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joe...Didn't think anyone had asked.

Tell ya what, post the link to a Mustang Shelby GT 500 specs.
Now somebody asked for a link.
Posts: 10253 | Location: Henderson, NV | Registered: December 09, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
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Originally posted by Bob H:

joe...Didn't think anyone had asked.

Tell ya what, post the link to a Mustang Shelby GT 500 specs.
Now somebody asked for a link.

Just trying to help you comply with the “fair use” copyright law. Unless you “feel” that the law doesn’t apply to you. Roll Eyes


Without data, you’re just another guy with an opinion.
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Just trying to help you comply with the “fair use” copyright law. Unless you “feel” that the law doesn’t apply to you. Roll Eyes


joe, what the he11 u talking about?
Roll Eyes
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Picture of Bill Koski
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A little news today about deaths in Iraq that should interest the duped boobs here that were claiming not long ago that there were nigh on 1,000,000 people that had perished!
85,000 is the number from the beginning of 2004 through 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There must really have been some killing fields there for the few months in 2003!!!!!!!!!
Does anybody opine the BS spewing leftists will admit they were lying through their teeth???????????????

Later, Bill Koski
Posts: 11008 | Location: LAS VEGAS. NEVADA, US of A | Registered: December 03, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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You forget this? The "count" starts the following month.
Posted 12/10/2003 1:16 PM
Iraq's Health Ministry ordered to stop counting civilian dead from war
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) — Iraq's Health Ministry has ordered a halt to a count of civilians killed during the war and told its statistics department not to release figures compiled so far, the official who oversaw the count told The Associated Press on Wednesday.
Dr. Nagham Mohsen, the head of the ministry's statistics department, said the order was relayed to her by the ministry's director of planning, Dr. Nazar Shabandar, who said it came on behalf of Abbas. She said the U.S.-led Coalition Provisional Authority, which oversees the ministry, also wanted the counting to stop.

"We have stopped the collection of this information because our minister didn't agree with it," she said, adding: "The CPA doesn't want this to be done."
Posts: 700 | Location: Jonesboro, GA | Registered: October 20, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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A study, published in prestigious medical journal The Lancet, estimated that over 600,000 Iraqis had been killed as a result of the invasion as of July 2006. Iraqis have continued to be killed since then.

The estimate that over a million Iraqis have died received independent confirmation from a prestigious British polling agency in September 2007. Opinion Research Business estimated that 1.2 million Iraqis have been killed violently since the US-led invasion.
Posts: 10253 | Location: Henderson, NV | Registered: December 09, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Now comes Vegas's ultra leftie gazillionaire, greenspun, owner of the failed sun newspaper, closing more papers and slashing jobs with the states unemployment rate at 13%.
No way is he going to dip into his own wealth to keep any of these long time employees employed the way he rants and raves other businesses are supposed to do!
HYPOCRITE comes to mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Later, Bill Koski
Posts: 11008 | Location: LAS VEGAS. NEVADA, US of A | Registered: December 03, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post

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Now we have some left-wing sleaze outfit claiming that homosexual priests are no more likely to prey on altar boys than other priests?
Once a man has relations with another male WHAT IS HE BY DEFINITION???????????????
Amazing to what lengths these depraved leftists will go to try and justify their depravity!!!!!!!!!
Why don't the queer organizations embrace these priests the way they do other homos???????

Later, Bill Koski
Posts: 11008 | Location: LAS VEGAS. NEVADA, US of A | Registered: December 03, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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GOP Star Mike Huckabee Brushes Back Rush Limbaugh, Criticism of President Obama

Nov. 19, 2009

Conservative Mike Huckabee, the former Arkansas governor, who is emerging as a top contender for the GOP presidential nomination in 2012, is gaining some attention this week for his comments in defense of President Obama.

As first reported on the Huffington Post, Huckabee said some of the recent criticisms of Obama have been unfair and even "shameful."

Huckabee made the comments to the Hudson Union Society.

