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Price gouging
Picture of Floyd Staggs
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I'm down to my last 3 bottles of johnnie Walker. I hope Total Wine and More doesn't cancel delivery. Praying
Posts: 4859 | Location: Cucamonga, Ca | Registered: May 28, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Picture of wideopen231
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A good note on this. Local story about a woman grabbing every rool of TP off shelf this week at store.When asked why she needed so much she said need hell I am selling it.Manger walked up and told her.The sign says 2 per customer.If trying to buy more we can refuse to sale you any. Then told her and please do not try coming back in for more.

America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
Posts: 4603 | Location: Greensboro NC | Registered: May 24, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
DRR Sportsman
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Originally posted by RPROGAS:
The main thing that I remember was the generosity of everyone we encountered, War time brought people together with one main thought, helping each other. We become a very strong community, I hope that happens again here in America. My wife and I keep in contact with all of our friends and Family. Yesterday my wife sent checks to the people who cut her hair and do her nails just to help them while they have no income. It's really no big deal for us we are Blessed to have a steady income, although we are not wealthy sharing is easy. It's a great feeling when you help others, I actually believe that we get more from the experience than they do.

I agree 100% with that. I am not old enough to remember WWII, or even Vietnam; however I do remember the first gulf war, and how when we went to war the folks here stateside became united. There were parking lot rallies; of which I attended many. Famous folks holding concerts in wal-mart parking lots for donations which were given to help others. And now with this invisible enemy we are facing currently, in this immediate area, we are starting to see some of the good in people come out again. There are folks who've stepped up to deliver groceries among other things, free of charge-and they have no idea who the folks are, total strangers. I have always believed that there is good in everyone; however sometimes it takes an act of congress for that good to come out. But on that note, I live in a little bitty town of 800 people and I'm sure that has a lot to do with it. Big cities? I lived in one for most of my life and tired of it; moved out in 2013 and haven't looked back. I'm still (thankfully) working in the city though, the best part of my work day is watching the town disappear behind me as I drive over the hill. When I get home I know that folks around here are, well, different. Lot slower pace.
Posts: 540 | Location: central Ar | Registered: June 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Picture of wideopen231
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Living in country does put this deal it to different perspective than a big city I guess. I have friends that are farmers and I have good sources for fresh eggs,chicken,pork and even fresh milk. Country folks seem more than willing to help each other .I do not know in toilet paper farmers and the hemp guys don't have anything in the fields right now. LOL Heck we have a gal at grocery gives us a heads up on deliveries.

While not as self sufficient as would like.Between my fully filled freezers,stocked canning goods and my wife's life long hoarding (now paying off) habits that I use to gripe about. We have not seen any real problem with staying put if have to. Well money flow might be issue if prolonged.

My biggest problem is local store has shut down our morning coffee and fertilizer secession. Which is making my wife have to hear my *****ing about democraps or dumb workers that can't figure out which is first crap or wipe.

America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
Posts: 4603 | Location: Greensboro NC | Registered: May 24, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Two days ago the Governor of La La Land (California) created another Government Position this one is to Investigate gas gouging. He's probably concerned about retaining all the poor and under-served votes in the next election. Getting to the poling stations will be more difficult if they all have to walk. Not that he really gives a crap about them but there are just so many dead people they can count on for votes.

The first order of business for the new electee is to find out why gas pricing is approaching $7.00 a gallon in California.

Here's a starting point for the new Gas Inspector/Sniffer. Lay down the crack pipe and
find out why your friggin fearless leader in Washington cut off all domestic drilling. Second place is to sopenna all of the Electrical Contractors/Workers who service California Refineries. In one afternoon you will discover what is really going on. Hint: Start with Contra Costa Electric.

Posts: 3299 | Location: Lakeside, Ca | Registered: February 15, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Picture of Bad Nusz
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Okay, what have we learned? What items are going to disappear in a crisis? And what we should stockpile ahead of time??
Posts: 377 | Location: Sioux Falls, SD | Registered: March 17, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of FootbrakeJim
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Bad, Are you expecting one anytime soon?
If you are thinking the libs & freaks might get upset when Trump wins in November, I wouldn't worry much. Like Ted Nugent said: "One side has 100 Million Rounds of Ammo, and the other side doesn't know which bathroom to use".
I am kidding, but I really hope most states have done enough to help ensure at least a decent amount of Election Integrity. I have serious concerns that the evil ones have managed to institutionalize many of their cheating tactics. Like voting by mail. Accepting ballots for weeks, not just 1 day. Not requiring Voter ID. And allowing non-citizens to vote, (by handing them Driver's Licenses). I am in favor of absentee voting for Active Duty Military only. And mandatory voter ID. Requiring voters to use their designated polling place. In Person. On Election Day. NO drop boxes or drive-by voting. Mandatory verification by all 50 states of voter rolls, purging all deceased persons prior to elections. MAYBE some type of accommodation for truly handicapped individuals.
But the voting by mail is seriously going to be our downfall. Covid gave them the perfect tool, and now the lazy, ignorant, corrupt and criminal elements will do all they can to keep it. It is the absolute channel to steal elections and not leave evidence behind. For all the lying media and politicians who claim there was no evidence of any widespread election fraud in 2020, they fail to mention that Lack of Evidence does NOT constitute Lack of a Crime. Any conservative in California can tell you the libs have been rigging / stealing elections there for decades.

Dan "Jim" Moore
Much too young to feel this damn old!!
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Picture of Bad Nusz
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Well I dunno, Jim; a crisis can take many forms, some without warning.
Covid was just one example, and there were some shortages of things. Mostly 'artificial' shortages, you might say, because of panic buying. But some real shortages as well, because of manufacturing workers told to stay home.

Lol, I do like to rat-hole a decent supply of AW at all times, because as we've seen, that's one of the first things to disappear in a crisis it seems. And it can be used for trading stock, heheh.

About the election this November, it will likely be a non-event in that regard. Save for a lot of liberals screaming at the sky again.

I do concur with what you wrote about election integrity.
Posts: 377 | Location: Sioux Falls, SD | Registered: March 17, 2018Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Picture of wideopen231
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Do n ot worry Harris will put a stop to this. She will have all og handled by government like everything else in your life.

America home of free. Brought to you by 2nd amendment.
Posts: 4603 | Location: Greensboro NC | Registered: May 24, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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