Bracket Talk
Coolant, yes or no?

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January 12, 2025, 10:49 PM
Bruce Williams
Coolant, yes or no?
Blown alcohol engine. Currently running a radiator and such. Water temp rises pretty quickly yet the oil temp stays cool.
Radiator is pretty small 16X20 dual pass with a 3000 cfm fan.
So I'm going to ditch the cooling system for a bit.
For those that are running no cooling system, what are your experience with keeping the oil temps manageable?
What is the highest oil temp you are comfortable running with?

Bruce Lee Cool

Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want.
January 13, 2025, 11:33 AM
David Gerard
We run a bigger Don Davis radiator, from NA and Nitrous days.

Temps stay flat going down the track.

Also gives our driver a little safety net, if his opponent decides to play burndown on the starting line. Not a big problem, every once in a while!
January 17, 2025, 10:12 AM
When my sons had a Late Model Circle Track car it always qualified faster when the water was cool and the oil hot.

I agree with David, the ability to maintain a constant water temperature eliminates the problem of the other person taking his/her sweet time staging.

January 22, 2025, 08:28 PM
Hell simple test. Remove make few runs. We have nev er ran coolant with alky injected or blown injected. Ever seen radiator on TA car?
Ran 496 injected dragster in brackets and never had coolant. Hell hardest thing is getting temp.Plus with few very simple tricks you can control tempts with little more or less fuel.

I know not going to be popular statgement with most. Like said hell cheap test easy to reinstall. I would think with number of runs on car you should know after 3 or 4 runs.

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