"When he [Barack Obama] was at Dover the other day, and went there to pay respect for soldiers, I heard a lot of people on the Right say "Aw, that's just a cheap photo-op." No, I think it was the Commander-in-Chief of our military paying respect to a dead soldier, and I'm grateful that he did that, and I was proud of him for doing that.

And I think we all -- as Americans -- should give him credit for doing that."

Huckabee also defended the Obama's decision to open the White House up to trick-or-treaters, blasting critics who said it was a publicity stunt.

Conservative icon Rush Limbaugh had recently criticized Obama for visiting the dead soldiers.
Posts: 10253 | Location: Henderson, NV | Registered: December 09, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
<78 Cutla$$>
Huckabee will not represent the pubs, he has shot his on wad with his mouth on his tv program..

Osama will also not be re-elected. Put this in your pipe and smoke it when you go back to Canada BH..

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DRR Elite
Picture of Bill Koski
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The huck is a huckster, he would be as wobbly a CONSERVATIVE as Yosemite Sam is!!!!!!!!!!!

Later, Bill Koski
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Maybe we can dig up Reagan and run him again.

Maybe some more "trickle down" economics.

Wes Scott

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LONDON (AP) – In the most sweeping inquiry on the Iraq war, a panel investigating Britain's role in the conflict began questioning witnesses Tuesday in hearings that critics hope will humble ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair and expose alleged deception in the buildup to fighting.

The panel, which opened with a moment of silence for those who died, will question dozens of officials over several months – including military officials and spy agency chiefs. It will also seek evidence from ex-White House staff.

Among the most prominent witnesses will be Blair, who will be questioned on whether he secretly backed U.S. President George W. Bush plan's for invasion a year before Parliament authorized military involvement in 2003. Critics of the conflict hope to take Blair to task for publicly promoting a policy of containment even at a moment he considered regime change inevitable.

"We want to examine the evidence," said John Chilcot, the commission's chair. "We will approach our task in a way that is thorough, rigorous, fair and frank."

Bereaved families and anti-war activists have long called for a comprehensive study to consider Britain's role in a conflict that left 179 British soldiers dead and triggered massive public protests. But some worry the hearings will do little to answer lingering doubts about Britain's rush to join the war.

Led by a panel appointed by Prime Minister Gordon Brown, the inquiry won't apportion blame, or establish criminal or civil liability – only offer reprimand and recommendations in hopes mistakes won't be repeated in the future.

In the United States, the 9/11 Commission examined some issues around prewar intelligence, and a Senate select committee identified failures in intelligence gathering in a July 2004 report on prewar intelligence assessments.

But the Iraq inquiry is envisioned to be a comprehensive look at the war. Brown set up the inquiry to address public criticism of three key aspects of the conflict: the case made for war; the chaotic planning for the invasion; and the failure to prepare for reconstruction.

Leaked military documents published Sunday disclosed that senior British military officers claim war plans were in place months before the March 2003 invasion, but were so badly drafted they left troops poorly equipped and ill-prepared.
Same as bush

Some relatives of dead soldiers demanded the chance to question Blair when he gives evidence to the panel early next year – an idea rejected by the inquiry. Rose Gentle, whose 19-year-old son Gordon was killed in Iraq in 2004, said many bereaved parents will attend Blair's sessions.

Many in Iraq praised the decision to hold the inquiry, saying that the U.S. and British administrations lied when they invaded the country under the pretext searching for weapons of mass destruction.

"There were no weapons of mass destruction as they alleged," said Rabie al-U'baidi, an Iraqi political analyst and writer. "This is a big lie and Tony Blair had (been) involved in driving it."

Chilcot, a retired civil servant, heads the panel of five officials – who include a Winston Churchill biographer and an ex-British ambassador to Russia. Chilcot has acknowledged the study may not satisfy those who insist the war was unjustified and illegal.

A final report won't be ready until the end of 2010, and may take longer if evidence presented is complex.

"I make a commitment here that, once we get to our final report, we will not shy away from making criticisms where they are warranted," Chilcot said.

