total control of the people has them trying any and everything they can pull. Impeachment,25th amendment or just that he was born white and male.
Wednesdays demonstration that was peaceful until some left wing idiots posing as Trump supporters turned it violent m ust have scared the hell out of democrats. They never thought the right would stand together and the site has them shytting all over them selves.
Democrats have to be the sorriest form of human life there is.
America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.