Four government officials – including Michael Wood, an ex-legal adviser to Britain's Foreign Office, and Simon Webb, a former defense ministry policy director – were testifying Tuesday.

Two previous studies into specific aspects of the conflict have been criticized as too timid.

One cleared the government of blame for the death of David Kelly, a government weapons scientist who killed himself in 2003 after he was exposed as the source of a BBC report that accused Blair's office of "sexing up" prewar intelligence.

A separate 2004 inquiry looked at intelligence on Iraq, clearing Blair's government but criticizing intelligence officials for relying on seriously flawed or unreliable sources.

On the Web
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Interesting that the clueless broom pushing factory rat could find this in the British news but he didn't run across anything about the lying and fabricating of data to keep the man-made global warming hoax percolating???????????????
People in England that have bought shares in alternative energy companies are being advised to sell ASAP because the collapse of these ventures is imminent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Later, Bill Koski
Posts: 11008 | Location: LAS VEGAS. NEVADA, US of A | Registered: December 03, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post

DRR All Star
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but he didn't run across anything about the lying and fabricating of data to keep the man-made global warming hoax percolating???????????????

Sorry but i don't subscribe to FIX NEWS or LIMPBALLS FANTASY WORLD.

As Larry has said, "still stuck on stupid" best describes you...........
Posts: 10253 | Location: Henderson, NV | Registered: December 09, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Navy SEALs Face Assault Charges for Capturing Most-Wanted Terrorist

Navy SEALs have secretly captured one of the most wanted terrorists in Iraq — the alleged mastermind of the murder and mutilation of four Blackwater USA security guards in Fallujah in 2004. And three of the SEALs who captured him are now facing criminal charges, sources told

The three, all members of the Navy's elite commando unit, have refused non-judicial punishment — called an admiral's mast — and have requested a trial by court-martial.

Ahmed Hashim Abed, whom the military code-named "Objective Amber," told investigators he was punched by his captors — and he had the bloody lip to prove it.

Now, instead of being lauded for bringing to justice a high-value target, three of the SEAL commandos, all enlisted, face assault charges and have retained lawyers.


Zell/Granny 2012

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Of all the things I've lost,
I miss my mind the most
Grandpa Bob
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The clueless broom pushing factory rat answers to his moniker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Later, Bill Koski
Posts: 11008 | Location: LAS VEGAS. NEVADA, US of A | Registered: December 03, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Trophy
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Originally posted by Bob H:

"Another one bites the dust".

Hypocrites are popping up all over.

You really are a frigging moron
Posts: 170 | Location: Englewood, Ohio | Registered: September 12, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR All Star
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Originally posted by TPdragster:
Originally posted by Bob H:

"Another one bites the dust".

Hypocrites are popping up all over.

You really are a frigging moron

Another profound reply.

Happy Thanksgiving.............
Posts: 10253 | Location: Henderson, NV | Registered: December 09, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Bob H:
LONDON (AP) – In the most sweeping inquiry on the Iraq war, a panel investigating Britain's role in the conflict began questioning witnesses Tuesday in hearings that critics hope will humble ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair and expose alleged deception in the buildup to fighting.

The panel, which opened with a moment of silence for those who died, will question dozens of officials over several months – including military officials and spy agency chiefs. It will also seek evidence from ex-White House staff.

Among the most prominent witnesses will be Blair, who will be questioned on whether he secretly backed U.S. President George W. Bush plan's for invasion a year before Parliament authorized military involvement in 2003. Critics of the conflict hope to take Blair to task for publicly promoting a policy of containment even at a moment he considered regime change inevitable.

"We want to examine the evidence," said John Chilcot, the commission's chair. "We will approach our task in a way that is thorough, rigorous, fair and frank."

Bereaved families and anti-war activists have long called for a comprehensive study to consider Britain's role in a conflict that left 179 British soldiers dead and triggered massive public protests. But some worry the hearings will do little to answer lingering doubts about Britain's rush to join the war.

Led by a panel appointed by Prime Minister Gordon Brown, the inquiry won't apportion blame, or establish criminal or civil liability – only offer reprimand and recommendations in hopes mistakes won't be repeated in the future.

In the United States, the 9/11 Commission examined some issues around prewar intelligence, and a Senate select committee identified failures in intelligence gathering in a July 2004 report on prewar intelligence assessments.

But the Iraq inquiry is envisioned to be a comprehensive look at the war. Brown set up the inquiry to address public criticism of three key aspects of the conflict: the case made for war; the chaotic planning for the invasion; and the failure to prepare for reconstruction.

Leaked military documents published Sunday disclosed that senior British military officers claim war plans were in place months before the March 2003 invasion, but were so badly drafted they left troops poorly equipped and ill-prepared.
Same as bush

Some relatives of dead soldiers demanded the chance to question Blair when he gives evidence to the panel early next year – an idea rejected by the inquiry. Rose Gentle, whose 19-year-old son Gordon was killed in Iraq in 2004, said many bereaved parents will attend Blair's sessions.

Many in Iraq praised the decision to hold the inquiry, saying that the U.S. and British administrations lied when they invaded the country under the pretext searching for weapons of mass destruction.

"There were no weapons of mass destruction as they alleged," said Rabie al-U'baidi, an Iraqi political analyst and writer. "This is a big lie and Tony Blair had (been) involved in driving it."

Chilcot, a retired civil servant, heads the panel of five officials – who include a Winston Churchill biographer and an ex-British ambassador to Russia. Chilcot has acknowledged the study may not satisfy those who insist the war was unjustified and illegal.

A final report won't be ready until the end of 2010, and may take longer if evidence presented is complex.

"I make a commitment here that, once we get to our final report, we will not shy away from making criticisms where they are warranted," Chilcot said.

Four government officials – including Michael Wood, an ex-legal adviser to Britain's Foreign Office, and Simon Webb, a former defense ministry policy director – were testifying Tuesday.

Two previous studies into specific aspects of the conflict have been criticized as too timid.

One cleared the government of blame for the death of David Kelly, a government weapons scientist who killed himself in 2003 after he was exposed as the source of a BBC report that accused Blair's office of "sexing up" prewar intelligence.

A separate 2004 inquiry looked at intelligence on Iraq, clearing Blair's government but criticizing intelligence officials for relying on seriously flawed or unreliable sources.

On the Web

Thursday, Nov 26, 2009, Page 6
The first full-scale inquiry into Britain’s role in the Iraq war opened on Tuesday with testimony suggesting Washington was gearing up for possible conflict two years before then-British prime minister Tony Blair led London to war.

More than six years after the US-led invasion, inquiry chairman John Chilcot said no one was “on trial” in the year-long probe but promised not to shy away from criticism as he seeks to learn lessons from the conflict.

The highlight of the public inquiry will be an appearance by then prime minister Blair, who is scheduled to give evidence in January.

The first day of hearings was dominated by testimony from top civil servants who told how some in the US administration were already considering toppling Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi regime two years before the 2003 invasion.

However, they said Britain distanced itself from these “voices” and said they remained sidelined even within the US until after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in New York and Washington.

“No one is on trial here. We cannot determine guilt or innocence. Only a court can do that,” Chilcot said in his opening remarks.

“But I make a commitment here that once we get to our final report, we will not shy away from making criticisms, either of institutions or processes or individuals, where they are truly warranted,” he said.

The US said it was willing to cooperate with the inquiry.

“We would be happy to cooperate, insofar as that can be helpful, if they need information, and if it’s in our power to provide that kind of information,” a State Department spokesman said in Washington.

Chilcot’s five-member inquiry committee has already met with families of the 179 British troops who died in Iraq, some of whom attended Tuesday’s session.

“I just want the truth,” Rose Gentle, whose son Gordon died in Iraq in 2004, said afterwards, adding: “I’ve never had any answers. I’ve never been told anything. Why we went in, whether it was legal.”

A small group of protesters gathered outside in central London, wearing masks of Blair, former US president George W. Bush and Prime Minister Gordon Brown, with fake blood on their hands.
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